Author's e-books - Fantasy. Page - 30

In our online library you can read for free books by the author Fantasy. All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

A witty anthropologist is outraged by immature theories of narrow minded, culture blinded archeologists and scientists. He travels to Nazca, Peru, to study the ancient, mysterious lines, which were carved onto the desert flats of Peru by the natives, thousands of years ago. He intends to prove, once and for all, that they were intended, merely for religious and mythological purposes. Once there, he seems to find exactly what he expected: evidence of religious rituals, etc. but he still cannot explain how the lines were created. By chance, he stumbles upon an ancient manuscript of bizarre chronicles, one that was forged by a "forgotten," ancient king of Nazca. He "un-riddles" it out of curiosity and question, and discovers the location of a secret temple that would prove to become one of the grandest treasures ever to be discovered. However, this is only the background plot, this story is mostly about the ancient King and his adventures with the temple.

I would look into his eyes, and everything was okay. There was no pain, no suffering, no stress. It all just fell off my shoulders like snow falling off a roof. It seemed like his gaze could go on forever, and I wished it would. But reality had to come creeping back. I never knew if it had to come or if I wanted to make sure it was still there. But when it was, I was glad to see he was still in it. He was my best friend, my other half. My Jacob. He would always be my Jacob. I loved him. But as I searched for his eyes, my own eyes burned from the dry, crackling smoke.

All I could find was more smoke, and I could feel Jake’s warm hand brush away the ashes that stuck to my face and hair. In the heat around us, his hand felt cooler for once. I felt a cold, almost soothing water droplet hit my cheek. It was a tear. But it wasn’t mine. Jake was trying his best, but it wasn’t enough. It was hopeless. I couldn’t move. I was trapped within my own heart, pounding on the cage bars, screaming. But in reality, I was silent. Cold. My words were stolen by numbness and pain. Soon, it all went black, and Jake’s face, his lips red with my blood, was the last thing I saw as the pain within me, devoured.


Rae Wilder Novels: Book Two.

Rae is falling into darkness. Grieving the death of her friend at the hand of dark magics, she is full of hate and vengeance. Tracking Devlin and his followers across demon territory, she is forced to turn to the local shifter pack for help. Tricked into rescuing the Pack Alpha’s daughters from the Temple, she learns there really is no place more dangerous than home. Breandan the fairy is done being patient. He wants Rae to stand by his side and refuses any claim they are not destined to be. Unsure, Rae denies him the right to have her, but will the urges of her nature and the strength of their bond allow her to walk away? Then there is Tomas, the alluring vampire who needs her help. But what exactly does he expect of her, and is the cost of helping him worth turning her back on life itself? Courted by the dark, and in love with the light, Rae must choose her path, or face the burden of Rupturing the world once more.

Young Adult: British English (BrE).

in processing...

According to our general scientific knowledge, our history continues from the Egyptians up to us into the 21st Century recorded clearly and defined. Also, all scientific theories such as Einsteins theory of relativity enshrined and anchored fixed in the thoughts of our world.

But what happens, if all that would not agree so?

What happens, if the beginnings of our history would have proceeded differently in reality? If Atlantis, UFO's and the Greys would exist really, if behind our backs a monstrous power struggle throughout the season was going on, if the Greats of our governments have not always told us the truth, despite knowing better, if, for example, the Apollo Program had been carried on in secret, or the MiB's still exist there?

All these questions and possibilities, the author of this book like to try and clarify this with an imagination and a wealth of detail, over the scars damn close to reality!

All in all, a mix of Indiana Jones, SiFi, science fantasy and conspiracy theories of our modern time.

Get involved in an uncanny trip into time...

Rae Wilder Novels: Book One.

Rae Wilder has problems. Supernatural creatures swarm the earth, and humanity is on the brink of extinction. Stalked by a handsome fairy who claims she is like him, demonkind, Rae thinks maybe it was a mistake breaking the rules by going over the Wall into demon territory. Plunged into a world of dark magics, fierce creatures, and ritual sacrifice, she is charged with a guarding a magical amulet. The changes to her mind and body are startling, but rather than accept her purpose she struggles against who she is destined to be. Throw in a big lust for a vampire who can't keep his hands off her, and life starts to get complicated. Rae is forced to make the ultimate choice: to live and die human, or embrace her birth-right and wield magics that could turn her into something wicked, a force of nature nothing can control.

Young Adult: British English (BrE)

Ruby also known as Red enjoys endulging in sexual satisfaction in the comfort of her little bedroom but what happens when her little world gets turned upside down. what path will her choices lead her to take? will she be able to handle the new environment she's about to see?

Sinja lives happily as a nomad on the Tenebraes steppe when her entire tribe is wiped out by a horde of evil zjertas. She falls into the hands of slave traders and is sold to the cold, distanced, dragon rider Artyom, but things are very often different to how the facade may appear.
Artyom treats her with warm respect, drawing her ever further under his spell, seducing the young girl with every trick in the book, and she finds she is also not averse to his sado-dominant tendencies, but fear and insecurity hold Sinja back, not allowing her to submit herself to him.
Then there is also Artyom’s unclear past, the laws of the ruler, and ever-present danger. An unexpected event shocks them both, and Artyom decides to send Sinja away. Will Sinja ever see her beloved master again to once more enjoy his sado-dominant games?

Book 1 of "Those Who Cannot Die", this book follows the adventures of the Immortal group's second in command, Isaac, as he discovers the weakness of mortals firsthand...

I never thought things could get any worse than they already were. It seemed as though life was starting to get good, we had both found our soulmates. Scales, tail, claws and all. Real life Dragons. Can you believe it?
Even so, I really thought that this time we could be free. We saw a way out, but suddenly it all got worse. Things got worse faster than they had been getting better.
It's true when they say you can never run from your mistakes without them catching up to you. When you resurrect someone, they just don’t seem to know how to stay dead anymore. Just because you believe it’s behind you doesn’t mean it can’t become a part of your present again. It was supposed to be a peaceful new start, we were finally going to have a family of our own. We were going to be happy, we were going to get loved. Everything looked almost perfect. Things aren’t always what they seem though, and that’s okay I guess, because we’re not as weak as we look.

Summer Charard has started her Junior Year of High school and her biggest wish is to have a fun, care-free, popular life. But on her first day back she meets someone who changes her life, Zane VanLouge. Zane's mysterious in a way that fascinates her but the more she gets to know him, the more she see's that he's hiding something, something big. On top of that she starts having crazy dreams that turn out to be real, is getting beat up every which way she turns, has a psychopath guy haunting her dreams, an suspicious new roommate, a bipolar ex-roommate, and is in a bit of a love triangle.

Read on to find out what happens when dreams become reality and reality becomes dangerous.
*Available for Purchase*

A witty anthropologist is outraged by immature theories of narrow minded, culture blinded archeologists and scientists. He travels to Nazca, Peru, to study the ancient, mysterious lines, which were carved onto the desert flats of Peru by the natives, thousands of years ago. He intends to prove, once and for all, that they were intended, merely for religious and mythological purposes. Once there, he seems to find exactly what he expected: evidence of religious rituals, etc. but he still cannot explain how the lines were created. By chance, he stumbles upon an ancient manuscript of bizarre chronicles, one that was forged by a "forgotten," ancient king of Nazca. He "un-riddles" it out of curiosity and question, and discovers the location of a secret temple that would prove to become one of the grandest treasures ever to be discovered. However, this is only the background plot, this story is mostly about the ancient King and his adventures with the temple.

I would look into his eyes, and everything was okay. There was no pain, no suffering, no stress. It all just fell off my shoulders like snow falling off a roof. It seemed like his gaze could go on forever, and I wished it would. But reality had to come creeping back. I never knew if it had to come or if I wanted to make sure it was still there. But when it was, I was glad to see he was still in it. He was my best friend, my other half. My Jacob. He would always be my Jacob. I loved him. But as I searched for his eyes, my own eyes burned from the dry, crackling smoke.

All I could find was more smoke, and I could feel Jake’s warm hand brush away the ashes that stuck to my face and hair. In the heat around us, his hand felt cooler for once. I felt a cold, almost soothing water droplet hit my cheek. It was a tear. But it wasn’t mine. Jake was trying his best, but it wasn’t enough. It was hopeless. I couldn’t move. I was trapped within my own heart, pounding on the cage bars, screaming. But in reality, I was silent. Cold. My words were stolen by numbness and pain. Soon, it all went black, and Jake’s face, his lips red with my blood, was the last thing I saw as the pain within me, devoured.


Rae Wilder Novels: Book Two.

Rae is falling into darkness. Grieving the death of her friend at the hand of dark magics, she is full of hate and vengeance. Tracking Devlin and his followers across demon territory, she is forced to turn to the local shifter pack for help. Tricked into rescuing the Pack Alpha’s daughters from the Temple, she learns there really is no place more dangerous than home. Breandan the fairy is done being patient. He wants Rae to stand by his side and refuses any claim they are not destined to be. Unsure, Rae denies him the right to have her, but will the urges of her nature and the strength of their bond allow her to walk away? Then there is Tomas, the alluring vampire who needs her help. But what exactly does he expect of her, and is the cost of helping him worth turning her back on life itself? Courted by the dark, and in love with the light, Rae must choose her path, or face the burden of Rupturing the world once more.

Young Adult: British English (BrE).

in processing...

According to our general scientific knowledge, our history continues from the Egyptians up to us into the 21st Century recorded clearly and defined. Also, all scientific theories such as Einsteins theory of relativity enshrined and anchored fixed in the thoughts of our world.

But what happens, if all that would not agree so?

What happens, if the beginnings of our history would have proceeded differently in reality? If Atlantis, UFO's and the Greys would exist really, if behind our backs a monstrous power struggle throughout the season was going on, if the Greats of our governments have not always told us the truth, despite knowing better, if, for example, the Apollo Program had been carried on in secret, or the MiB's still exist there?

All these questions and possibilities, the author of this book like to try and clarify this with an imagination and a wealth of detail, over the scars damn close to reality!

All in all, a mix of Indiana Jones, SiFi, science fantasy and conspiracy theories of our modern time.

Get involved in an uncanny trip into time...

Rae Wilder Novels: Book One.

Rae Wilder has problems. Supernatural creatures swarm the earth, and humanity is on the brink of extinction. Stalked by a handsome fairy who claims she is like him, demonkind, Rae thinks maybe it was a mistake breaking the rules by going over the Wall into demon territory. Plunged into a world of dark magics, fierce creatures, and ritual sacrifice, she is charged with a guarding a magical amulet. The changes to her mind and body are startling, but rather than accept her purpose she struggles against who she is destined to be. Throw in a big lust for a vampire who can't keep his hands off her, and life starts to get complicated. Rae is forced to make the ultimate choice: to live and die human, or embrace her birth-right and wield magics that could turn her into something wicked, a force of nature nothing can control.

Young Adult: British English (BrE)

Ruby also known as Red enjoys endulging in sexual satisfaction in the comfort of her little bedroom but what happens when her little world gets turned upside down. what path will her choices lead her to take? will she be able to handle the new environment she's about to see?

Sinja lives happily as a nomad on the Tenebraes steppe when her entire tribe is wiped out by a horde of evil zjertas. She falls into the hands of slave traders and is sold to the cold, distanced, dragon rider Artyom, but things are very often different to how the facade may appear.
Artyom treats her with warm respect, drawing her ever further under his spell, seducing the young girl with every trick in the book, and she finds she is also not averse to his sado-dominant tendencies, but fear and insecurity hold Sinja back, not allowing her to submit herself to him.
Then there is also Artyom’s unclear past, the laws of the ruler, and ever-present danger. An unexpected event shocks them both, and Artyom decides to send Sinja away. Will Sinja ever see her beloved master again to once more enjoy his sado-dominant games?

Book 1 of "Those Who Cannot Die", this book follows the adventures of the Immortal group's second in command, Isaac, as he discovers the weakness of mortals firsthand...

I never thought things could get any worse than they already were. It seemed as though life was starting to get good, we had both found our soulmates. Scales, tail, claws and all. Real life Dragons. Can you believe it?
Even so, I really thought that this time we could be free. We saw a way out, but suddenly it all got worse. Things got worse faster than they had been getting better.
It's true when they say you can never run from your mistakes without them catching up to you. When you resurrect someone, they just don’t seem to know how to stay dead anymore. Just because you believe it’s behind you doesn’t mean it can’t become a part of your present again. It was supposed to be a peaceful new start, we were finally going to have a family of our own. We were going to be happy, we were going to get loved. Everything looked almost perfect. Things aren’t always what they seem though, and that’s okay I guess, because we’re not as weak as we look.

Summer Charard has started her Junior Year of High school and her biggest wish is to have a fun, care-free, popular life. But on her first day back she meets someone who changes her life, Zane VanLouge. Zane's mysterious in a way that fascinates her but the more she gets to know him, the more she see's that he's hiding something, something big. On top of that she starts having crazy dreams that turn out to be real, is getting beat up every which way she turns, has a psychopath guy haunting her dreams, an suspicious new roommate, a bipolar ex-roommate, and is in a bit of a love triangle.

Read on to find out what happens when dreams become reality and reality becomes dangerous.
*Available for Purchase*