Author's e-books - Soul. Page - 1

Everybody at some point wants to be JUST LOVED in the right way and for denisexual people like us, being just loved is so important for nothing else works. We just want to be cuddled and respected and that doesn't mean we want SEX all the time and not everybody can satisfy us! Only our loved one's can satisfy our soul in every way.

This book is written by a friend of mine, Maha. She was hessitating to publish this so I'm publishing on her behalf. You'll for sure love the book.
This book speaks the words your soul needed to let out....but described better by someone who doesn't even know you....we all are humans and we all have same core of feelings....this book and the writings in it....are simple yet deep....never been heard yet could only find meaning it with the level of their's a really good composition of thoughts.

I was just lying there, dark red blood oozing slowly from my wound. My whole body was throb, throb, throbbing; it felt as though I had entered my own heart, and felt its beat across me, my fingers, my toes, my growing tailbone and wings…the pain was so intense. I knew at that point, this is the day I’m going to die. I just lye there, waiting, waiting for what happens to everyone before they die to happen to me; I was waiting for ‘my life to flash before my eyes.’ I tried to look down, to see what was causing this wretched bloodlust; but I couldn’t see it, my eyes were clouded with blood, black blood. Though I could not see, I could feel, I was clutching onto whatever it was jabbing into my stomach. It was a blade, but it felt more like cloth. A shadow blade. I heard someone call my name, someone I know, a friend I think; I couldn’t tell, my vision started to blur, and fade to black; as though I were simply falling asleep.

We live into the world of materialism and where we want to live in peace and happiness but somehow with the beautiful faces we live under the serious miseries of life and we often try to find the mystery behind it. Our main purpose of life is to become consious about the reason of our existence and the main purpose for being in this world. This book is especially written for those people who are much curious to know the natural mystreries of soul and its abilities.

Everybody at some point wants to be JUST LOVED in the right way and for denisexual people like us, being just loved is so important for nothing else works. We just want to be cuddled and respected and that doesn't mean we want SEX all the time and not everybody can satisfy us! Only our loved one's can satisfy our soul in every way.

This book is written by a friend of mine, Maha. She was hessitating to publish this so I'm publishing on her behalf. You'll for sure love the book.
This book speaks the words your soul needed to let out....but described better by someone who doesn't even know you....we all are humans and we all have same core of feelings....this book and the writings in it....are simple yet deep....never been heard yet could only find meaning it with the level of their's a really good composition of thoughts.

I was just lying there, dark red blood oozing slowly from my wound. My whole body was throb, throb, throbbing; it felt as though I had entered my own heart, and felt its beat across me, my fingers, my toes, my growing tailbone and wings…the pain was so intense. I knew at that point, this is the day I’m going to die. I just lye there, waiting, waiting for what happens to everyone before they die to happen to me; I was waiting for ‘my life to flash before my eyes.’ I tried to look down, to see what was causing this wretched bloodlust; but I couldn’t see it, my eyes were clouded with blood, black blood. Though I could not see, I could feel, I was clutching onto whatever it was jabbing into my stomach. It was a blade, but it felt more like cloth. A shadow blade. I heard someone call my name, someone I know, a friend I think; I couldn’t tell, my vision started to blur, and fade to black; as though I were simply falling asleep.

We live into the world of materialism and where we want to live in peace and happiness but somehow with the beautiful faces we live under the serious miseries of life and we often try to find the mystery behind it. Our main purpose of life is to become consious about the reason of our existence and the main purpose for being in this world. This book is especially written for those people who are much curious to know the natural mystreries of soul and its abilities.