Author's e-books - Aliens. Page - 1

Green aliens, the original residents of the earth, are temporarily living in Greenovia, a planet at the edge of the great black hole. They are concerned that with the way humans are treating the planet, there might not be anything left of it when they will return. To figure why humans are not taking care of their planet, they send a spy to live on earth as a human being. The mission goes wrong, however, and disrupts the romantic life as we know it. The alien romance, however, turns to be a key in understanding the humans' plan for the environment.

Kyva and Dia, twins born at the dawn of a terrible dark age for their people, find themselves having to flee their home world. Desperate to be safe, fearful of what the authorities will do to them if they stay, they not only leave the planet, but escape through a wormhole to a virtually unexplored sector of the universe. When they find a planet that will support life, something goes wrong. Their ship loses control and they crash into a forest. They survive the violent landing, only to discover that while the air is breathable, it's almost too rich for their bodies to process. But it also looks like this is going to be their new home. Determined to survive and thrive on this new world, the twins embark on an adventure unlike any they'd ever imagined.

What started as a usual school prank turned into the first donimo in a chain of series of event.
Sarah Lawrence, is the one family member that could see dnager when it is looking at her through a mask. It is she her family relies on. But when they move to Plum City in Wisconsin, Sarah experiences her first true love and almost destroys all that her family has built. It leaves her and her family in danger and only she can fix it. But does she have the power or the will

Grailem was one of mankind’s last hopes to finally achieve immortality. Created in a test tube he had been bred specifically to be fully integrated with an artificial robotic body. To live forever has been Man’s dream almost since time began; would immortality finally bring the happiness that we all desire?

A witty anthropologist is outraged by immature theories of narrow minded, culture blinded archeologists and scientists. He travels to Nazca, Peru, to study the ancient, mysterious lines, which were carved onto the desert flats of Peru by the natives, thousands of years ago. He intends to prove, once and for all, that they were intended, merely for religious and mythological purposes. Once there, he seems to find exactly what he expected: evidence of religious rituals, etc. but he still cannot explain how the lines were created. By chance, he stumbles upon an ancient manuscript of bizarre chronicles, one that was forged by a "forgotten," ancient king of Nazca. He "un-riddles" it out of curiosity and question, and discovers the location of a secret temple that would prove to become one of the grandest treasures ever to be discovered. However, this is only the background plot, this story is mostly about the ancient King and his adventures with the temple.

Green aliens, the original residents of the earth, are temporarily living in Greenovia, a planet at the edge of the great black hole. They are concerned that with the way humans are treating the planet, there might not be anything left of it when they will return. To figure why humans are not taking care of their planet, they send a spy to live on earth as a human being. The mission goes wrong, however, and disrupts the romantic life as we know it. The alien romance, however, turns to be a key in understanding the humans' plan for the environment.

Kyva and Dia, twins born at the dawn of a terrible dark age for their people, find themselves having to flee their home world. Desperate to be safe, fearful of what the authorities will do to them if they stay, they not only leave the planet, but escape through a wormhole to a virtually unexplored sector of the universe. When they find a planet that will support life, something goes wrong. Their ship loses control and they crash into a forest. They survive the violent landing, only to discover that while the air is breathable, it's almost too rich for their bodies to process. But it also looks like this is going to be their new home. Determined to survive and thrive on this new world, the twins embark on an adventure unlike any they'd ever imagined.

What started as a usual school prank turned into the first donimo in a chain of series of event.
Sarah Lawrence, is the one family member that could see dnager when it is looking at her through a mask. It is she her family relies on. But when they move to Plum City in Wisconsin, Sarah experiences her first true love and almost destroys all that her family has built. It leaves her and her family in danger and only she can fix it. But does she have the power or the will

Grailem was one of mankind’s last hopes to finally achieve immortality. Created in a test tube he had been bred specifically to be fully integrated with an artificial robotic body. To live forever has been Man’s dream almost since time began; would immortality finally bring the happiness that we all desire?

A witty anthropologist is outraged by immature theories of narrow minded, culture blinded archeologists and scientists. He travels to Nazca, Peru, to study the ancient, mysterious lines, which were carved onto the desert flats of Peru by the natives, thousands of years ago. He intends to prove, once and for all, that they were intended, merely for religious and mythological purposes. Once there, he seems to find exactly what he expected: evidence of religious rituals, etc. but he still cannot explain how the lines were created. By chance, he stumbles upon an ancient manuscript of bizarre chronicles, one that was forged by a "forgotten," ancient king of Nazca. He "un-riddles" it out of curiosity and question, and discovers the location of a secret temple that would prove to become one of the grandest treasures ever to be discovered. However, this is only the background plot, this story is mostly about the ancient King and his adventures with the temple.