Author's e-books - dragons. Page - 3

In this dimension, alone, and one of only two Fall Faeries known to this side of the Realm all of the responsibilities usually fall to her and her trusted Companion, Vishnu. What happens when the one person, or being, you trust betrays you and the only other person you have in the world is siding with it? You get the job done and keep moving on; despite what Faerie, or beast, decides to try to steal your heart and change your life (despite how much you try to keep it the same) along the way.

This will be the first book on this site that I will be writting so please go easy on me if anyone reads and comments on it. Right now I'm just planning it out in my head. I am also really bad at naming this so if you think of a cool name for the book or one of the charactars it would be loads of help if you pm me you idea.
This book is about an orphan boy who is being used in exerperiments. The reason for this is his unusually large amount of magic energy. To give you an idea about how much magic he has I'll tell you this he is close to the magical power of some of the weaker Great Sages, and he is just a 15 year old boy. Now the Great Sages are given that name good or evil for the shere power they posses. Now the experiment that they are preforming on him is the most criminal know to man kind. They are trying to seal a dragon inside him. This is considerd criminal bwcause every time it has been atempted the body selfdestructed killing thousands of people.

My friend,, and I, are working together on a new story, with the working title of "Hidden Life." It's set in the 31st century, and it's about about a couple of girls, twins in fact: an abused slave named Lily Whitlow, and a troublemaking orphan named Jasmine Firetongue. In "Hidden Life," they learn about their kinship, their real parents, and a scary secret about themselves: they aren't completely human. and I would appreciate your positive criticism and advice. I will try to post a new chapter every week or so, and if you would like to be notified of when I post more, just comment and ask me to send you a message next time I add more.
Looking forward to your feedback =D
~Bravey and Ninja

My name is Shadow and I am one of four, I am what my name says a shadow, I'm the darkness that evil seeks and the good, they fear me. I'm wrapped in darkness and can't see the light,join me and see what true darkness looks like!
Please comment, can you tell me if there are any mistakes etc. I'll try and add to it as much as possible but just check it out!
the legend of oyaysis truth #1 by jerek smith darksoulminer (best books to read for students .txt) 📖

welcome one allto the oblivion death match
the transfused eona and destroyer had found an old enemy far much older than anyone else alive. and a new freind also is the cause of this all the fusion and the uprisses of oblivion. will they prevail or die trying well not die more like get imprisened forever. also will the truth be told when there fused about how eona adores desroyer well find out in this book! number 1

In this dimension, alone, and one of only two Fall Faeries known to this side of the Realm all of the responsibilities usually fall to her and her trusted Companion, Vishnu. What happens when the one person, or being, you trust betrays you and the only other person you have in the world is siding with it? You get the job done and keep moving on; despite what Faerie, or beast, decides to try to steal your heart and change your life (despite how much you try to keep it the same) along the way.

This will be the first book on this site that I will be writting so please go easy on me if anyone reads and comments on it. Right now I'm just planning it out in my head. I am also really bad at naming this so if you think of a cool name for the book or one of the charactars it would be loads of help if you pm me you idea.
This book is about an orphan boy who is being used in exerperiments. The reason for this is his unusually large amount of magic energy. To give you an idea about how much magic he has I'll tell you this he is close to the magical power of some of the weaker Great Sages, and he is just a 15 year old boy. Now the Great Sages are given that name good or evil for the shere power they posses. Now the experiment that they are preforming on him is the most criminal know to man kind. They are trying to seal a dragon inside him. This is considerd criminal bwcause every time it has been atempted the body selfdestructed killing thousands of people.

My friend,, and I, are working together on a new story, with the working title of "Hidden Life." It's set in the 31st century, and it's about about a couple of girls, twins in fact: an abused slave named Lily Whitlow, and a troublemaking orphan named Jasmine Firetongue. In "Hidden Life," they learn about their kinship, their real parents, and a scary secret about themselves: they aren't completely human. and I would appreciate your positive criticism and advice. I will try to post a new chapter every week or so, and if you would like to be notified of when I post more, just comment and ask me to send you a message next time I add more.
Looking forward to your feedback =D
~Bravey and Ninja

My name is Shadow and I am one of four, I am what my name says a shadow, I'm the darkness that evil seeks and the good, they fear me. I'm wrapped in darkness and can't see the light,join me and see what true darkness looks like!
Please comment, can you tell me if there are any mistakes etc. I'll try and add to it as much as possible but just check it out!
the legend of oyaysis truth #1 by jerek smith darksoulminer (best books to read for students .txt) 📖

welcome one allto the oblivion death match
the transfused eona and destroyer had found an old enemy far much older than anyone else alive. and a new freind also is the cause of this all the fusion and the uprisses of oblivion. will they prevail or die trying well not die more like get imprisened forever. also will the truth be told when there fused about how eona adores desroyer well find out in this book! number 1