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id="id13747">Let me here make one remark

Let me here say

Let me hope that I have said enough

Let me illustrate again

Let me make myself distinctly understood

Let me make use of an illustration

Let me not be thought offensive

Let me now conclude with

Let me once more urge upon you

Let me protest against the manner

Let me quite temperately defend

Let me rather make the supposition

Let me say a practical word

Let me simply declare

Let me tell you an interesting reminiscence

Let me thank you once more

Let me urge you earnestly

Let no man congratulate himself

Let our conception be enlarged

Let our object be

Let that question be answered by

Let the facts be granted

Let these instances suffice

Let this be the record made

Let this inspire us with abhorrence of

Let us approach the subject from another side

Let us attempt a survey

Let us be perfectly just

Let us be quite practical

Let us bear perpetually in mind

Let us begin at the beginning

Let us begin by examining

Let us briefly review

Let us brush aside once for all

Let us cherish

Let us confirm our opinion

Let us consider for a moment

Let us devote ourselves

Let us discard all prejudice

Let us do all we can

Let us draw an illustration

Let us endeavor to understand

Let us enumerate

Let us figure to ourselves

Let us for the moment put aside

Let us get a clear understanding

Let us heed the voice

Let us hope and believe

Let us hope that future generations

Let us imitate

Let us inquire also

Let us labor and pray

Let us likewise remember

Let us look briefly at a few particulars

Let us look nearer home

Let us not be fearful

Let us not be misled

Let us not be misunderstood

Let us not flatter ourselves

Let us not for a moment forget

Let us not limit our view

Let us now apply the views presented

Let us now consider the characteristics

Let us now see the results

Let us now turn our consideration

Let us observe this analogy

Let us pass on to another fact

Let us pause a moment

Let us push the inquiry yet further

Let us rather listen to

Let us reflect how vain

Let us remember this

Let us remind ourselves

Let us resolve

Let us scrutinize the facts

Let us suppose, for argument's sake

Let us suppose the case to be

Let us take, for instance

Let us, then, be assured

Let us, then, be worthy of

Let us, therefore, say once for all

Let us try to form a mental picture

Let us turn to the contemplation of

Let your imagination realize

Like all citizens of high ideals

Likely enough

Little wonder therefore

Long have I been convinced

Look at it in another way

Look at some of these questions

Look at the situation


Mainly, I believe

Making allowances for differences of opinion

Many of us have had the good fortune

Many of you, perhaps, recollect

May I ask you to believe

May I not speak here

May I try to show that every effort

May I venture to suggest

May it not also be advanced

May the day come quickly

Meantime it is encouraging to think

Meanwhile let us freely recognize

Men are in the habit of saying

Men are telling us nowadays

Men everywhere testify

More and more it is felt

More than once have I had to express

More than this need not be said

Moreover, I have insisted

Moreover, I would counsel you

Moreover, when we pass judgment

Much has been said and written about

My appreciation has been quickened

My belief, therefore, is

My duty is to endeavor to show

My experience tells me

My first duty is to express to you

My friends, do you really believe

My friends, I propose

My heart tells me

My idea, therefore, is

My last criticism upon

My mind is not moved by

My mind most perfectly acquiesces

My next objection is

My own private opinion is

My present business is

My regret is intensified by the thought


Nay, I boldly say

Nay, it will be a relief to my mind

Nay, there is a general feeling

Need I say that I mean

Neither should you deceive

Never before have I so strongly felt

Never can I cease to feel

Never did there devolve

Never for a moment believe

Never have I felt so forcibly

Never was a weaker defense attempted

Never was there a greater mistake

Never was there an instance

Nevertheless we can admit

Next, from what has been said it is plain

Next, I consider

Next, it will be denied

No argument can overwhelm a fact

No defense is to be found

No distinct test can be named

No doubt, in the first instance

No doubt there are many questions

No doubt to most of us

No finer sentence has come down to us

No greater service could be rendered

No longer do we believe

No man regrets more than I do

No one can feel this more strongly

No one can, I think, pretend

No one can see the end

No one here, I am sure

No one, I suppose, would say

No one, I think, can fail to observe

No one, I think, will dispute the statement

No one need to exaggerate

No one will accuse me

No true man ever believes

None can have failed to observe

Nor am I disparaging or discouraging

Nor can I forget either

Nor can it justly be said

Nor can we afford to waste time

Nor can we forget how long

Nor can we now ask

Nor do I believe

Nor do I doubt

Nor do I pretend

Nor do I think there can be found

Nor does it matter much

Nor has there been wanting

Nor indeed am I supposing

Nor is it a fair objection

Nor is it probable

Nor is this all

Nor let me forget to add here

Nor must I be understood as saying

Nor must it be forgotten

Nor need we fear to speak

Nor should any attempt be made

Nor will history fail to record

Nor will I enlarge on the matter

Not at all

Not only so

Not that I quarrel with

Nothing but the deepest sense

Nothing can be further from the truth

Nothing could be clearer

Nothing could be more striking

Nothing is more common in the world

Nothing that you can do

Notwithstanding all that has been said

Notwithstanding all this, I hold

Now, bear with me when I say

Now comes the question

Now, comparing these instances together

Now, from these instances it is plain

Now, having spoken of

Now, I admit

Now, I am far from denying

Now, I am far from undervaluing

Now, I am justified in calling this

Now, I am obliged to say

Now, I do not wish you to believe

Now, I have a closing sentence or two

Now, I pass on to consider

Now, I shall not occupy your time

Now, I understand the argument

Now, I will undertake to say

Now, I wish to call your attention

Now, if you will clearly understand

Now, is there any ground or basis for

Now, it is an undoubted fact

Now, it is evident

Now, it is not at all strange

Now, it is unquestioned

Now, let me speak with the greatest care

Now, let me stop a moment

Now, let us consider

Now, observe, my drift

Now, sir, I am truly horrified

Now, the answer we should give

Now, the question here at issue

Now, the world will say

Now, there is a close alliance between

Now, this is precisely the danger

Now, this is to some extent

Now, understand me definitely

Now, we do not maintain

Now, we will inquire

Now, what I want you to realize

Now, with regard to

Now, you will allow me to state

Now, you will understand from this


Observe again

Occasionally you ought to read

Of course I am aware

Of course I am putting an impossible case

Of course I can not be taken to mean

Of course I do not maintain

Of course I do not stop here

Of course I would not allow

Of course much may be said

Of course these remarks hold good

Of course we may, if we please

Of course you will sympathize

Of one thing, however, I am certain

Of this briefly

Of this statement I will only say

Of this truth I shall convince you by

On a review of the whole subject

On occasions of this kind

On such a day as this

On the contrary, I am assuming

On the occasion to which I refer

On the other hand, it is clear

On the whole, then, I observe

On this auspicious occasion

On this point I do not mean to dwell

On this subject you need not suspect

Once again, there are those

Once more I emphasize

Once more let me try to put into words

One additional remark

One almost wishes

One can not decline to note

One concluding remark has to be made

One fact is clear and indisputable

One further word

One important topic remains

One is fairly tempted to wish

One lesson history may be said to repeat

One might be challenged to produce

One of the ancients said

One of the most commonly known

One of the most extraordinary incidents

One of the things I recollect with most pride

One of these signs is the fact

One or two points are made clear

One other circumstance

One other remark suggests itself

One remark I will make

One thing more will complete this question

One thing which always impressed me

One very striking tendency

One word in courtesy I must say

One word more in a serious vein

One would naturally suppose

Only so much do I know

Opinions are divided as to whether

Or to come nearer home

Or to take but one other example

Ordinarily speaking, such deductions

Others may hold other opinions

Ought we not to think

Our thoughts wander back

Over and above all this


Pardon me if

Perhaps another reason why

Perhaps, however, in speaking to you

Perhaps, however, some among you will be

Perhaps I may be best able to illustrate

Perhaps I ought to say

Perhaps it may be doubted

Perhaps, sir, I am mistaken in

Permit me frankly to say

Permit me to add another circumstance

Permit me to bring home to you

Personally, I am far too firm a believer

Pray, sir, let me say


Read but your history aright

Recollect, sir

Reflections such as these

Rely upon it

Remember, I do not seek to

Remembering some past occurrences

Returning, then, to the consideration


Seriously, then, do I beg you

Shall I tell you

Shall we complain

Should there be objection, I answer

Since, then, it is provided

Since, then, this is the case

Sir, with all my heart, I respond

So accustomed are we

So at least it seems to me

So far as I know

So far as my observation and experience goes

So far in general

So I say to you

So it comes to pass

So long as we continue to love truth and duty

So men are asking

So much at first sight

So much on this subject

So that I may venture to say

So that if you were persuaded

So then ought we also

So, to add one other example

So, too, I may go on to speak

So when I hear people say

Some have insisted

Some of you can recall the time

Some of you may think this visionary

Some of you will remember

Some one will perhaps object

Some prejudice is attached


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