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A. Henty and Mr. G. Manville Fenn. Here are six of Mr. G. A. Henty's stories:—

Out on the Pampas.
The Young Colonists.
The Young Franc-Tireurs.
In the Heart of the Rockies.
Maori and Settler.
Redskin and Cowboy.

And here are eight of Mr. G. Manville Fenn's:—

Brownsmith's Boy.
Bunyip Land.
Bevon Boys.
Dick o' the Fens.
The Golden Magnet.
Fix Bay'nets.
Jungle and Stream.

Mr. Max Pemberton, author of

The Iron Pirate.
The Impregnable City.

"Q." (Mr. Quiller Couch), author of

Dead Man's Rock.
The Silver Spur.

and Mr. David Kerr, author of

The Boy Slave in Bokhara.
Lost Among the White Africans.
The Wild Horseman of the Pampas.
Cossack and Czar.
Old Tartar Deserts.
Prisoner among Pirates.

Jules Verne is a French writer, but his stories have always quickly been translated into English, many of them by Mr. Henry Frith. Their titles are a good guide to their subject, for Jules Verne goes to science for some wonderful invention, such as a submarine boat or a flying machine, and then surrounds it with extraordinary adventures. Among his best books are—

Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea.
Round the World in Eighty Days.
Five Weeks in a Balloon.
The English at the North Pole.
The Clipper of the Clouds.
From the Earth to the Moon.
The Mysterious Island.
A Journey to the Centre of the Earth.

First of English inventors of fantastic stories of adventure is Mr. Rider Haggard. His three most popular books are—

King Solomon's Mines.
Allan Quatermain.

The books already named, with the exception of Robinson Crusoe, were written especially for boys. Other books which were not so intended, but have come to be read more by boys than any one else, include Fenimore Cooper's Indian stories, of which these are four:—

The Last of the Mohicans.
The Pathfinder.
The Deerslayer.
The Bee Hunters.

Other Indian stories are those of Gustave Aimard, translated from the French, among which are these:—

The Last of the Incas.
The Trail Hunter.
The Indian Scout.
The Gold-Seekers.
The Red River Half-Speed.
The Border Rifles.
The Trappers of Arkansas.

These are, of course, North American tales. Other North American tales are those of Captain Mayne Reid, which include—

The Boy Hunters.
The Boy Slaves.
Bruin, or The Grand Bear Hunter.
The Bush Boys.
The Castaways.
The White Chief.
The Desert Home.
The Forest Exiles.
The Giraffe Hunters.
The Headless Horseman.
The Rifle Rangers.
The Scalp Hunters.

In this section belong the books of Mr. George Bird Grinnell, author of

Jack in the Rockies.
Jack, the Young Ranchman.
Jack Among the Indians.
Jack, the Young Canoeman.
Jack, the Young Trapper.

Also Harold Bindloss'

The Young Traders.

And to this section belong also stories of the sea, several of which have already been mentioned. High among these are Captain Marryat's

Poor Jack,
Masterman Ready,

together with many of his tales intended originally for older readers, such as

Jacob Faithful.
Mr. Midshipman Easy.
Peter Simple.

Mr. Clark Russell's stories:—

The Wreck of the "Grosvenor."
The Golden Hope.
An Ocean Free-Lance.
The Frozen Pirate.

Here also belong Mr. Kipling's

Captains Courageous,

and an old sea favorite—

Two Years Before the Mast By R. H. Dana.

Other good sea books, not fiction:—

My First Voyage By W. Stones. The Voyage of the "Sunbeam"  " Lady Brassey. The Cruise of the "Cachalot"  " F. T. Bullen. The Cruise of the "Falcon"  " E. F. Knight. Historical Stories for Boys

New historical stories are published in great numbers every year. The most popular author of this kind of book for boys is Mr. G. A. Henty, among whose very numerous historical tales, all good, are—

At Aboukir and Acre.
At Agincourt.
Bonnie Prince Charlie.
By Right of Conquest.
The Dash for Khartoum.
In the Reign of Terror.
With Moore at Corunna.
The Lion of St. Mark.
Maori and Settler.
St. Bartholomew's Eve.
Under Drake's Flag.
With Clive in India.
With Frederick the Great.
With Lee in Virginia.

By Rev. A. J. Church—

The Chantry Priest of Barnet.
The Count of the Saxon Shore.
Stories from English History.
With the King at Oxford.

Other historical tales:—

Stories from Froissart By Henry Newbolt. The Scottish Chiefs  " Jane Porter. The Children of the New Forest  " Captain Marryat. A Monk of Fife  " Andrew Lang. Grettir the Outlaw  " Baring Gould. The Story of Burnt Njal  " Sir George Dasent. Lorna Doone  " R. D. Blackmore. In Old Egypt  " H. P. Mendes. An Island Story  " H. E. Marshall. Scotland's Story  "      "

By R. L. Stevenson—

The Black Arrow.
David Balfour.

By Charles Kingsley—

Hereward the Wake.
Westward Ho!

By Conan Doyle—

Micah Clarke
The White Company.
The Refugees.

By Stanley J. Weyman—

The House of the Wolf.
Under the Red Robe.
The Man in Black.
A Gentleman of France.

By Mr. Andrew Balfour—

By Stroke of Sword.
To Arms!

By Mark Twain

The Prince and the Pauper.
Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc.

There are also historical stories more particularly intended by their authors for grown-up readers, but which boys and girls can, however, find quite interesting enough, even if much has to be skipped. First among these are Sir Walter Scott's novels:—

Quentin Durward.
Rob Roy.
The Abbott.
The Monastery.
The Talisman.

Other writers and books follow. By Alexandre Dumas—

The Three Musketeers.
Twenty Years After.
The Vicomte de Brageleonne.
Marguerite de Valois.
Chicot the Jester.
The Forty-five Guardsmen.

By Charles Dickens—

Barnaby Rudge.
A Tale of Two Cities.

By Lord Lytton—

The Last of the Barons.
The Last Days of Pompeii.

Animal Books

First among the animal books are Mr. Kipling's two Jungle Books. Two other beast stories by Mr. Kipling are "Moti Guj, Mutineer," the tale of a truant elephant, which is in Life's Handicap and "The Maltese Cat," a splendid tale of a polo pony, which is in The Day's Work. Next to these comes Mr. E. Thompson-Seton's Wild Animals I Have Known. The lives of animals by themselves, or by some one who knows everything about them, are always favorite books with small readers. Among the best are these:—

Black Beauty (the story of a horse) By Mrs. Sewell. Conrad the Squirrel  " the author of Wandering Willie. The Story of the Red Deer  " J. W. Fortescue. Every Inch a King (the story of a dog)  " Anon. The Lives of the Hunted  " E. Thompson-Seton. The Trail of the Sandhill Stag  "      " The Adventures of a Siberian Cub  " Leon Golschmann. The Autobiography of a Grizzly.  " E. Thompson-Seton.

The best tale of a bear is perhaps Bret Harte's "Baby Sylvester," which will be found in one of his volumes of short stories. Good animal stories are scattered about other collections of short stories. In Mr. Anstey's Paleface and Redskin are stories of dogs.

Mr. Lang's

Red Book of Animal Stories

has both dogs and cats in it, and many other creatures too. Here also should be placed Mr. Warde Fowler's

Tales of the Birds.

Other very popular animal books are Mr. Joel Chandler Harris's

Nights with Uncle Remus,
Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit (largely illustrations),
Mr. Rabbit at Home,

and the same author has written also

The Story of Aaron,
Aaron in the Wild Woods,

which are stories not only of animals, but of people too; and here, perhaps, may be placed Æsop's Fables.

Wood Magic By Richard Jefferies

is an attempt to do for English wild life somewhat the same service that Mr. Kipling performed for India.

Other open air and animal books are:—

By the Rev. J. G. Wood—

By Back-yard Zoo.
Pet Land revisited.
Pet Land
A Tour Round My Garden.


Curiosities of Natural History By Frank Buckland. White's Selborne Edited by Frank Buckland. Wanderings in South America By Charles Waterton. Wild Traits in Domestic Animals  " Louis Robinson. The Voyage of the "Beagle"  " Charles Darwin. Ants, Bees, and Wasps  " Sir John Lubbock. (Lord Avebury). On the Senses, Instincts, and Intelligence of Animals  "      " Bob, Son of Battle  "      "

A series of very interesting scientific books, under the general title "The Romance of Science," is published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Among these volumes are—

The Making of Flowers By Professor Henslow. The Birth and Growth of Worlds  " Professor Green. Spinning Tops  " Professor Perry. Time and Tide  " Sir Robert Ball.

The same publishers also issue a series of "Natural History Rambles," including—

In Search of Minerals By D. T. Ansted. Lane and Field  " the Rev J. G. Wood. Ponds and Ditches  " M. C. Cooke. Underground  " J. E. Taylor. The Woodlands  " M. C. Cooke. The Sea-shore  " Professor Duncan.

There is also a new series, called "The Wonder Books of Science," of which

The Wonder Book of Volcanoes and Earthquakes, and
The Wonder Book of the Atmosphere

are the first.

Other good scientific yet very entertaining books:—

The Fairyland of Science By A. B. Buckley. Through Magic Glasses  "      " Life and Her Children  "      " The Romance of the Insect World  " Miss L. Badenoch. The Ocean  "      " Glaucus  " Charles Kingsley. Madam How and Lady Why  "      " The Old Red Sandstone  " Hugh Miller. The Testimony of the Rocks  "      " Homes without Hands  " Rev. J. G. Wood. Sun, Moon, and Stars  " A. Giberne. The Story of the Heavens  " Sir Robert Ball. Other Worlds than Ours  " R. A. Proctor. The Orbs around us  "      " The Boys Book of Inventions  " R. S. Baker. Extinct Animals  " E. Ray Lankester. Electricity for Young People  " Tudor Jenks. History

A good deal of more or less truthful history will be found in the section given to historical tales (see page 380). Here follows a small list of more serious historical books which also are good reading:—

Tales of a Grandfather By Sir Walter Scott. Stories from English History  " Rev. A. J. Church. Lives of the Queens of England  " Agnes Strickland. Cameos from English History (several series)  " C. M. Younge. Stories from Roman History  " Mrs. Beesley. Deeds that Won the Empire  " W. H. Fitchett. Fights for the Flag  "      " Books of Travel

It is not important that travel books should be written especially for young readers. Almost all records of travel contain some pages of interest, whatever the remainder may be like. The fact that a book describes wanderings in a far country is enough.

But the books by Commander Robert E. Peary and his wife deserve mention.

Snowland Folk.
The Snow Baby.
Children of the Arctic.

The Treatment of Library Books

On this page is given a copy of the book mark which a clergyman, Mr. Henry Maxson, prepared for the use of the readers in the children's section of a library in Wisconsin.


Once upon a time a Library Book was overheard talking to a little boy who had just borrowed it. The words seemed worth recording, and here they are:—

"Please don't handle me with dirty hands. I should feel ashamed to be seen when the next little boy borrowed me.

"Or leave me out in the rain. Books can catch cold as well as children.

"Or make marks on me with your pen or pencil. It would spoil my looks.

"Or lean on me with your elbows when you are reading me. It hurts.

"Or open me and lay me face down on the table. You wouldn't like to be treated so.

"Or put in between my leaves a pencil or anything thicker than a single sheet of thin paper. It would strain my back.

"Whenever you have finished reading me, if you are afraid of losing your place, don't turn down the corner of one of my leaves, but have a neat little Book Mark to put in where you stopped, and then close me and lay me down on my side, so that I can have a good, comfortable rest.

"Remember that I want to visit a great many other little boys after you have done with me. Besides, I may meet you again some day, and you would be sorry to see me looking old and torn and soiled. Help me to keep fresh and clean, and I will help you to be happy."


In making a book of this kind, it is impossible to think of all the things that ought to be mentioned. Every reader is certain to know of some game or pastime that has been left out. In order that you may yourself bring this collection nearer completeness, the following Appendix of blank pages has been added. Some reference to everything that is written in the Appendix ought to be made, if only in pencil, in both the body of the book and in the Index.



Acrobatic impossibilities, 36

Acrobatics, drawing-room, 35-41

Acrostics, 59

Acting initials, 97
games, 97-109
proverbs, 97
verbs (Dumb Crambo), 98

Adders, 212

Adhesive tape, 243

Adventure, stories of, 376

Advertisements, 21

Almonds, how to blanch, 310

Alphabet, the

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