Author's e-books - Faerie. Page - 1

In this dimension, alone, and one of only two Fall Faeries known to this side of the Realm all of the responsibilities usually fall to her and her trusted Companion, Vishnu. What happens when the one person, or being, you trust betrays you and the only other person you have in the world is siding with it? You get the job done and keep moving on; despite what Faerie, or beast, decides to try to steal your heart and change your life (despite how much you try to keep it the same) along the way.

All legends and myths are based on long forgotten truths.
They were the Slayarians and they were the protectors of life long before civilization. They were so ancient they witnessed the age of faerie on Earth.
It was a time when men were wicked and war common. It was a time when the treachery of gods brought about the fall of Earth's protectors and the banishment of their most ancient deities. Evil men and the unspeakably malign infest the shadows as they wait for the fall of man and the rise of demon kind.
A last remnant of the Slayarians does exist but as far as Darkon knows he is the last. Read his tale as he seeks others of his ilk and breaks down the barriers within his mind in order to meet his destiny. Wherever he goes adventurous souls are drawn to his cause and before long the means to restore his people will be within his grasp. Will Drakon live long enough to succeed and in light of his newly discovered ability with the mysterious mindflow, can he remain sane?

In this dimension, alone, and one of only two Fall Faeries known to this side of the Realm all of the responsibilities usually fall to her and her trusted Companion, Vishnu. What happens when the one person, or being, you trust betrays you and the only other person you have in the world is siding with it? You get the job done and keep moving on; despite what Faerie, or beast, decides to try to steal your heart and change your life (despite how much you try to keep it the same) along the way.

All legends and myths are based on long forgotten truths.
They were the Slayarians and they were the protectors of life long before civilization. They were so ancient they witnessed the age of faerie on Earth.
It was a time when men were wicked and war common. It was a time when the treachery of gods brought about the fall of Earth's protectors and the banishment of their most ancient deities. Evil men and the unspeakably malign infest the shadows as they wait for the fall of man and the rise of demon kind.
A last remnant of the Slayarians does exist but as far as Darkon knows he is the last. Read his tale as he seeks others of his ilk and breaks down the barriers within his mind in order to meet his destiny. Wherever he goes adventurous souls are drawn to his cause and before long the means to restore his people will be within his grasp. Will Drakon live long enough to succeed and in light of his newly discovered ability with the mysterious mindflow, can he remain sane?