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Author's e-books - Death. Page - 15

In our online library you can read for free books by the author Death. All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

Constructive criticism is appreciated.
Cover is a stock image I got from Google, disclaimer.

I know, it's way past Christmas, but this had been sitting in my documents folder for months gathering dust, so I wanted to finish it.

When I started this short short story I had a bad stomach ache, and so I scribbled some random things. I decided I wanted to finish it. I added the snow because it was December the time I first started, and for the sheer randomness as I thought of Snow White.

I could not come up with a name, which is why "He" pops up. Repeatedly. And higher-ups, I have no idea.

No part of this story can be reproduced in any way, etc., without permission of author.

~This is my current project, I will be uploading chapters as I finish them.~
Samantha had a good life up untill about five months ago when her parents died in a car crash. She took her anger out on others and started getting in fights and got expelled from her high school. But when Sam dies, she doesnt fallow her parents to heavin, she goes to hell. But when the Devil layes eyes on her and wants her for himself does she go with her heart or her mind?

Last Update: 04/01/12

Following a terrorist bombing at a crowded sports arena, a young woman is trapped in the rubble, dying and alone. Someone sees her, stops and stays with her until the end...

"I'm an Alpha, I'm a leader, I'm a king!" Ashton yelled, his fist hitting the wall head. I started at him."Remember, an alpha is nothing with out his pack, a leader is nothing without his followers and a king is nothing without his kingdom," I said and looked into his blazing eyes. "Even if you have all of that, it's doesn't mean anything if you don't have someone to share it with." I walked out
Jameela just came out of the Blood Moon Forest, where all wolves go to find there mates. Although she'd already knew her mate. She'd met him when she was 17.
When she finds her mate again he is completely different. Darker. He is the most feared Alpha now, the one who kills with out mercy. For fun.
She witnessed it first hand. After all he is a monster, but she is one too maybe even worse. What happens when he finds all of her demons inside of her and will he turn his back or play with them? What happens when she finds a second chance? What's a life without a little bloodshed, anyways.

(Now on Watt Pad and I changed it ALOOTTT on there and different title: I Need You.) Saphfire had an... Okay life. She has a drunk mother and a father who travel's a lot. She has a younger brother... but he was murdered.. She see's his ghost every once in a while and cries every time. He was her only true best friend. She didn't have many friends. She ran into a guy she knows, on her way to check out a house. She only talked to him once. Since then, they started talking more and more. She is falling for him and he is falling for her. Her dad comes back and her parents end up getting divorced. (Read more to find out what happens! Still writing! (: Hope you guys like it!)

"With Unravel, Michelle Johnson-Lane has created a novel full of twists and turns and OMG moments that will keep you riveted throughout. It was an enjoyment to read and work on. The anticipation rises page by page and I guarantee you will not see the end coming. This novel is anything but boring and is a thoroughly good read."

Come share life experiences through the eyes and ears of a child with a black mother and a white father during the time of segregation.


Matilda McGraw came into this world in 1947 with a silver spoon in her mouth. She grew up in Seattle, Washington as a product of an interracial marriage. Matilda has never wanted for anything since she’s a co-heiress of her grandparents enormous estate. Unfortunately, money will not exempt her from experiencing the many life crises that she’s had to succumb to—father’s abandonment, step-father’s abuse, classmate’s torture, and her mother’s illness.

Matilda’s life spiraled out of control long before she drives across the country to attend the University of Maine. Finally, she finds solace when she meets Tilly, who lends her shoulder and provides an outlet for Matilda to open up and share all her inner most secrets. Things come to a halt when Tilly mets her only true love, which causes Matilda to mysteriously drop out of sight—never to be seen again. However, Matilda does entrust Tilly with her personal belongings and a box of keepsakes. Before she disappears, Tilly makes the promise to take Matilda’s secrets to the grave.

Take the journey through Unravel to see just how careful Tilly is in protecting Matilda’s secrets after she becomes the matriarch of the Maxwell Family.

A girl that is addicted 2 sex she has the love of her life till her parents walk in and her boyfriend is g2g shipped off 2 private school. Her future girl's school. Not going 2 happen!

When Richard met Rain, he didn't know he was about to be the main character of the most melancholic, yet romantic, of stories.
A beautiful love story that will stay with you forever.

This is a short story about a daughter's love for her mother as she reminisces at her funeral about their life together. It depicts how a mother's love can change anything, even in death.

Constructive criticism is appreciated.
Cover is a stock image I got from Google, disclaimer.

I know, it's way past Christmas, but this had been sitting in my documents folder for months gathering dust, so I wanted to finish it.

When I started this short short story I had a bad stomach ache, and so I scribbled some random things. I decided I wanted to finish it. I added the snow because it was December the time I first started, and for the sheer randomness as I thought of Snow White.

I could not come up with a name, which is why "He" pops up. Repeatedly. And higher-ups, I have no idea.

No part of this story can be reproduced in any way, etc., without permission of author.

~This is my current project, I will be uploading chapters as I finish them.~
Samantha had a good life up untill about five months ago when her parents died in a car crash. She took her anger out on others and started getting in fights and got expelled from her high school. But when Sam dies, she doesnt fallow her parents to heavin, she goes to hell. But when the Devil layes eyes on her and wants her for himself does she go with her heart or her mind?

Last Update: 04/01/12

Following a terrorist bombing at a crowded sports arena, a young woman is trapped in the rubble, dying and alone. Someone sees her, stops and stays with her until the end...

"I'm an Alpha, I'm a leader, I'm a king!" Ashton yelled, his fist hitting the wall head. I started at him."Remember, an alpha is nothing with out his pack, a leader is nothing without his followers and a king is nothing without his kingdom," I said and looked into his blazing eyes. "Even if you have all of that, it's doesn't mean anything if you don't have someone to share it with." I walked out
Jameela just came out of the Blood Moon Forest, where all wolves go to find there mates. Although she'd already knew her mate. She'd met him when she was 17.
When she finds her mate again he is completely different. Darker. He is the most feared Alpha now, the one who kills with out mercy. For fun.
She witnessed it first hand. After all he is a monster, but she is one too maybe even worse. What happens when he finds all of her demons inside of her and will he turn his back or play with them? What happens when she finds a second chance? What's a life without a little bloodshed, anyways.

(Now on Watt Pad and I changed it ALOOTTT on there and different title: I Need You.) Saphfire had an... Okay life. She has a drunk mother and a father who travel's a lot. She has a younger brother... but he was murdered.. She see's his ghost every once in a while and cries every time. He was her only true best friend. She didn't have many friends. She ran into a guy she knows, on her way to check out a house. She only talked to him once. Since then, they started talking more and more. She is falling for him and he is falling for her. Her dad comes back and her parents end up getting divorced. (Read more to find out what happens! Still writing! (: Hope you guys like it!)

"With Unravel, Michelle Johnson-Lane has created a novel full of twists and turns and OMG moments that will keep you riveted throughout. It was an enjoyment to read and work on. The anticipation rises page by page and I guarantee you will not see the end coming. This novel is anything but boring and is a thoroughly good read."

Come share life experiences through the eyes and ears of a child with a black mother and a white father during the time of segregation.


Matilda McGraw came into this world in 1947 with a silver spoon in her mouth. She grew up in Seattle, Washington as a product of an interracial marriage. Matilda has never wanted for anything since she’s a co-heiress of her grandparents enormous estate. Unfortunately, money will not exempt her from experiencing the many life crises that she’s had to succumb to—father’s abandonment, step-father’s abuse, classmate’s torture, and her mother’s illness.

Matilda’s life spiraled out of control long before she drives across the country to attend the University of Maine. Finally, she finds solace when she meets Tilly, who lends her shoulder and provides an outlet for Matilda to open up and share all her inner most secrets. Things come to a halt when Tilly mets her only true love, which causes Matilda to mysteriously drop out of sight—never to be seen again. However, Matilda does entrust Tilly with her personal belongings and a box of keepsakes. Before she disappears, Tilly makes the promise to take Matilda’s secrets to the grave.

Take the journey through Unravel to see just how careful Tilly is in protecting Matilda’s secrets after she becomes the matriarch of the Maxwell Family.

A girl that is addicted 2 sex she has the love of her life till her parents walk in and her boyfriend is g2g shipped off 2 private school. Her future girl's school. Not going 2 happen!

When Richard met Rain, he didn't know he was about to be the main character of the most melancholic, yet romantic, of stories.
A beautiful love story that will stay with you forever.

This is a short story about a daughter's love for her mother as she reminisces at her funeral about their life together. It depicts how a mother's love can change anything, even in death.