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In our online library you can read for free books by the author future shock. All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

Keeping sanity inside an insane space......Expats trying to find their own private idaho....Mariachi angst rising to the surface.....Purple people eaters wince..

Dorothy skipping down The Yellow Brick Road.....Elements of 1984 occuring in 2021....The Coronavirus creating multiple Animal Farms.....Tom Joad screams!!

Keeping sanity inside an insane space......Expats trying to find their own private idaho....Mariachi angst rising to the surface.....Purple people eaters wince..

Dorothy skipping down The Yellow Brick Road.....Elements of 1984 occuring in 2021....The Coronavirus creating multiple Animal Farms.....Tom Joad screams!!

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