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In our online library you can read for free books by the author creative non-fiction. All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

Colleges and employers continue to grapple with the fact that students in the United States are not prepared for the demands of higher education and the workforce. Students scramble to figure out where to go to school, how to get in, what to study, and how to pay for their education, one of the most important investments of their life. Education is a complex but highly valued system. It's a pathway to opportunities in life and a cornerstone of economic prosperity, but far too many students get lost along the way.

What can students do to make sure they get the most out of their education? In this unfiltered, non-academic, and straight to the point personal essay, students are challenged to ask tough questions about their education and personal goals. They are provided insights based on the experiences of a young professional who has been where they are, and has a few thoughts on how to get them where they want to be.

Colleges and employers continue to grapple with the fact that students in the United States are not prepared for the demands of higher education and the workforce. Students scramble to figure out where to go to school, how to get in, what to study, and how to pay for their education, one of the most important investments of their life. Education is a complex but highly valued system. It's a pathway to opportunities in life and a cornerstone of economic prosperity, but far too many students get lost along the way.

What can students do to make sure they get the most out of their education? In this unfiltered, non-academic, and straight to the point personal essay, students are challenged to ask tough questions about their education and personal goals. They are provided insights based on the experiences of a young professional who has been where they are, and has a few thoughts on how to get them where they want to be.

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