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Author's e-books - Death. Page - 10

In our online library you can read for free books by the author Death. All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

Claire was just fourteen years old when her life was taken by a sadistic attacker. He's still out there.

Amanda, Claire's older sister finds herself becoming a killer trying to find a killer. All her friends that try to help her mysteriously disappear.

All of her friends can't seem to be trusted. Her own best friend's father is a suspect of her sister's death. And the police don't seem to care about the case.

Time is running out. Amanda is going to become her own Veronica Mars to figure out her sister's death.

Everyone who helps her die or survive...if they are lucky.

Amanda might die in the process of finding her sister's killer to get him prosecuted.

The one's who are good, always get punished
The one's who are bad, always get rewarded.

But, in the end the ashes and the diamonds come together.

And the one's who were rewarded.

Burn in hell with Satan.

There is always two sections

The Ashes (Demons)


The Diamonds (Angels)

Which one are you?

Mariah has lost aa big piece of her life and she thinks she will never find someone or something to fill that hole again. Will she be suprised and find a piece much bigger than the one missing or will she deny her heart of a new love and wilt away like a dried rose?

It was a dream come true; a beautiful woman had chosen him over everyone else. But the line between dreams and nightmares is a fine one. . .

Does death haunt you at all?
Keep you up at night? Well, death is nothing to be afraid of. If you ever get scared, know that there are others out there too.

Three young elves try to find the Seven Leafs of Cospa after they're village is burned down, so they can bring down the greatest evil of all.

This is not Eliot. There are times when it isn’t even Edward Lear (though John Donne does make a cameo appearance). What it is is very Curate’s Egg.

But if you can manage to eat your way around the less palatable bits (and thereby avoid a possibly fatal case of brain-poisoning) you may find a mouthful or two that will linger in the memory for a while—and perhaps even rearrange your mental furniture by a few inches...

"What has this world come to

when a mother buries her 10 year old daughter

who took her own life

because of the black skies

drowning out her bright light

because even the brightest lights eventually fade out

some are stronger than others

some can hold on longer than others

but when the walls are closing in

we all just keep on falling and falling"

Eliza is 16 has always been the shy type. Not interested in parties or guys. Thats where Caleb comes in. Caleb is the new popular guy at school that every girl flaunts over, except for Eliza. This intrigues him and he wants to know why but finds himself falling in love with her. She finds herself falling in love with him as well. What she didnt excpect was that he wasnt your average hard headed jock teenager. He was something else.Something bigger than what she excpected. Will she stay with him knowing what he is or give up on im forever?

Giabella Cordero goes through a hard phase of her life dealing with the death of her daughter Rain's father. The process of letting go deals with Tons of memories, Obstacales to over come, And maybe even trying to move on with her life with a new man.

Claire was just fourteen years old when her life was taken by a sadistic attacker. He's still out there.

Amanda, Claire's older sister finds herself becoming a killer trying to find a killer. All her friends that try to help her mysteriously disappear.

All of her friends can't seem to be trusted. Her own best friend's father is a suspect of her sister's death. And the police don't seem to care about the case.

Time is running out. Amanda is going to become her own Veronica Mars to figure out her sister's death.

Everyone who helps her die or survive...if they are lucky.

Amanda might die in the process of finding her sister's killer to get him prosecuted.

The one's who are good, always get punished
The one's who are bad, always get rewarded.

But, in the end the ashes and the diamonds come together.

And the one's who were rewarded.

Burn in hell with Satan.

There is always two sections

The Ashes (Demons)


The Diamonds (Angels)

Which one are you?

Mariah has lost aa big piece of her life and she thinks she will never find someone or something to fill that hole again. Will she be suprised and find a piece much bigger than the one missing or will she deny her heart of a new love and wilt away like a dried rose?

It was a dream come true; a beautiful woman had chosen him over everyone else. But the line between dreams and nightmares is a fine one. . .

Does death haunt you at all?
Keep you up at night? Well, death is nothing to be afraid of. If you ever get scared, know that there are others out there too.

Three young elves try to find the Seven Leafs of Cospa after they're village is burned down, so they can bring down the greatest evil of all.

This is not Eliot. There are times when it isn’t even Edward Lear (though John Donne does make a cameo appearance). What it is is very Curate’s Egg.

But if you can manage to eat your way around the less palatable bits (and thereby avoid a possibly fatal case of brain-poisoning) you may find a mouthful or two that will linger in the memory for a while—and perhaps even rearrange your mental furniture by a few inches...

"What has this world come to

when a mother buries her 10 year old daughter

who took her own life

because of the black skies

drowning out her bright light

because even the brightest lights eventually fade out

some are stronger than others

some can hold on longer than others

but when the walls are closing in

we all just keep on falling and falling"

Eliza is 16 has always been the shy type. Not interested in parties or guys. Thats where Caleb comes in. Caleb is the new popular guy at school that every girl flaunts over, except for Eliza. This intrigues him and he wants to know why but finds himself falling in love with her. She finds herself falling in love with him as well. What she didnt excpect was that he wasnt your average hard headed jock teenager. He was something else.Something bigger than what she excpected. Will she stay with him knowing what he is or give up on im forever?

Giabella Cordero goes through a hard phase of her life dealing with the death of her daughter Rain's father. The process of letting go deals with Tons of memories, Obstacales to over come, And maybe even trying to move on with her life with a new man.