Author's e-books - fantasy. Page - 47

In our online library you can read for free books by the author fantasy. All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

Meloria Westfall had an unusual handicap,one that made it necessary for her to do everything at night (except sleep). This problem made having a social life somewhat - all right, very - difficult, but she was determined to figure it out somehow, while hoping one day to find a cure...

Never in a trillion years did Rena really think vampires existed...or that she had enemies among them.

Beginning of senior year, and Rena Vesten is hoping for something incredible to happen. She never expected that the dark-haired, blue-eyed man of her dreams-literally-to suddenly appear as the new student at school.

The gorgeous mystery guy, Cryder, has more secrets than his inexplicable presence in her dreams. Soon Rena's world takes a turn into the supernatural when she finds out Cryder is a vampire king with a deadly rebellion on his hands, and a destiny irrevocably tied to Rena's...

...'till death do them part.

On an otherwise normal day in Wonderland, the Knave of Hearts is arrested by the secret police. Outraged by what he believes to be an injustice, his valet, the March Hare, sets out to free him. Along the way he attends a mad tea party, witnesses the death and resurrection of the Queen of Hearts and uncovers a terrifying secret that could destroy not only his world, but ours too.

A Fantasy Novel of the first Ghost child to be born on Earth,once Peter Discovers his magical abilities he is called by the elders of his world to save his homeland of Baja and to fight up aganist the Seven Wizards of the foresr and their Leagues of Extrodinary Monsters.

Evelyn sighed and began her story, her heart aching for it to be a dream, "It was a tuesday, we were driving back from the lake and my dad decided we should go get ice cream, but..." she said and took a deep breath "I-It was right past a bar and s-someone w-was just l-leaving," she took another deep breath and blinked her eyes a couple of times "I don't know, they made me sit in the back... we saw the car leaving but when we swerved, they swerved after us, and all I remember was the pain, and my skin... It burned like crazy and I had a headache when I woke up in the hospital,"

Heavenly Agents (in) Learning Operatives, what do you do when you're the key, and you don't know which lock you fit into to?
Lynn, foster kid, poet at heart and suddenly, she's part of the bigger picture and a conspiracy that she doesn't know of. Who will survive?

I am going to be doing monthly installments of new chapters. Staring from mid February 2015

"Roaming the night,
Waiting, Watching.
Intriguing the few males,
they see a goddess.
Dances with danger,
As the hell music becomes seductive and sure.
As Female, is clothed,
As goddess, Skyclad.
At Hell one way,
At Heaven another.
She: wants Mundane, Is Angelic, Will be Demonic.
This shall be the norm.
The Radiance surrounds strong,
pulls her own blood into bed.
This resurrected rose awaits her champions, her lovers, her mates.
In time her little ones shall come to be due."

Anastasia has no memory
prior to 14...Sound suspicious? Four nights now, Anastasia had seen the boy on her balcony. At first, she was afraid to tell her parents, thinking they'd assume she was seeing things, or worse, they'd worry about her. Who was this strange boy? Home-schooled and isolated, she soon finds herself in a new terror story: highschool. She soon meets Emmanuel, Juliet, And Luke, the sluts of the school. She suddenly is surrounded in the fiction she believed her whole life was fake...Vampires, Werewolves, Angels, Demons, Gods and Goddesses. Will she be able to find out exactly who she is, and make something out of her mixed up life? All Anastasia wanted
to do was get
married, and settle
down like any
normal mundie girl...But that's too hard when you've got about a thousand guys falling for you, and unwanted attention...

All Emmanuel could think about was Anastasia. He swore, her skin was so white and soft-looking, she could have been feathers rather than skin. Her curly hair, so red, just like flames, dancing in the wind. Her lips, they looked soft like a perfect pink shade of velvet. The most hypnotizing thing was her eyes. Those big, owl-like eyes. The first time he saw her, he wanted her. No, not for blood. he wanted her for...That was the part he wasn't sure about yet. The first time he saw her, Emmanuel almost went in the house. He wanted to kiss her that much. One thing for sure, if he couldn't have her, he'll protect her from any threat, even though the only notable threat is himself. Will they last long, or will anger, jealousy, and mistakes cause Anastasia to unveil her truth alone?

*Includes Foul Language*

Morgan Blackwood and Whitney Stellar are two girls from completely different worlds, even time settings, but will fate eventually bring them together and rock everything they might have known in a world that is nestled into the dark hands of the Night Clan?

Morgan Blackwood is a young girl from Stoke, England. Growing up in a fairly middle class household, she suffered most of her life in the hands of stomach cancer. Morgan is determined to have her strange red-eyed friend, Liam Gogh, to change her into a vampire before the cancer takes her life. Her decision to become a member of the Night Clan can have dire consenquences, but she is willing to leave her life behind for the only chance she has to survive. Will her religious family get in the way of pursuing her destiny, or will Liam Gogh be unwilling to taint her soul and turn her into a 'monster'?

Whitney Stellar, the complete opposite of Morgan, was born into a life of abuse and neglect. After running away from her problem, she involves herself with the wrong people, battling drug addictions and a rather unhealthy prostituition lifestyle. After endless therapy and rehabilitation, she will have to take a different course of action to clean herself up, even if that means she has to face the one thing she, as a human, was taught to fear: vampires.
(this book and several suggestive scenes and bad lanugage)

While playing a video game a young man from Karbonon unwittingly opens a door to NetherWorld; a universe that exists inside his computer. Before long, he is on a quest to save both worlds. Filled with strange and sometimes hilarious creatures, Nick is convinced that he is stuck in some kind of dream. His guide, a dizzy blue sphere named WhizzyWig, takes him deep inside the Walled City filled with bustling Bytes going about their business. Dark forces from Karbonon and NetherWorld fight to prevent this merger of life forms. The fates of both worlds are inextricably tied stopping a viral onslaught from NazKlan and the Hacker. With time diminishing and the viral attacks escalating, it is a mad race to save both dimensions from certain doom.

A short, yet beautiful poem/short story about a she-wolf who will do anything to protect her young pup....

Meloria Westfall had an unusual handicap,one that made it necessary for her to do everything at night (except sleep). This problem made having a social life somewhat - all right, very - difficult, but she was determined to figure it out somehow, while hoping one day to find a cure...

Never in a trillion years did Rena really think vampires existed...or that she had enemies among them.

Beginning of senior year, and Rena Vesten is hoping for something incredible to happen. She never expected that the dark-haired, blue-eyed man of her dreams-literally-to suddenly appear as the new student at school.

The gorgeous mystery guy, Cryder, has more secrets than his inexplicable presence in her dreams. Soon Rena's world takes a turn into the supernatural when she finds out Cryder is a vampire king with a deadly rebellion on his hands, and a destiny irrevocably tied to Rena's...

...'till death do them part.

On an otherwise normal day in Wonderland, the Knave of Hearts is arrested by the secret police. Outraged by what he believes to be an injustice, his valet, the March Hare, sets out to free him. Along the way he attends a mad tea party, witnesses the death and resurrection of the Queen of Hearts and uncovers a terrifying secret that could destroy not only his world, but ours too.

A Fantasy Novel of the first Ghost child to be born on Earth,once Peter Discovers his magical abilities he is called by the elders of his world to save his homeland of Baja and to fight up aganist the Seven Wizards of the foresr and their Leagues of Extrodinary Monsters.

Evelyn sighed and began her story, her heart aching for it to be a dream, "It was a tuesday, we were driving back from the lake and my dad decided we should go get ice cream, but..." she said and took a deep breath "I-It was right past a bar and s-someone w-was just l-leaving," she took another deep breath and blinked her eyes a couple of times "I don't know, they made me sit in the back... we saw the car leaving but when we swerved, they swerved after us, and all I remember was the pain, and my skin... It burned like crazy and I had a headache when I woke up in the hospital,"

Heavenly Agents (in) Learning Operatives, what do you do when you're the key, and you don't know which lock you fit into to?
Lynn, foster kid, poet at heart and suddenly, she's part of the bigger picture and a conspiracy that she doesn't know of. Who will survive?

I am going to be doing monthly installments of new chapters. Staring from mid February 2015

"Roaming the night,
Waiting, Watching.
Intriguing the few males,
they see a goddess.
Dances with danger,
As the hell music becomes seductive and sure.
As Female, is clothed,
As goddess, Skyclad.
At Hell one way,
At Heaven another.
She: wants Mundane, Is Angelic, Will be Demonic.
This shall be the norm.
The Radiance surrounds strong,
pulls her own blood into bed.
This resurrected rose awaits her champions, her lovers, her mates.
In time her little ones shall come to be due."

Anastasia has no memory
prior to 14...Sound suspicious? Four nights now, Anastasia had seen the boy on her balcony. At first, she was afraid to tell her parents, thinking they'd assume she was seeing things, or worse, they'd worry about her. Who was this strange boy? Home-schooled and isolated, she soon finds herself in a new terror story: highschool. She soon meets Emmanuel, Juliet, And Luke, the sluts of the school. She suddenly is surrounded in the fiction she believed her whole life was fake...Vampires, Werewolves, Angels, Demons, Gods and Goddesses. Will she be able to find out exactly who she is, and make something out of her mixed up life? All Anastasia wanted
to do was get
married, and settle
down like any
normal mundie girl...But that's too hard when you've got about a thousand guys falling for you, and unwanted attention...

All Emmanuel could think about was Anastasia. He swore, her skin was so white and soft-looking, she could have been feathers rather than skin. Her curly hair, so red, just like flames, dancing in the wind. Her lips, they looked soft like a perfect pink shade of velvet. The most hypnotizing thing was her eyes. Those big, owl-like eyes. The first time he saw her, he wanted her. No, not for blood. he wanted her for...That was the part he wasn't sure about yet. The first time he saw her, Emmanuel almost went in the house. He wanted to kiss her that much. One thing for sure, if he couldn't have her, he'll protect her from any threat, even though the only notable threat is himself. Will they last long, or will anger, jealousy, and mistakes cause Anastasia to unveil her truth alone?

*Includes Foul Language*

Morgan Blackwood and Whitney Stellar are two girls from completely different worlds, even time settings, but will fate eventually bring them together and rock everything they might have known in a world that is nestled into the dark hands of the Night Clan?

Morgan Blackwood is a young girl from Stoke, England. Growing up in a fairly middle class household, she suffered most of her life in the hands of stomach cancer. Morgan is determined to have her strange red-eyed friend, Liam Gogh, to change her into a vampire before the cancer takes her life. Her decision to become a member of the Night Clan can have dire consenquences, but she is willing to leave her life behind for the only chance she has to survive. Will her religious family get in the way of pursuing her destiny, or will Liam Gogh be unwilling to taint her soul and turn her into a 'monster'?

Whitney Stellar, the complete opposite of Morgan, was born into a life of abuse and neglect. After running away from her problem, she involves herself with the wrong people, battling drug addictions and a rather unhealthy prostituition lifestyle. After endless therapy and rehabilitation, she will have to take a different course of action to clean herself up, even if that means she has to face the one thing she, as a human, was taught to fear: vampires.
(this book and several suggestive scenes and bad lanugage)

While playing a video game a young man from Karbonon unwittingly opens a door to NetherWorld; a universe that exists inside his computer. Before long, he is on a quest to save both worlds. Filled with strange and sometimes hilarious creatures, Nick is convinced that he is stuck in some kind of dream. His guide, a dizzy blue sphere named WhizzyWig, takes him deep inside the Walled City filled with bustling Bytes going about their business. Dark forces from Karbonon and NetherWorld fight to prevent this merger of life forms. The fates of both worlds are inextricably tied stopping a viral onslaught from NazKlan and the Hacker. With time diminishing and the viral attacks escalating, it is a mad race to save both dimensions from certain doom.

A short, yet beautiful poem/short story about a she-wolf who will do anything to protect her young pup....