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such as coal oil, which contains no oxygen. Because of their strong affinity for oxygen they decompose water with great ease, forming hydroxides and liberating hydrogen in accordance with the equation
M + H2O = MOH + H,

where M stands for any one of these metals. These hydroxides are white solids; they are readily soluble in water and possess very strong basic properties. These bases are nearly equal in strength, that is, they all dissociate in water to about the same extent.

4. Compounds. The alkali metals almost always act as univalent elements in the formation of compounds, the composition of which can be represented by such formulas as MH, MCl, MNO3, M2SO4, M3PO4. These compounds, when dissolved in water, dissociate in such a way as to form simple, univalent metallic ions which are colorless. With the exception of lithium these metals form very few insoluble compounds, so that it is not often that precipitates containing them are obtained. Only sodium and potassium will be studied in detail, since the other metals of the family are of relatively small importance.

The compounds of sodium and potassium are so similar in properties that they can be used interchangeably for most purposes. Other things being equal, the sodium compounds are prepared in preference to those of potassium, since they are cheaper. When a given sodium compound is deliquescent, or is so soluble that it is difficult to purify, the corresponding potassium compound is prepared in its stead, provided its properties are more desirable in these respects.


Occurrence in nature. Large deposits of sodium chloride have been found in various parts of the world, and the water of the ocean and of many lakes and springs contains notable quantities of it. The element also occurs as a constituent of many rocks and is therefore present in the soil formed by their disintegration. The mineral cryolite (Na3AlF6) is an important substance, and the nitrate, carbonate, and borate also occur in nature.

Preparation. In 1807 Sir Humphry Davy succeeded in preparing very small quantities of metallic sodium by the electrolysis of the fused hydroxide. On account of the cost of electrical energy it was for many years found more economical to prepare it by reducing the carbonate with carbon in accordance with the following equation:

Na2CO3 + 2C = 2Na + 3CO.

The cost of generating the electric current has been diminished to such an extent, however, that it is now more economical to prepare sodium by Davy's original method, namely, by the electrolysis of the fused hydroxide or chloride. When the chloride is used the process is difficult to manage, owing to the higher temperature required to keep the electrolyte fused, and because of the corroding action of the fused chloride upon the containing vessel.

SIR HUMPHRY DAVY (English) (1778-1829) Isolated sodium, lithium, potassium, barium, strontium, and calcium by means of electrolysis; demonstrated the elementary nature of chlorine; invented the safety lamp; discovered the stupefying effects of nitrous oxide SIR HUMPHRY DAVY (English) (1778-1829)

Isolated sodium, lithium, potassium, barium, strontium, and calcium by means of electrolysis; demonstrated the elementary nature of chlorine; invented the safety lamp; discovered the stupefying effects of nitrous oxide

Technical preparation. The sodium hydroxide is melted in a cylindrical iron vessel (Fig. 76) through the bottom of which rises the cathode K. The anodes A, several in number, are suspended around the cathode from above. A cylindrical vessel C floats in the fused alkali directly over the cathode, and under this cap the sodium and hydrogen liberated at the cathode collect. The hydrogen escapes by lifting the cover, and the sodium, protected from the air by the hydrogen, is skimmed or drained off from time to time. Oxygen is set free upon the anode and escapes into the air through the openings O without coming into contact with the sodium or hydrogen. This process is carried on extensively at Niagara Falls.

Fig. 76 Fig. 76

Properties. Sodium is a silver-white metal about as heavy as water, and so soft that it can be molded easily by the fingers or pressed into wire. It is very active chemically, combining with most of the non-metallic elements, such as oxygen and chlorine, with great energy. It will often withdraw these elements from combination with other elements, and is thus able to decompose water and the oxides and chlorides of many metals.

Sodium peroxide (NaO). Since sodium is a univalent element we should expect it to form an oxide of the formula Na2O. While such an oxide can be prepared, the peroxide (NaO) is much better known. It is a yellowish-white powder made by burning sodium in air. Its chief use is as an oxidizing agent. When heated with oxidizable substances it gives up a part of its oxygen, as shown in the equation

2NaO = Na2O + O.

Water decomposes it in accordance with the equation

2NaO + 2H2O = 2NaOH + H2O2.

Acids act readily upon it, forming a sodium salt and hydrogen peroxide:

2NaO + 2HCl = 2NaCl + H2O2.

In these last two reactions the hydrogen dioxide formed may decompose into water and oxygen if the temperature is allowed to rise:

H2O2 = H2O + O.

Peroxides. It will be remembered that barium dioxide (BaO_{2}) yields hydrogen dioxide when treated with acids, and that manganese dioxide gives up oxygen when heated with sulphuric acid. Oxides which yield either hydrogen dioxide or oxygen when treated with water or an acid are called peroxides.

Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) (NaOH). 1. Preparation. Sodium hydroxide is prepared commercially by several processes.

(a) In the older process, still in extensive use, sodium carbonate is treated with calcium hydroxide suspended in water. Calcium carbonate is precipitated according to the equation

Na2CO3 + Ca(OH)2 = CaCO3 + 2NaOH.

The dilute solution of sodium hydroxide, filtered from the calcium carbonate, is evaporated to a paste and is then poured into molds to solidify. It is sold in the form of slender sticks.

(b) The newer methods depend upon the electrolysis of sodium chloride. In the Castner process a solution of salt is electrolyzed, the reaction being expressed as follows:

NaCl + H2O = NaOH + H + Cl.

The chlorine escapes as a gas, and by an ingenious mechanical device the sodium hydroxide is prevented from mixing with the salt in the solution.

In the Acker process the electrolyte is fused sodium chloride. The chlorine is evolved as a gas at the anode, while the sodium alloys with the melted lead which forms the cathode. When this alloy is treated with water the following reaction takes place:

Na + H2O = NaOH + H.
Fig. 77 Fig. 77

Technical process. A sketch of an Acker furnace is represented in Fig. 77. The furnace is an irregularly shaped cast-iron box, divided into three compartments, A, B, and C. Compartment A is lined with magnesia brick. Compartments B and C are filled with melted lead, which also covers the bottom of A to a depth of about an inch. Above this layer in A is fused salt, into which dip carbon anodes D. The metallic box and melted lead is the cathode.

When the furnace is in operation chlorine is evolved at the anodes, and is drawn away through a pipe (not represented) to the bleaching-powder chambers. Sodium is set free at the surface of the melted lead in A, and at once alloys with it. Through the pipe E a powerful jet of steam is driven through the lead in B upwards into the narrow tube F. This forces the lead alloy up through the tube and over into the chamber G.

In this process the steam is decomposed by the sodium in the alloy, forming melted sodium hydroxide and hydrogen. The melted lead and sodium hydroxide separate into two layers in G, and the sodium hydroxide, being on top, overflows into tanks from which it is drawn off and packed in metallic drums. The lead is returned to the other compartments of the furnace by a pipe leading from H to I. Compartment C serves merely as a reservoir for excess of melted lead.

2. Properties. Sodium hydroxide is a white, crystalline, brittle substance which rapidly absorbs water and carbon dioxide from the air. As the name (caustic soda) indicates, it is a very corrosive substance, having a disintegrating action on most animal and vegetable tissues. It is a strong base. It is used in a great many chemical industries, and under the name of lye is employed to a small extent as a cleansing agent for household purposes.

Sodium chloride (common salt) (NaCl). 1. Preparation. Sodium chloride, or common salt, is very widely distributed in nature. Thick strata, evidently deposited at one time by the evaporation of salt water, are found in many places. In the United States the most important localities for salt are New York, Michigan, Ohio, and Kansas. Sometimes the salt is mined, especially if it is in the pure form called rock salt. More frequently a strong brine is pumped from deep wells sunk into the salt deposit, and is then evaporated in large pans until the salt crystallizes out. The crystals are in the form of small cubes and contain no water of crystallization; some water is, however, held in cavities in the crystals and causes the salt to decrepitate when heated.

2. Uses. Since salt is so abundant in nature it forms the starting point in the preparation of all compounds containing either sodium or chlorine. This includes many substances of the highest importance to civilization, such as soap, glass, hydrochloric acid, soda, and bleaching powder. Enormous quantities of salt are therefore produced each year. Small quantities are essential to the life of man and animals. Pure salt does not absorb moisture; the fact that ordinary salt becomes moist in air is not due to a property of the salt, but to impurities commonly occurring in it, especially calcium and magnesium chlorides.

Sodium sulphate (Glauber's salt) (Na2SO4·10H2O). This salt is prepared by the action of sulphuric acid upon sodium chloride, hydrochloric acid being formed at the same time:

2NaCl + H2SO4 = Na2SO4 + 2HCl.

Some sodium sulphate is prepared by the reaction represented in the equation

MgSO4 + 2NaCl = Na2SO4 + MgCl2.

The magnesium sulphate required for this reaction is obtained in large quantities in the manufacture of potassium chloride, and being of little value for any other purpose is used in this way. The reaction depends upon the fact that sodium sulphate is the least soluble of any of the four factors in the equation, and therefore crystallizes out when hot, saturated solutions of magnesium sulphate and sodium chloride are mixed together and the resulting mixture cooled.

Sodium sulphate forms large efflorescent crystals. The salt is extensively used in the manufacture of sodium carbonate and glass. Small quantities are used in medicine.

Sodium sulphite (Na2SO3·7H2O). Sodium sulphite is prepared by the action of sulphur dioxide upon solutions of sodium hydroxide, the reaction being analogous to the action of carbon dioxide upon sodium hydroxide. Like the carbonate, the sulphite is readily decomposed by acids:

Na2SO3 + 2HCl = 2NaCl + H2O + SO2.

Because of this reaction sodium sulphite is used as a convenient source of sulphur dioxide. It is also used as a disinfectant and a preservative.

Sodium thiosulphate (hyposulphite of soda or "hypo") (Na2S2O3·5H2O). This salt, commonly called sodium hyposulphite, or merely hypo, is made by boiling a solution of sodium sulphite with sulphur:

Na2SO3 + S = Na2S2O3.

It is used in photography and in the bleaching industry, to absorb the excess of chlorine which is left upon the bleached fabrics.

Thio compounds. The prefix "thio" means sulphur. It is used to designate substances which may be regarded as derived from oxygen compounds by replacing

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