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In our online library you can read for free books by the author Fanfiction. All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

This is fan fiction for the Twilight Saga. Totally just for fun. It has original and established characters in it but mostly follows my original characters. It's just a fun little story.

Amethyst Rosewood is a young girl fresh out of primary school just trying to live her life. But when a friendly person shows up at her door and gives her a letter, her life changes in ways she never thought possible.
A new student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, she has seven years of fun and unimaginable trials ahead of her. What will she face in her first year?

This is just my thoughts on how an intelligent psychologist, came to love an evil villain.

In this book of poetry and blurbs lies adventure, lessons of life, fiction, a bit of fanfiction, and a twist of mind. Collections of class and person will identify or imagnine.

Something is not right in number 221b Baker Street when Doctor John Watson does not seem to come downstairs and Sherlock is getting worried. Could something sinister going on?

Danny Fenton was just 14 when his parents & sister went out of town for the weekend, leaving him home alone, completely unattended, with nothing stopping him & his friends from checking out the Fenton's latest invention.

The Fellowship starts their long-anticipated travels through Middle-earth to earn some well-deserved rest and head first to the home of Legolas - Eryn Lasgalen. But, not even the War of the Ring has cleansed the Greenwood entirely of evil, and the Fellowship discovers that the life of the elven prince back at home is not as luxurious as it may seem.

This is a fanfic that I posted originally on Fanfiction, but I decided I might as well post it here, too. The first chapter has been edited by my beta, whom I will not name as this website is not Fanfiction.

There are some things that you can never change... And you should learn from the mistakes you've made... But choosing a different path next time around, is where you find out if it was all worth it in the end.. (Sequel to my other story)

This is fan fiction for the Twilight Saga. Totally just for fun. It has original and established characters in it but mostly follows my original characters. It's just a fun little story.

Amethyst Rosewood is a young girl fresh out of primary school just trying to live her life. But when a friendly person shows up at her door and gives her a letter, her life changes in ways she never thought possible.
A new student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, she has seven years of fun and unimaginable trials ahead of her. What will she face in her first year?

This is just my thoughts on how an intelligent psychologist, came to love an evil villain.

In this book of poetry and blurbs lies adventure, lessons of life, fiction, a bit of fanfiction, and a twist of mind. Collections of class and person will identify or imagnine.

Something is not right in number 221b Baker Street when Doctor John Watson does not seem to come downstairs and Sherlock is getting worried. Could something sinister going on?

Danny Fenton was just 14 when his parents & sister went out of town for the weekend, leaving him home alone, completely unattended, with nothing stopping him & his friends from checking out the Fenton's latest invention.

The Fellowship starts their long-anticipated travels through Middle-earth to earn some well-deserved rest and head first to the home of Legolas - Eryn Lasgalen. But, not even the War of the Ring has cleansed the Greenwood entirely of evil, and the Fellowship discovers that the life of the elven prince back at home is not as luxurious as it may seem.

This is a fanfic that I posted originally on Fanfiction, but I decided I might as well post it here, too. The first chapter has been edited by my beta, whom I will not name as this website is not Fanfiction.

There are some things that you can never change... And you should learn from the mistakes you've made... But choosing a different path next time around, is where you find out if it was all worth it in the end.. (Sequel to my other story)