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Book online «An Elementary Study of Chemistry by William McPherson (best beach reads .txt) 📖». Author William McPherson

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iron occasions an explosion. Moreover, the acids set free in the hydrolysis of the magnesium salts attack the iron tubes and rapidly corrode them. These causes combine to make the formation of scale a matter which occasions much trouble in cases where hard water is used in steam boilers. Water containing such salts should be softened, therefore, before being used in boilers.

Magnesium sulphate (Epsom salt) (MgSO4·7H2O). Like the chloride, magnesium sulphate is found rather commonly in springs and in salt deposits. A very large deposit of the almost pure salt has been found in Wyoming. Its name was given to it because of its abundant occurrence in the waters of the Epsom springs in England.

Magnesium sulphate has many uses in the industries. It is used to a small extent in the preparation of sodium and potassium sulphates, as a coating for cotton cloth, in the dye industry, in tanning, and in the manufacture of paints and laundry soaps. To some extent it is used in medicine.

Magnesium silicates. Many silicates containing magnesium are known and some of them are important substances. Serpentine, asbestos, talc, and meerschaum are examples of such substances.


Occurrence. Zinc never occurs free in nature. Its compounds have been found in many different countries, but it is not a constituent of common rocks and minerals, and its occurrence is rather local and confined to definite deposits or pockets. It occurs chiefly in the following ores:

Sphalerite (zinc blende) ZnS. Zincite ZnO. Smithsonite ZnCO3. Willemite Zn2SiO4. Franklinite ZnO·Fe2O3.

One fourth of the world's output of zinc comes from the United States, Missouri being the largest producer.

Metallurgy. The ores employed in the preparation of zinc are chiefly the sulphide, oxide, and carbonate. They are first roasted in the air, by which process they are changed into oxide:

ZnCO3 = ZnO + CO2,
ZnS + 3O = ZnO + SO2.

The oxide is then mixed with coal dust, and the mixture is heated in earthenware muffles or retorts, natural gas being used as fuel in many cases. The oxide is reduced by this means to the metallic state, and the zinc, being volatile at the high temperature reached, distills and is collected in suitable receivers. At first the zinc collects in the form of fine powder, called zinc dust or flowers of zinc, recalling the formation under similar conditions of flowers of sulphur. Later, when the whole apparatus has become warm, the zinc condenses to a liquid in the receiver, from which it is drawn off into molds. Commercial zinc often contains a number of impurities, especially carbon, arsenic, and iron.

Physical properties. Pure zinc is a rather heavy bluish-white metal with a high luster. It melts at about 420°, and if heated much above this temperature in the air takes fire and burns with a very bright bluish flame. It boils at about 950° and can therefore be purified by distillation.

Many of the physical properties of zinc are much influenced by the temperature and previous treatment of the metal. When cast into ingots from the liquid state it becomes at ordinary temperatures quite hard, brittle, and highly crystalline. At 150° it is malleable and can be rolled into thin sheets; at higher temperatures it again becomes very brittle. When once rolled into sheets it retains its softness and malleability at ordinary temperatures. When melted and poured into water it forms thin brittle flakes, and in this condition is called granulated or mossy zinc.

Chemical properties. Zinc is tarnished superficially by moist air, but beyond this is not affected by it. It does not decompose even boiling water. When the metal is quite pure, sulphuric and hydrochloric acids have scarcely any action upon it; when, however, it contains small amounts of other metals such as magnesium or arsenic, or when it is merely in contact with metallic platinum, brisk action takes place and hydrogen is evolved. For this reason, when pure zinc is used in the preparation of hydrogen a few drops of platinum chloride are often added to the solution to assist the chemical action. Nitric acid dissolves the metal readily, with the formation of zinc nitrate and various reduction products of nitric acid. The strong alkalis act upon zinc and liberate hydrogen:

Zn + 2KOH = Zn(OK)2 + 2H.

The product of this reaction, potassium zincate, is a salt of zinc hydroxide, which is thus seen to have acid properties, though it usually acts as a base.

Uses of zinc. The metal has many familiar uses. Rolled into sheets, it is used as a lining for vessels which are to contain water. As a thin film upon the surface of iron (galvanized iron) it protects the iron from rust. Iron is usually galvanized by dipping it into a bath of melted zinc, but electrical methods are also employed. Zinc plates are used in many forms of electrical batteries. In the laboratory zinc is used in the preparation of hydrogen, and in the form of zinc dust as a reducing agent.

One of the largest uses of zinc is in the manufacture of alloys. Brass, an alloy of zinc and copper, is the most important of these; German silver, consisting of copper, zinc, and nickel, has many uses; various bronzes, coin metals, and bearing metals also contain zinc. Its ability to alloy with silver finds application in the separation of silver from lead (see silver).

Compounds of zinc. In general, the compounds of zinc are similar in formula and appearance to those of magnesium, but in other properties they often differ markedly. A number of them have value in commercial ways.

Zinc oxide (zinc white) (ZnO). Zinc oxide occurs in impure form in nature, being colored red by manganese and iron compounds. It can be prepared just like magnesium oxide, but is more often made by burning the metal.

Zinc oxide is a pure white powder which becomes yellow on heating and regains its white color when cold. It is much used as a white pigment in paints, under the name of zinc white, and has the advantage over white lead in that it is not changed in color by sulphur compounds, while lead turns black. It is also used in the manufacture of rubber goods.

Commercial preparation of zinc oxide. Commercially it is often made from franklinite in the following way. The franklinite is mixed with coal and heated to a high temperature in a furnace, by which process the zinc is set free and converted into vapor. As the vapor leaves the furnace through a conduit it meets a current of air and takes fire in it, forming zinc oxide. The oxide passes on and is filtered from the air through canvas bags, which allow the air to pass but retain the oxide. It is thus made by burning the metal, though the metal is not actually isolated in the process.

Soluble salts. The soluble salts of zinc can be made by dissolving the metal or the oxide in the appropriate acid. They are all somewhat poisonous. The sulphate and chloride are the most familiar.

Zinc sulphate (white vitriol) (ZnSO4·7H2O). This salt is readily crystallized from strong solutions in transparent colorless crystals. It is prepared commercially by careful roasting of the sulphide:

ZnS + 4O = ZnSO4.

Zinc chloride (ZnCl2·H2O). When a solution of zinc chloride is slowly evaporated a salt of the composition ZnCl2·H2O crystallizes out. If the water is completely expelled by heat and the residue distilled, the anhydrous chloride is obtained and may be cast into sticks or broken into lumps. In this distillation, just as in heating magnesium chloride, some of the chloride is decomposed:

ZnCl2·H2O = ZnO + 2HCl.

The anhydrous chloride has a great affinity for water, and is used as a dehydrating agent. It is also a germicide, and wood which is to be exposed to conditions which favor decay, as, for example, railroad ties, is often soaked in solutions of this salt.

Insoluble compounds. The insoluble compounds of zinc can be prepared by precipitation. The most important are the sulphide, carbonate, and hydroxide.

Zinc sulphide (ZnS). This substance occurs as the mineral sphalerite, and is one of the most valued ores of zinc. Very large deposits occur in southwestern Missouri. The natural mineral is found in large crystals or masses, resembling resin in color and luster. When prepared by precipitation the sulphide is white.


The element. This element occurs in small quantities in some zinc ores. In the course of the metallurgy of zinc the cadmium compounds undergo chemical changes quite similar to those of the zinc compounds, and the cadmium distills along with the zinc. Being more volatile, it comes over with the first of the zinc and is prepared from the first portions of the distillate by special methods of purification. The element very closely resembles zinc in most respects. Some of its alloys are characterized by having low melting points.

Compounds of cadmium. Among the compounds of cadmium may be mentioned the chloride (CdCl2·2H2O), the sulphate (3CdSO4·8H2O), and the nitrate (Cd(NO3)2·4H2O). These are white solids soluble in water. The sulphide (CdS) is a bright yellow substance which is insoluble in water and in dilute acids. It is valuable as a pigment in fine paints.


1. What properties have the metals of the magnesium family in common with the alkali metals; with the alkaline-earth metals?

2. Compare the action of the metals of the magnesium group on water with that of the other metals studied.

3. What metals already studied are prepared by electrolysis?

4. Write the equations representing the reactions between magnesium and hydrochloric acid; between magnesium and dilute sulphuric acid.

5. What property of magnesium was taken advantage of in the isolation of argon?

6. With phosphoric acid magnesium forms salts similar to those of calcium. Write the names and formulas of the corresponding magnesium salts.

7. How could you distinguish between magnesium chloride and magnesium sulphate? between Glauber's salts and Epsom salts?

8. What weight of carnallite is necessary in the preparation of 500 g. of magnesium?

9. Account for the fact that paints made of zinc oxide are not colored by hydrosulphuric acid.

10. What hydroxide studied, other than zinc hydroxide, has both acid and basic properties?

11. Write equations showing how the following compounds of zinc may be obtained from metallic zinc: the oxide, chloride, nitrate, carbonate, sulphate, sulphide, hydroxide.


The family. The element aluminium is the most abundant member of the group of elements known as the aluminium family; indeed, the other members of the family—gallium, indium, and thallium—are of such rare occurrence that they need not be separately described. The elements of the family are ordinarily trivalent, so that the formulas for their compounds differ from those of the elements so far studied. Their hydroxides are practically insoluble in water and are very weak bases; indeed, the bases are so weak that their salts are often hydrolyzed into free base and free acid in solution. The salts formed from these bases usually contain water of crystallization, which cannot be driven off without decomposing them more or less.

The trivalent metals, which in addition to aluminium include also iron and chromium, are sometimes called the earth metals. The name refers to the earthy appearance of the oxides of these metals, and to the fact that many earths, soils, and rocks are composed in part of these substances.


Occurrence. Aluminium never occurs in the free state in nature, owing to its great affinity for oxygen. In combined form, as oxides, silicates, and a few other salts, it is both abundant and widely distributed, being an essential constituent of all soils and of most rocks excepting limestone and sandstone. Cryolite (Na3AlF6), found in Greenland, and bauxite, which is an aluminium hydroxide usually mixed with some iron hydroxide, are important minerals. It is estimated that aluminium composes about 8% of the

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