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In our online library you can read for free books by the author Gods. All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

At the beginning of time a being popped into space. He represented goodness and was the most handsome and beautiful man in the universe...

Once upon a time the Wilds were called Superheroes and they helped us, they represented our hope and determination to see through even the darkest of times... but then one day they just turned: stopped helping and started destroying, taking the very lives they saved only days earlier... no one knows why...

When Louis is Taken, he is confident his brothers, Andrew and James, will save him. But being a catagory Triangle, his life is on the line. He meets on his way to the Camps many other Wilds like him and is determined to befriend all of them- despite his power surpressor rendering him a mute. Meanwhile, Andrew and James search tirelessly for their brother while trying to avade capture themselves: along the way they begin to uncover the strange reasons behind the 'Gene', the reason Wilds go bad, and discover the true forgotton origins of the Wilds...

Karina Petrolia has been through alot and she's trying to forget all of it by living with her slightly college-educated brother. She's been getting through life fine until she meets the mysterious and kinda bipolar Ryan. She falls for him at first sight, but does her new lifestyle agree to her new found crus or does it want to break off any ties between the two students?

Hey guys, here's something I've been working on. Please tell me what you think. I will try to add new chapters every few days. I would appreciate some honest feedback. Thanx!!

Look into the eyes of the tramp what life hides behind that glassy look?
A modern twist on Greek mythology which entwines the worlds of gods and men.

Lana Star and her bestfriend Samantha Kane had a good life but now they got sucked into a world of gods and goddess and Prophecys.( NOT DONE YET PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS)

After saving the world, you would think Faye get`s a break. But what she doesn`t know is her new boyfriend is hiding a secret, which then she has to make a serious decision.

The Gods are restless and they have decided to wage war against the other Gods putting our world in jeopardy. The fate of the world lies upon the hands of a boy who got caught in the middle of the chaos. Will he be the savior of our doomed planet or will he be the reason for the destruction of the world as we know it.

Two millennia ago, eight powerful crafters of magic ruled Mris. They stole that which was the worlds, and locked it away for their own benefit. Magic itself. Then came the war. The lands were devastated, and the artifacts lost along with magic. Two thousand years later, magic has become myth, along with the War of Eight. A man mysterious in origins believes, and is witness to the discovery of one of the Lost Eight and seems to know well their unimaginable power. Now he has set in motion a plan countless ages in the making. With the help of a young optimistic knight, a man of faith, an unusual lizard man and a wily young orphan; He has one last hope for Mris, A promise two millennia in the making.

Kayden Shyam-Raj is a pure breed Valarian and Chief of the First Guard at the Coven of Alaska. He and his men were all set to meet up with a paying client in Kansas City. But what Kayden and his men failed to prepare for was the set up they got instead.

Mira Croisseux has come to terms with her duty to save mankind from an approaching darkness. And it is only through her death, as a willing sacrifice to the Gods, that she will do this. But on a cold rainy night she gets ripped from her bedroom by a sexy, naked Scar-face-cat-man.

Now the two are stuck with each other and eventually they will have to learn to work together to see the situation through. But they soon realize they are apart of something bigger and as the truth unfolds, how or do you save someone who is ready to die?

At the beginning of time a being popped into space. He represented goodness and was the most handsome and beautiful man in the universe...

Once upon a time the Wilds were called Superheroes and they helped us, they represented our hope and determination to see through even the darkest of times... but then one day they just turned: stopped helping and started destroying, taking the very lives they saved only days earlier... no one knows why...

When Louis is Taken, he is confident his brothers, Andrew and James, will save him. But being a catagory Triangle, his life is on the line. He meets on his way to the Camps many other Wilds like him and is determined to befriend all of them- despite his power surpressor rendering him a mute. Meanwhile, Andrew and James search tirelessly for their brother while trying to avade capture themselves: along the way they begin to uncover the strange reasons behind the 'Gene', the reason Wilds go bad, and discover the true forgotton origins of the Wilds...

Karina Petrolia has been through alot and she's trying to forget all of it by living with her slightly college-educated brother. She's been getting through life fine until she meets the mysterious and kinda bipolar Ryan. She falls for him at first sight, but does her new lifestyle agree to her new found crus or does it want to break off any ties between the two students?

Hey guys, here's something I've been working on. Please tell me what you think. I will try to add new chapters every few days. I would appreciate some honest feedback. Thanx!!

Look into the eyes of the tramp what life hides behind that glassy look?
A modern twist on Greek mythology which entwines the worlds of gods and men.

Lana Star and her bestfriend Samantha Kane had a good life but now they got sucked into a world of gods and goddess and Prophecys.( NOT DONE YET PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS)

After saving the world, you would think Faye get`s a break. But what she doesn`t know is her new boyfriend is hiding a secret, which then she has to make a serious decision.

The Gods are restless and they have decided to wage war against the other Gods putting our world in jeopardy. The fate of the world lies upon the hands of a boy who got caught in the middle of the chaos. Will he be the savior of our doomed planet or will he be the reason for the destruction of the world as we know it.

Two millennia ago, eight powerful crafters of magic ruled Mris. They stole that which was the worlds, and locked it away for their own benefit. Magic itself. Then came the war. The lands were devastated, and the artifacts lost along with magic. Two thousand years later, magic has become myth, along with the War of Eight. A man mysterious in origins believes, and is witness to the discovery of one of the Lost Eight and seems to know well their unimaginable power. Now he has set in motion a plan countless ages in the making. With the help of a young optimistic knight, a man of faith, an unusual lizard man and a wily young orphan; He has one last hope for Mris, A promise two millennia in the making.

Kayden Shyam-Raj is a pure breed Valarian and Chief of the First Guard at the Coven of Alaska. He and his men were all set to meet up with a paying client in Kansas City. But what Kayden and his men failed to prepare for was the set up they got instead.

Mira Croisseux has come to terms with her duty to save mankind from an approaching darkness. And it is only through her death, as a willing sacrifice to the Gods, that she will do this. But on a cold rainy night she gets ripped from her bedroom by a sexy, naked Scar-face-cat-man.

Now the two are stuck with each other and eventually they will have to learn to work together to see the situation through. But they soon realize they are apart of something bigger and as the truth unfolds, how or do you save someone who is ready to die?