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In our online library you can read for free books by the author castle. All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

Farid, a boy who likes nature, enjoys a sunny day in the sandy dunes of the desert building his sand castle. Deserts can be a fun place to take vacations, as Farid is doing with his friends and family.

A preview and extracts from The Prang Codex, an episodic collection of tales set loosely in the mid twelfth century, in the last remaining independent Saxon monarchy in Norman England, due to a nifty legal loophole and an ancient Norman Conquest Charter.
A set of chronicles in which the King suffers visits from the two mincing actors, Short and Curly: Lorenz Lawne-Bowlyngge, the flamboyant interior designer: Dr Misaubin, the travelling apothecary and snake-oil man: the misguided owner of a henge-building franchise: a bunch of Notaries from the law firm of Minge Minge Crap-hound Spiv & Minge: Tull, the inventor of the Gardeners Claw: a money-grabbing Water-diviner: an itinerant Tiler: a bunch of homicidal German mercenaries: Joey Pantolooni, the leader of the worst circus on the planet, and many more, and we meet Griswolde Pauncefoote, the worst musician in the world: his brother, the Black Knight: Rijk Van Dyjke, the Flemish ice sculptor: Max Hispano-Suiza, carriage builder and second-hand cart dealer: Leonardo Van Tableaux, the hack tabloid painter: Archer, the longbow-man prepared to commit perjury on the King’s behalf: Dr Placebo-Ganglion, the castle physician: Blacques Jacques à t’Acques, the “French” pirate captain: Robin Hood: The Assassin Astreau-Turphe & Henry II (real King).
Our window into this murky medieval world is through the medium of Prang’s Journal, a scruffy assemblage of parchment sheets loosely bound in a ratty piece of second-hand vellum, that has survived the ravages of the centuries against all odds. Prang’s daily entries however are somewhat economical with the truth to put it mildly, tending to gloss over his faux pas in his dealings with the King and even omitting some of the worst episodes altogether. Fortunately for the sake of history we are able to assemble the true events behind these woefully sketchy diary entries from various recently-discovered contemporary writings which, unfortunately from Prang’s viewpoint, put the record straight.
Here, for the first time together, are extracts from Wizard Prang’s Journal, a chronicler clearly not in the same class as Samuel Pepys, together with the true catastrophic events behind each entry.

Backpacking in Europe for Rick Deacon was never a great idea to begin with, but he got convinced by three of his friends to go with them to Germany to hike around to tour castles. All he had to do was pretend to go off on business for his father during the full moon... and avoid a certain German town. 

Hello my name is Jasmine Jade Moonlight. I am 5'2 and I weigh approximately 112 lbs. I am not a girly girl I happen to be a boxer I am emo I don't talk much considering the fact that I have no friends. Well I am not in a very good mood considering the fact that I have to move yet again. This is my 12th school in six months but im glad I wont be moving again for awhile. But I am not happy about the fact that I have to be the new student again. Oh I also forgot to mention my eyes are Violet colored with red flecs all through out my iris.

A couple is defied by a situation in the family with two of their nieces. What would they do to save the family? What will be the reaction of the girls when they know the truth? Can the parent be trusted again?

A little girl Alicia has an adventure with a flying Dragon. They fly to a wonderful castle in the sky where they visit the King of the chocolate makers and his helpers.

In the past 5 centuries Tyren hasn't been too bright. When it was announced that two young wizards obtain the gift of life, excitement arose throughtout the planet. Life is the highest, and rarest of all the gifts. A gift is a specific part of magic that a creature's abilities lie in. The only problem is that Siena Hunt can't control even the basics of her gift of life, and she is expected to become the princess, and eventually queen, of Tyren.
Siena's mentor, Tomas Carter, cares about her very much, enough to keep certain things from her. Now, he must teach Siena all the lessons he's been holding back, without revealing his own secrets, before the coronation.
Siena has been working very hard and getting better at both her school in the human world, and the work Tomas gives her. However, she still struggles with performing the greatest application of her gift. Though she is uncertain whether she even wants to rule over Tyren, she knows exactly what she has to do when she receives letters from an evil wizard who threatens to take the gift of life from, and possibly kill, either her or her younger sister, Sophia.

Lyra is finally coming to terms with her new life in Caswan with the West family. She is learning her duties, on how to be a princess and even a queen. Thayer and her are going along the right path, for their wedding, which is planned for next month. It's when an invitation in the mail, for Edmund Holt's funeral (AKA The King of Spridge) arrives in Caswan, that things take a turn for the worst. Going back home to Spridge means, Lyra, will have to see her family, friends, and Elijah, after all the time she has spent ignoring them. Trying to forget about her soul mate and friends. Once Lyra and the West family arrive back in Spriddge, trouble stirs again. And Lyra realizes there is a dark evil at work in home land, and the queen is causing it all.

Taking a deep breath I stand up gripping Thayer's hand we find our way out of the garden. Walking through the castle I smile at all the good memories, and it make my heart ache more. Before we actually go to the throne room where everything is being held I show him to the study, where I was almost killed the first time. I explain that day to him, telling him everything even Tatum. Thayer and Tatum are actually friends!

"You're going to see her today." I hear Rashell's voice, and I look to the door. It's wide open!

"Yes, I know Rashell." I hear his voice, and my breath is taken away. "Remember though, you are to cause no harm to her or her Fiancé."

"Only if you stay away from the girl, Elijah." Rashell replies.

"Lyra is engaged, Rashell with your orders. She probably wont even let me near her." He says.

"If I see you even talking to her Elijah, you know what will happen." Rashell warns. Their voices getting closer and closer. "Lyra will die, and I'll make you watch."

"I wont let that happen." he says just as they become visible though the door. Thayer is gripping my hand, now obviously listening. I never told him about Elijah, I don't know how much of this is making since to him. "I love her." he says. My heart rate speeds and I know he will sense me here.

"I don't care!" Rashell pushes him against the wall. "You are not aloud to even look at her! Got it?" She hisses.

"Yes, my queen." He replies still calm and collected.

"Good, now lets go say goodbye to my husband." she smiles. Then they disappear down the hall.

"Care to explain." Thayer asks, and I gulp. God, my life is on the line here! I squeeze Thayer, wishing Chase wouldn't have found me again.

Farid, a boy who likes nature, enjoys a sunny day in the sandy dunes of the desert building his sand castle. Deserts can be a fun place to take vacations, as Farid is doing with his friends and family.

A preview and extracts from The Prang Codex, an episodic collection of tales set loosely in the mid twelfth century, in the last remaining independent Saxon monarchy in Norman England, due to a nifty legal loophole and an ancient Norman Conquest Charter.
A set of chronicles in which the King suffers visits from the two mincing actors, Short and Curly: Lorenz Lawne-Bowlyngge, the flamboyant interior designer: Dr Misaubin, the travelling apothecary and snake-oil man: the misguided owner of a henge-building franchise: a bunch of Notaries from the law firm of Minge Minge Crap-hound Spiv & Minge: Tull, the inventor of the Gardeners Claw: a money-grabbing Water-diviner: an itinerant Tiler: a bunch of homicidal German mercenaries: Joey Pantolooni, the leader of the worst circus on the planet, and many more, and we meet Griswolde Pauncefoote, the worst musician in the world: his brother, the Black Knight: Rijk Van Dyjke, the Flemish ice sculptor: Max Hispano-Suiza, carriage builder and second-hand cart dealer: Leonardo Van Tableaux, the hack tabloid painter: Archer, the longbow-man prepared to commit perjury on the King’s behalf: Dr Placebo-Ganglion, the castle physician: Blacques Jacques à t’Acques, the “French” pirate captain: Robin Hood: The Assassin Astreau-Turphe & Henry II (real King).
Our window into this murky medieval world is through the medium of Prang’s Journal, a scruffy assemblage of parchment sheets loosely bound in a ratty piece of second-hand vellum, that has survived the ravages of the centuries against all odds. Prang’s daily entries however are somewhat economical with the truth to put it mildly, tending to gloss over his faux pas in his dealings with the King and even omitting some of the worst episodes altogether. Fortunately for the sake of history we are able to assemble the true events behind these woefully sketchy diary entries from various recently-discovered contemporary writings which, unfortunately from Prang’s viewpoint, put the record straight.
Here, for the first time together, are extracts from Wizard Prang’s Journal, a chronicler clearly not in the same class as Samuel Pepys, together with the true catastrophic events behind each entry.

Backpacking in Europe for Rick Deacon was never a great idea to begin with, but he got convinced by three of his friends to go with them to Germany to hike around to tour castles. All he had to do was pretend to go off on business for his father during the full moon... and avoid a certain German town. 

Hello my name is Jasmine Jade Moonlight. I am 5'2 and I weigh approximately 112 lbs. I am not a girly girl I happen to be a boxer I am emo I don't talk much considering the fact that I have no friends. Well I am not in a very good mood considering the fact that I have to move yet again. This is my 12th school in six months but im glad I wont be moving again for awhile. But I am not happy about the fact that I have to be the new student again. Oh I also forgot to mention my eyes are Violet colored with red flecs all through out my iris.

A couple is defied by a situation in the family with two of their nieces. What would they do to save the family? What will be the reaction of the girls when they know the truth? Can the parent be trusted again?

A little girl Alicia has an adventure with a flying Dragon. They fly to a wonderful castle in the sky where they visit the King of the chocolate makers and his helpers.

In the past 5 centuries Tyren hasn't been too bright. When it was announced that two young wizards obtain the gift of life, excitement arose throughtout the planet. Life is the highest, and rarest of all the gifts. A gift is a specific part of magic that a creature's abilities lie in. The only problem is that Siena Hunt can't control even the basics of her gift of life, and she is expected to become the princess, and eventually queen, of Tyren.
Siena's mentor, Tomas Carter, cares about her very much, enough to keep certain things from her. Now, he must teach Siena all the lessons he's been holding back, without revealing his own secrets, before the coronation.
Siena has been working very hard and getting better at both her school in the human world, and the work Tomas gives her. However, she still struggles with performing the greatest application of her gift. Though she is uncertain whether she even wants to rule over Tyren, she knows exactly what she has to do when she receives letters from an evil wizard who threatens to take the gift of life from, and possibly kill, either her or her younger sister, Sophia.

Lyra is finally coming to terms with her new life in Caswan with the West family. She is learning her duties, on how to be a princess and even a queen. Thayer and her are going along the right path, for their wedding, which is planned for next month. It's when an invitation in the mail, for Edmund Holt's funeral (AKA The King of Spridge) arrives in Caswan, that things take a turn for the worst. Going back home to Spridge means, Lyra, will have to see her family, friends, and Elijah, after all the time she has spent ignoring them. Trying to forget about her soul mate and friends. Once Lyra and the West family arrive back in Spriddge, trouble stirs again. And Lyra realizes there is a dark evil at work in home land, and the queen is causing it all.

Taking a deep breath I stand up gripping Thayer's hand we find our way out of the garden. Walking through the castle I smile at all the good memories, and it make my heart ache more. Before we actually go to the throne room where everything is being held I show him to the study, where I was almost killed the first time. I explain that day to him, telling him everything even Tatum. Thayer and Tatum are actually friends!

"You're going to see her today." I hear Rashell's voice, and I look to the door. It's wide open!

"Yes, I know Rashell." I hear his voice, and my breath is taken away. "Remember though, you are to cause no harm to her or her Fiancé."

"Only if you stay away from the girl, Elijah." Rashell replies.

"Lyra is engaged, Rashell with your orders. She probably wont even let me near her." He says.

"If I see you even talking to her Elijah, you know what will happen." Rashell warns. Their voices getting closer and closer. "Lyra will die, and I'll make you watch."

"I wont let that happen." he says just as they become visible though the door. Thayer is gripping my hand, now obviously listening. I never told him about Elijah, I don't know how much of this is making since to him. "I love her." he says. My heart rate speeds and I know he will sense me here.

"I don't care!" Rashell pushes him against the wall. "You are not aloud to even look at her! Got it?" She hisses.

"Yes, my queen." He replies still calm and collected.

"Good, now lets go say goodbye to my husband." she smiles. Then they disappear down the hall.

"Care to explain." Thayer asks, and I gulp. God, my life is on the line here! I squeeze Thayer, wishing Chase wouldn't have found me again.