Author's e-books - animals. Page - 1
William and Tibby were convinced that every time the beasts roared out of sight, it was with the intention of devouring their occupants. Thankfully, however, the beasts always thought better of their behavior and returned with their prey unharmed. The cats were waiting for the day, though, when one of the beasts failed to do so. They could only hope that when that day came it was the man and not Second Mom who was eaten.
I am your obnoxious vegan, the one you find at the door of slaughterhouses with a poster saying “Help” featuring a cow about to be murdered. I am your obnoxious vegan, the one who will give you the Book of veganism at the slightest smirk, the most “innocent” jokes ( “yummy”, “hmm, bacon”). I am your obnoxious vegan, the one who will tell you about the cows and pigs cramped on trucks on their way to slaughter..."
It’s 2050 and humankind has reached the top, technology has skyrocketed and the sciences have expanded tremendously. Like always many things come with a price, problems like hunger continue to plague the earth with no solutions at hand. Our story unfolds in the isolated research facility of Dr. Darwin. It is in this lab that his research of evolution changes the human race forever, rewriting the history of humankind for all.
Vuitena edició del poemari 12 poemes, selecció de dotze poemes seleccionats i publicats per Grosella i Grandalla Edicions, Principat d'Andorra, col-lecció jevkubie. L'edició 2018 del recull proposa amb la temàtica "Animals" una dotzena de poemes, historiètes i pregàries, que us convida a entrar o seguir en poesia amb un ull spècic o anti-spècic clar tot i observant els nostres amics d'altres espècies animals: gats, ocells, felins, batracians. De Charles Baudelaire a William Wordsworth o Blake, la ingenuïtat de Suzon Laesser del segell X3 amb la col.laboració de la Revista La Sargantana Ibèrica #serenalla Hello Earth! de la Xarxa GG02 Echo. Bona diada de Sant Jordi 2018!
William and Tibby were convinced that every time the beasts roared out of sight, it was with the intention of devouring their occupants. Thankfully, however, the beasts always thought better of their behavior and returned with their prey unharmed. The cats were waiting for the day, though, when one of the beasts failed to do so. They could only hope that when that day came it was the man and not Second Mom who was eaten.
I am your obnoxious vegan, the one you find at the door of slaughterhouses with a poster saying “Help” featuring a cow about to be murdered. I am your obnoxious vegan, the one who will give you the Book of veganism at the slightest smirk, the most “innocent” jokes ( “yummy”, “hmm, bacon”). I am your obnoxious vegan, the one who will tell you about the cows and pigs cramped on trucks on their way to slaughter..."
It’s 2050 and humankind has reached the top, technology has skyrocketed and the sciences have expanded tremendously. Like always many things come with a price, problems like hunger continue to plague the earth with no solutions at hand. Our story unfolds in the isolated research facility of Dr. Darwin. It is in this lab that his research of evolution changes the human race forever, rewriting the history of humankind for all.
Vuitena edició del poemari 12 poemes, selecció de dotze poemes seleccionats i publicats per Grosella i Grandalla Edicions, Principat d'Andorra, col-lecció jevkubie. L'edició 2018 del recull proposa amb la temàtica "Animals" una dotzena de poemes, historiètes i pregàries, que us convida a entrar o seguir en poesia amb un ull spècic o anti-spècic clar tot i observant els nostres amics d'altres espècies animals: gats, ocells, felins, batracians. De Charles Baudelaire a William Wordsworth o Blake, la ingenuïtat de Suzon Laesser del segell X3 amb la col.laboració de la Revista La Sargantana Ibèrica #serenalla Hello Earth! de la Xarxa GG02 Echo. Bona diada de Sant Jordi 2018!