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Book online «Latin for Beginners by Benjamin Leonard D'Ooge (best motivational novels .txt) 📖». Author Benjamin Leonard D'Ooge

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LATIN CASES +—-+——————-+———————+—————————+————————+ | | Declension | Name of case | Declension of | Name of case | | | of who? | and use | «domina» | and use | | | | | and translation | | +—-+——————-+———————+—————————+————————+ | | Who? | Nominative— | «do´min-a» | Nominative— | | S | | case of the | the lady | case of the | | I | | subject | | subject | | N | | | | | | G | Whose? | Possessive— | «domin-ae» | Genitive— | | U | | case of the | the lady’s | case of the | | L | | possessor | of the lady | possessor | | A | | | | | | R | Whom? | Objective— | «domin-am» | Accusative— | | | | case of the | the lady | case of the | | | | object | | direct object | +—-+——————-+———————+—————————+————————+ | | Who? | Nominative— | «domin-ae» | Nominative— | | | | case of the | the ladies | case of the | | P | | subject | | subject | | L | | | | | | U | Whose? | Possessive— | «domin-ā´rum» | Genitive— | | R | | case of the | the ladies’ | case of the | | A | | possessor | of the ladies | possessor | | L | | | | | | | Whom? | Objective— | «domin-ās» | Accusative— | | | | case of the | the ladies | case of the | | | | object | | direct object | +—-+——————-+———————+—————————+————————+

When the nominative singular of a noun ends in «-a», observe that

a. The nominative plural ends in «-ae».

b. The genitive singular ends in «-ae» and the genitive plural in «-ārum».

    c. The accusative singular ends in «-am» and the accusative plural
    in «-ās».

d. The genitive singular and the nominative plural have the same ending.


Pronounce the following words and give their general meaning. Then give the number and case, and the use of each form. Where the same form stands for more than one case, give all the possible cases and uses.

1. Silva, silvās, silvam. 2. Fugam, fugae, fuga. 3. Terrārum, terrae, terrās. 4. Aquās, causam, lūnās. 5. Fīliae, fortūnae, lūnae. 6. Iniūriās, agricolārum, aquārum. 7. Iniūriārum, agricolae, puellās. 8. Nautam, agricolās, nautās. 9. Agricolam, puellam, silvārum.



[Special Vocabulary]

[See Transcriber’s Note at beginning of text.]

  «dea», goddess (deity)
   Diā´na, Diana
  «fera», a wild beast (fierce)
   Lātō´na, Latona
  «sagit´ta», arrow

  «est», he (she, it) is; «sunt», they are
  «necat», he (she, it) kills, is killing, does kill

  «et», and

  «quis», interrog. pronoun, nom. sing., who?
  «cuius» (pronounced co͝oi´yo͝os, two syllables), interrog. pronoun,
     gen. sing., whose?

    [Footnote A: A conjunction is a word which connects words, parts
    of sentences, or sentences.]

«35.» We learned from the table (§33) that the Latin nominative, genitive, and accusative correspond, in general, to the nominative, possessive, and objective in English, and that they are used in the same way. This will be made even clearer by the following sentence:

«Fīlia agricolae nautam amat», the farmer’s daughter (or the daughter of the farmer) loves the sailor

What is the subject? the direct object? What case is used for the subject? for the direct object? What word denotes the possessor? In what case is it?

«36.» RULE. «Nominative Subject.» The subject of a finite verb is in the Nominative and answers the question Who? or What?

«37.» RULE. «Accusative Object.» The direct object of a transitive verb is in the Accusative and answers the question Whom? or What?

«38.» RULE. «Genitive of the Possessor.» The word denoting the owner or possessor of something is in the Genitive and answers the question Whose?



First learn the special vocabulary, p. 283.

I. 1. Diāna est dea. 2. Lātōna est dea. 3. Diāna et Lātōna sunt deae. 4. Diāna est dea lūnae. 5. Diāna est fīlia Lātōnae. 6. Lātōna Diānam amat. 7. Diāna est dea silvārum. 8. Diāna silvam amat. 9. Diāna sagittās portat. 10. Diāna ferās silvae necat. 11. Ferae terrārum pugnant.

For the order of words imitate the Latin above.

II. 1. The daughter of Latona does love the forests. 2. Latona’s daughter carries arrows. 3. The farmers’ daughters do labor. 4. The farmer’s daughter loves the waters of the forest. 5. The sailor is announcing the girls’ flight. 6. The girls announce the sailors’ wrongs. 7. The farmer’s daughter labors. 8. Diana’s arrows are killing the wild beasts of the land.


Translate the questions and answer them in Latin. The answers may be found in the exercises preceding.

1. Quis est Diāna? 2. Cuius fīlia est Diāna? 3. Quis Diānam amat? 4. Quis silvam amat? 5. Quis sagittās portat? 6. Cuius fīliae labōrant?



[Special Vocabulary]

  «corō´na», wreath, garland, crown
   fā´bula, story (fable)
  «pecū´nia», money (pecuniary)
  «pugna», battle (pugnacious)
  «victō´ria», victory

  «dat», he (she, it) gives
   nārrat, he (she, it) tells (narrate)

  «quia» or «quod», because

  «cui» (pronounced co͝oi, one syllable), interrog. pronoun, dat.
     sing., to whom? for whom?

    [Footnote A: A conjunction is a word which connects words, parts
    of sentences, or sentences.]

«41.» «The Dative Case.» In addition to the relationships between words expressed by the nominative, genitive (possessive), and accusative (objective) cases, there are other relationships, to express which in English we use such words as from, with, by, to, for, in, at.[1]

[Footnote 1: Words like to, for, by, from, in, etc., which define the relationship between words, are called «prepositions».]

Latin, too, makes frequent use of such prepositions; but often it expresses these relations without them by means of case forms which English does not possess. One of the cases found in the Latin declension and lacking in English is called the dative.

«42.» When the nominative singular ends in «-a», the dative singular ends in «-ae» and the dative plural in «-īs».

NOTE. Observe that the genitive singular, the dative singular, and the nominative plural all have the same ending, «-ae»; but the uses of the three cases are entirely different. The general meaning of the sentence usually makes clear which case is intended.

a. Form the dative singular and plural of the following nouns: «fuga», «causa», «fortūna», «terra», «aqua», «puella», «agricola», «nauta», «domina».

«43.» «The Dative Relation.» The dative case is used to express the relations conveyed in English by the prepositions to, towards, for.

These prepositions are often used in English in expressions of motion, such as She went to town, He ran towards the horse, Columbus sailed for America. In such cases the dative is not used in Latin, as motion through space is foreign to the dative relation. But the dative is used to denote that to or towards which a benefit, injury, purpose, feeling, or quality is directed, or that for which something serves or exists.

a. What dative relations do you discover in the following?

The teacher gave a prize to John because he replied so promptly to all her questions—a good example for the rest of us. It is a pleasure

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