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In our online library you can read for free books by the author magic. All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

Evelyn sighed and began her story, her heart aching for it to be a dream, "It was a tuesday, we were driving back from the lake and my dad decided we should go get ice cream, but..." she said and took a deep breath "I-It was right past a bar and s-someone w-was just l-leaving," she took another deep breath and blinked her eyes a couple of times "I don't know, they made me sit in the back... we saw the car leaving but when we swerved, they swerved after us, and all I remember was the pain, and my skin... It burned like crazy and I had a headache when I woke up in the hospital,"

Phoebe Washington has been looking forward to her four day vacation in Brazil for a very long time. What makes it even better is that her sister, Emma, came along too. But when they end up in a Bungalow Jungle Lodging in the middle of the Amazon and not at the beach front resort she had originally planned on in Rio, Phoebe’s vacation quickly turns into a mosquito net over hammock nightmare. The only thing that seems to be looking up for her is the fact that their bungalow neighbors have hot Brazilian butts. At least there’s something to look at.

Valarian hunter Casimiro is far from human but close to home. The Brazilian Amazon was his birth place and to keep it safe he will do just about anything. Even play tourist for a bit. But keeping is eye on the job seems to be trouble when a beautiful American tourist shows up at the Bungalow Lodging. Her silky mocha hair and lush lips send chills down his body but to allow himself to indulge in such prime fruit would only invite his exposure. The last thing he needs is another scene like that in his life, especially with the rise of Demen Valarians venturing out of their caves to hunt.


Morgan Blackwood and Whitney Stellar are two girls from completely different worlds, even time settings, but will fate eventually bring them together and rock everything they might have known in a world that is nestled into the dark hands of the Night Clan?

Morgan Blackwood is a young girl from Stoke, England. Growing up in a fairly middle class household, she suffered most of her life in the hands of stomach cancer. Morgan is determined to have her strange red-eyed friend, Liam Gogh, to change her into a vampire before the cancer takes her life. Her decision to become a member of the Night Clan can have dire consenquences, but she is willing to leave her life behind for the only chance she has to survive. Will her religious family get in the way of pursuing her destiny, or will Liam Gogh be unwilling to taint her soul and turn her into a 'monster'?

Whitney Stellar, the complete opposite of Morgan, was born into a life of abuse and neglect. After running away from her problem, she involves herself with the wrong people, battling drug addictions and a rather unhealthy prostituition lifestyle. After endless therapy and rehabilitation, she will have to take a different course of action to clean herself up, even if that means she has to face the one thing she, as a human, was taught to fear: vampires.
(this book and several suggestive scenes and bad lanugage)

Three years have passed since Eragon defeated Galbatorix. The new Dragon Rider order has dawned, and an egg is about to hatch for a very lucky Rider. But all is not well in the country yet. A dark, mysterious enemy returns and threatens to upend the country back into evil and war. Can the small band of Dragon Riders eliminate this threat? Will they all survive, or will the threat defeat the Dragon Riders once and for all?

PROLOGUE: The blood brothers St. Lucifer and St. Michael are created out of one falling star. Lucifer cannot handle sharing his glory with eleven brethren and is excommunicated from heaven for playing creator. As revenge, he corrupts God’s first village and its original woman Rebecca, whose husband Joseph remains steadfast and faithful. God creates an alternate reality, but Lucifer infiltrates it with Rebecca’s reincarnation Lucinda as a good king’s exiled sister.

BOOK ONE: 15th century King Alexander III of Prosperania returns home after a trip abroad to find his family quarreling, his country attacked. Preparing for an international alliance and for the wedding of his daughter Belinda to her Prince Steven, he is haunted by old enemies, Belinda finds comfort in love and religion. The wedding is a success, up until the last day of feasting, when the king’s exiled sister Lucinda returns, sent by Prosperania’s archrival King Adnicul I of Nocturnia. She curses the country with three plagues. Shaken, the newlyweds go on their honeymoon. Belinda returns pregnant. Their son Alfred is born. A stranger, Nomed Snekawa, enters the land and becomes a man for all seasons. To cure an epidemic, Nomed produces a herbal cure that puts the palace in a deep sleep on September 23rd 1425. Nomed is Lucinda and the palace is now cursed, becoming a sleeping beauty.

BOOK TWO: When the court awakes, Nomed is gone. Savage war, perverse scandal, sickness and death then haunt the land, finally leaving Alexander alone and desperate as the only inhabitant in the haunted kingdom. But Belinda reappears, claiming that this world is Lucinda’s illusion to trap him and that the family members are all actually asleep, poisoned by Nomed and caught in hell in a time trap. Alexander’s mission is to track down his sister and kill her. Werewolves in an enchanted forest petrify him, challenging his sanity, but Belinda leads him to his three angels, who send him into The Dark Forest. There and in The Wasteland he endures demonic visions, but is protected by love. Meanwhile, King Adnicul has been betrayed and encaged by his master Lucifer, who has told him he was but a vehicle to tutor Lucinda. Adnicul’s dead servant Eric comes back to him as an angel and promises him eternal peace if he helps Alexander find his sister. Alexander is lead by his younger self to a forest tribe, who tutor him to become an magical warrior. His reward is St.Michael’s Sword.

BOOK THREE: King Alex meets an old hermit that leads him to four evangelists down in a valley. They in turn lead him closer to finding his family. The last of the evangelists is St.Michael himself, who shows him Adnicul and asks him to team up with his former enemy in order to find peace. Strongly apprehensive and plagued by nightmares at first, he learns of Adnicul’s fate. He is a reincarnation of Lucifer’s first angel and wants to return to his tree in Eden. Together, they almost
defeat a monster, but Adnicul is captured by the reawakened beast. Alexander is forced to go on without him. The third and most vicious demonic forest leads him to the Cave of Original Sin where he meets Lucinda, who tempts him with roman riches and sensual fame. Adnicul escapes the beast in order to help Alex and together they finally kill Lucinda. A race against time begins, taking them through the seven horrid levels of hell, only to find the trapped family hanging in cages above a lava tunnel where they chase away Lucifer. Adnicul finds his peace in Eden. The family returns to their own restored time and Alexander decides to erect a monument to the archangelic memory of his past.

EPILOGUE: Alexander, sitting in front of the fire in his home, is visited by old long gone friends and dies happy, knowing he will see the other side content to have succeeded in his saving mission.

You often hear of adventurers hacking their way through dungeons, braving all manner of dangers to reach the treasure, but have you ever spared a thought for the denizens who put their un-life on the line every day to allow such adventures?


Maybe it’s time you had a look then!

The Crown Conspiracy is a heroic adventure suitable for both young adult readers and general audiences and is reminiscent of Harry Potter and C.S. Lewis. The main characters are Royce Melborn, a skilled thief, and his mercenary partner, Hadrian Blackwater. The two make a profitable living carrying out dangerous assignments for conspiring nobles until they become the unwitting scapegoats in the murder of the king. Sentenced to death, they have only one way out…and so begins this epic tale of treachery and adventure, sword fighting and magic, myth and legend.

The Crown Conspiracy is book one of the multi-book saga: The Riyria Revelations. The series is told through six novels conceived as a single epic tale. Across the entire chronicle, mysteries build, characters evolve, and plots thicken, but each is self-contained and can be read independently of one another. The second book Avempartha is scheduled for release from Aspirations Media, Inc in April 2009.

Michael’s work is already receiving acclaim as The Crown Conspiracy was recognized May 30th, at the national BookExpo exposition in Los Angeles when Foreword Magazine named it a 2007 Book of the Year Finalist for fantasy and science fiction.

I never thought things could get any worse than they already were. It seemed as though life was starting to get good, we had both found our soulmates. Scales, tail, claws and all. Real life Dragons. Can you believe it?
Even so, I really thought that this time we could be free. We saw a way out, but suddenly it all got worse. Things got worse faster than they had been getting better.
It's true when they say you can never run from your mistakes without them catching up to you. When you resurrect someone, they just don’t seem to know how to stay dead anymore. Just because you believe it’s behind you doesn’t mean it can’t become a part of your present again. It was supposed to be a peaceful new start, we were finally going to have a family of our own. We were going to be happy, we were going to get loved. Everything looked almost perfect. Things aren’t always what they seem though, and that’s okay I guess, because we’re not as weak as we look.

Evelyn sighed and began her story, her heart aching for it to be a dream, "It was a tuesday, we were driving back from the lake and my dad decided we should go get ice cream, but..." she said and took a deep breath "I-It was right past a bar and s-someone w-was just l-leaving," she took another deep breath and blinked her eyes a couple of times "I don't know, they made me sit in the back... we saw the car leaving but when we swerved, they swerved after us, and all I remember was the pain, and my skin... It burned like crazy and I had a headache when I woke up in the hospital,"

Phoebe Washington has been looking forward to her four day vacation in Brazil for a very long time. What makes it even better is that her sister, Emma, came along too. But when they end up in a Bungalow Jungle Lodging in the middle of the Amazon and not at the beach front resort she had originally planned on in Rio, Phoebe’s vacation quickly turns into a mosquito net over hammock nightmare. The only thing that seems to be looking up for her is the fact that their bungalow neighbors have hot Brazilian butts. At least there’s something to look at.

Valarian hunter Casimiro is far from human but close to home. The Brazilian Amazon was his birth place and to keep it safe he will do just about anything. Even play tourist for a bit. But keeping is eye on the job seems to be trouble when a beautiful American tourist shows up at the Bungalow Lodging. Her silky mocha hair and lush lips send chills down his body but to allow himself to indulge in such prime fruit would only invite his exposure. The last thing he needs is another scene like that in his life, especially with the rise of Demen Valarians venturing out of their caves to hunt.


Morgan Blackwood and Whitney Stellar are two girls from completely different worlds, even time settings, but will fate eventually bring them together and rock everything they might have known in a world that is nestled into the dark hands of the Night Clan?

Morgan Blackwood is a young girl from Stoke, England. Growing up in a fairly middle class household, she suffered most of her life in the hands of stomach cancer. Morgan is determined to have her strange red-eyed friend, Liam Gogh, to change her into a vampire before the cancer takes her life. Her decision to become a member of the Night Clan can have dire consenquences, but she is willing to leave her life behind for the only chance she has to survive. Will her religious family get in the way of pursuing her destiny, or will Liam Gogh be unwilling to taint her soul and turn her into a 'monster'?

Whitney Stellar, the complete opposite of Morgan, was born into a life of abuse and neglect. After running away from her problem, she involves herself with the wrong people, battling drug addictions and a rather unhealthy prostituition lifestyle. After endless therapy and rehabilitation, she will have to take a different course of action to clean herself up, even if that means she has to face the one thing she, as a human, was taught to fear: vampires.
(this book and several suggestive scenes and bad lanugage)

Three years have passed since Eragon defeated Galbatorix. The new Dragon Rider order has dawned, and an egg is about to hatch for a very lucky Rider. But all is not well in the country yet. A dark, mysterious enemy returns and threatens to upend the country back into evil and war. Can the small band of Dragon Riders eliminate this threat? Will they all survive, or will the threat defeat the Dragon Riders once and for all?

PROLOGUE: The blood brothers St. Lucifer and St. Michael are created out of one falling star. Lucifer cannot handle sharing his glory with eleven brethren and is excommunicated from heaven for playing creator. As revenge, he corrupts God’s first village and its original woman Rebecca, whose husband Joseph remains steadfast and faithful. God creates an alternate reality, but Lucifer infiltrates it with Rebecca’s reincarnation Lucinda as a good king’s exiled sister.

BOOK ONE: 15th century King Alexander III of Prosperania returns home after a trip abroad to find his family quarreling, his country attacked. Preparing for an international alliance and for the wedding of his daughter Belinda to her Prince Steven, he is haunted by old enemies, Belinda finds comfort in love and religion. The wedding is a success, up until the last day of feasting, when the king’s exiled sister Lucinda returns, sent by Prosperania’s archrival King Adnicul I of Nocturnia. She curses the country with three plagues. Shaken, the newlyweds go on their honeymoon. Belinda returns pregnant. Their son Alfred is born. A stranger, Nomed Snekawa, enters the land and becomes a man for all seasons. To cure an epidemic, Nomed produces a herbal cure that puts the palace in a deep sleep on September 23rd 1425. Nomed is Lucinda and the palace is now cursed, becoming a sleeping beauty.

BOOK TWO: When the court awakes, Nomed is gone. Savage war, perverse scandal, sickness and death then haunt the land, finally leaving Alexander alone and desperate as the only inhabitant in the haunted kingdom. But Belinda reappears, claiming that this world is Lucinda’s illusion to trap him and that the family members are all actually asleep, poisoned by Nomed and caught in hell in a time trap. Alexander’s mission is to track down his sister and kill her. Werewolves in an enchanted forest petrify him, challenging his sanity, but Belinda leads him to his three angels, who send him into The Dark Forest. There and in The Wasteland he endures demonic visions, but is protected by love. Meanwhile, King Adnicul has been betrayed and encaged by his master Lucifer, who has told him he was but a vehicle to tutor Lucinda. Adnicul’s dead servant Eric comes back to him as an angel and promises him eternal peace if he helps Alexander find his sister. Alexander is lead by his younger self to a forest tribe, who tutor him to become an magical warrior. His reward is St.Michael’s Sword.

BOOK THREE: King Alex meets an old hermit that leads him to four evangelists down in a valley. They in turn lead him closer to finding his family. The last of the evangelists is St.Michael himself, who shows him Adnicul and asks him to team up with his former enemy in order to find peace. Strongly apprehensive and plagued by nightmares at first, he learns of Adnicul’s fate. He is a reincarnation of Lucifer’s first angel and wants to return to his tree in Eden. Together, they almost
defeat a monster, but Adnicul is captured by the reawakened beast. Alexander is forced to go on without him. The third and most vicious demonic forest leads him to the Cave of Original Sin where he meets Lucinda, who tempts him with roman riches and sensual fame. Adnicul escapes the beast in order to help Alex and together they finally kill Lucinda. A race against time begins, taking them through the seven horrid levels of hell, only to find the trapped family hanging in cages above a lava tunnel where they chase away Lucifer. Adnicul finds his peace in Eden. The family returns to their own restored time and Alexander decides to erect a monument to the archangelic memory of his past.

EPILOGUE: Alexander, sitting in front of the fire in his home, is visited by old long gone friends and dies happy, knowing he will see the other side content to have succeeded in his saving mission.

You often hear of adventurers hacking their way through dungeons, braving all manner of dangers to reach the treasure, but have you ever spared a thought for the denizens who put their un-life on the line every day to allow such adventures?


Maybe it’s time you had a look then!

The Crown Conspiracy is a heroic adventure suitable for both young adult readers and general audiences and is reminiscent of Harry Potter and C.S. Lewis. The main characters are Royce Melborn, a skilled thief, and his mercenary partner, Hadrian Blackwater. The two make a profitable living carrying out dangerous assignments for conspiring nobles until they become the unwitting scapegoats in the murder of the king. Sentenced to death, they have only one way out…and so begins this epic tale of treachery and adventure, sword fighting and magic, myth and legend.

The Crown Conspiracy is book one of the multi-book saga: The Riyria Revelations. The series is told through six novels conceived as a single epic tale. Across the entire chronicle, mysteries build, characters evolve, and plots thicken, but each is self-contained and can be read independently of one another. The second book Avempartha is scheduled for release from Aspirations Media, Inc in April 2009.

Michael’s work is already receiving acclaim as The Crown Conspiracy was recognized May 30th, at the national BookExpo exposition in Los Angeles when Foreword Magazine named it a 2007 Book of the Year Finalist for fantasy and science fiction.

I never thought things could get any worse than they already were. It seemed as though life was starting to get good, we had both found our soulmates. Scales, tail, claws and all. Real life Dragons. Can you believe it?
Even so, I really thought that this time we could be free. We saw a way out, but suddenly it all got worse. Things got worse faster than they had been getting better.
It's true when they say you can never run from your mistakes without them catching up to you. When you resurrect someone, they just don’t seem to know how to stay dead anymore. Just because you believe it’s behind you doesn’t mean it can’t become a part of your present again. It was supposed to be a peaceful new start, we were finally going to have a family of our own. We were going to be happy, we were going to get loved. Everything looked almost perfect. Things aren’t always what they seem though, and that’s okay I guess, because we’re not as weak as we look.