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Kulwant Singh and Lakhbir Singh are workers of the Roadworks Company "Brookmiller Ltd" , which is situated in Hounslow.

  • Naturopathy medicine of garlic
  • Everyday eat garlic
  • Avoid High bp and fat leval
  • Avoid so many disease

Excerpt: “Wow...... The whole thing is kind of unbelievable, don’t you think?” He asked softly. What whole thing? Summer wondered. The dark haired girl sat on a rock.
“I guess so. I just think that she is lucky. She didn’t have to go through what the rest of us did. She doesn’t have any idea. She thinks that everything is still like before the Crash. It’s just..... ugh,” she replied. Summer was deeply confused. She had no ideas what they were talking about. The Crash? Summer hopefully waited for some sort of explanation, or something to lessen her confusion.
“Well, yeah, but, at the same time, whatever the Leaders have planned for her is surely gonna make up for what she missed out on. And by what she thinks that she knows about the world, her situation is the worst ever,” the boy said.

For Superman is about........A young woman is living with a rare diesese.She deals with physical struggles and emotional wrecks. She struggles and fights and is told she only has 2 hours to live.She has to get everything off of her chest before her life come crashing down on her.She is Waiting For Superman.

This is a short story but i will be writing a real book and the real Waiting (I wont tell.i have a lot of diffrent topics for it but it is such a good title i dont know which one to use and im still brainstorming but what i do know is that its going to be sad and has a kidnappping and its a good book.and will bring you to tears.)

Boy meets girl.
Girl meets boy.
They share everything, Don't know why.
They have problems, a lot of problems, in common.
Boy fall in love and so do the girl.
They share differences.
They know the pain will come but they accept.

But boy contains a secret in him, so dark. And he hasn't told that secret to his girl.
When he tells, the girl, she's torn.
Still she handles and tells her boy that nothing is wrong.
They suffer together.
They cry together.
They laugh together.

Suddenly everything is fine. Out of that suffering they become Soul mates.
They share a love which will never ever die.
They share a bond that is pure and beautiful.

Their future, that is unknown, they don't know if they'll marry ever, but yes! they will always be together in each other's heart.

In a clinic, with an unknown disease, a group of kids try to make the best of life. Meanwhile, the outside world is changing.

A heartbreaking characterization of what can happen when one is diagnosed with a debilitating disease. Loss of marriage, family & career doesn’t keep Richard from depicting the brighter side of life with his funny anecdotes. His story will leave you with the feeling of satisfaction and resolved joy.
The story begins with him contemplating suicide as he looks down the barrel of his gun.

This is part two of my deadly beautiful novel. enjoy!

Morgan Blackwood and Whitney Stellar are two girls from completely different worlds, even time settings, but will fate eventually bring them together and rock everything they might have known in a world that is nestled into the dark hands of the Night Clan?

Morgan Blackwood is a young girl from Stoke, England. Growing up in a fairly middle class household, she suffered most of her life in the hands of stomach cancer. Morgan is determined to have her strange red-eyed friend, Liam Gogh, to change her into a vampire before the cancer takes her life. Her decision to become a member of the Night Clan can have dire consenquences, but she is willing to leave her life behind for the only chance she has to survive. Will her religious family get in the way of pursuing her destiny, or will Liam Gogh be unwilling to taint her soul and turn her into a 'monster'?

Whitney Stellar, the complete opposite of Morgan, was born into a life of abuse and neglect. After running away from her problem, she involves herself with the wrong people, battling drug addictions and a rather unhealthy prostituition lifestyle. After endless therapy and rehabilitation, she will have to take a different course of action to clean herself up, even if that means she has to face the one thing she, as a human, was taught to fear: vampires.
(this book and several suggestive scenes and bad lanugage)

Kulwant Singh and Lakhbir Singh are workers of the Roadworks Company "Brookmiller Ltd" , which is situated in Hounslow.

  • Naturopathy medicine of garlic
  • Everyday eat garlic
  • Avoid High bp and fat leval
  • Avoid so many disease

Excerpt: “Wow...... The whole thing is kind of unbelievable, don’t you think?” He asked softly. What whole thing? Summer wondered. The dark haired girl sat on a rock.
“I guess so. I just think that she is lucky. She didn’t have to go through what the rest of us did. She doesn’t have any idea. She thinks that everything is still like before the Crash. It’s just..... ugh,” she replied. Summer was deeply confused. She had no ideas what they were talking about. The Crash? Summer hopefully waited for some sort of explanation, or something to lessen her confusion.
“Well, yeah, but, at the same time, whatever the Leaders have planned for her is surely gonna make up for what she missed out on. And by what she thinks that she knows about the world, her situation is the worst ever,” the boy said.

For Superman is about........A young woman is living with a rare diesese.She deals with physical struggles and emotional wrecks. She struggles and fights and is told she only has 2 hours to live.She has to get everything off of her chest before her life come crashing down on her.She is Waiting For Superman.

This is a short story but i will be writing a real book and the real Waiting (I wont tell.i have a lot of diffrent topics for it but it is such a good title i dont know which one to use and im still brainstorming but what i do know is that its going to be sad and has a kidnappping and its a good book.and will bring you to tears.)

Boy meets girl.
Girl meets boy.
They share everything, Don't know why.
They have problems, a lot of problems, in common.
Boy fall in love and so do the girl.
They share differences.
They know the pain will come but they accept.

But boy contains a secret in him, so dark. And he hasn't told that secret to his girl.
When he tells, the girl, she's torn.
Still she handles and tells her boy that nothing is wrong.
They suffer together.
They cry together.
They laugh together.

Suddenly everything is fine. Out of that suffering they become Soul mates.
They share a love which will never ever die.
They share a bond that is pure and beautiful.

Their future, that is unknown, they don't know if they'll marry ever, but yes! they will always be together in each other's heart.

In a clinic, with an unknown disease, a group of kids try to make the best of life. Meanwhile, the outside world is changing.

A heartbreaking characterization of what can happen when one is diagnosed with a debilitating disease. Loss of marriage, family & career doesn’t keep Richard from depicting the brighter side of life with his funny anecdotes. His story will leave you with the feeling of satisfaction and resolved joy.
The story begins with him contemplating suicide as he looks down the barrel of his gun.

This is part two of my deadly beautiful novel. enjoy!

Morgan Blackwood and Whitney Stellar are two girls from completely different worlds, even time settings, but will fate eventually bring them together and rock everything they might have known in a world that is nestled into the dark hands of the Night Clan?

Morgan Blackwood is a young girl from Stoke, England. Growing up in a fairly middle class household, she suffered most of her life in the hands of stomach cancer. Morgan is determined to have her strange red-eyed friend, Liam Gogh, to change her into a vampire before the cancer takes her life. Her decision to become a member of the Night Clan can have dire consenquences, but she is willing to leave her life behind for the only chance she has to survive. Will her religious family get in the way of pursuing her destiny, or will Liam Gogh be unwilling to taint her soul and turn her into a 'monster'?

Whitney Stellar, the complete opposite of Morgan, was born into a life of abuse and neglect. After running away from her problem, she involves herself with the wrong people, battling drug addictions and a rather unhealthy prostituition lifestyle. After endless therapy and rehabilitation, she will have to take a different course of action to clean herself up, even if that means she has to face the one thing she, as a human, was taught to fear: vampires.
(this book and several suggestive scenes and bad lanugage)