Author's e-books - mystery. Page - 5

Solutions: The Dilemma of Patience is the last in the series of seven stories which explore one's relationship with self, others, and ultimately our Lord God. The story picks up not long after the Dilemma of Faith left off. In this last story of the series, Michael and his two friends are up to no good. Taking a number of necessary items for the host of believers held up in a secret location, they run into the most feared woman in the fiefdom of Los Angeles--Councilman Torres' personal enforcer. Having fallen into the trap with no way out, something remarkable happens. For what Michael and his friends believe will be instant death becomes a choice for life.

This is a short story about a girl (written in first-person point of view). She lives in a futuristic nation with her family where everything is a beach. The government replaced all houses and roads (to the joy of some and devastation of others) with beaches. She hangs out with her e-bot and older brother.

"the sound of women’s laughter drifted across the still water of the harbour, lights glinted on the oily blue surface.
She was an Indian ship, The Mumbai Princess. He could see turbaned members of the crew moving among the guests serving drinks. It was Divali, the Indian festival of light, flickering lanterns and night lights.
In the stern of the ship was a golden statue, one of the Hindu goddesses- garlands of bright flowers hung round her neck. She shimmered, reflecting the light surrounding her.
Ahan looked down at the sea. Underwater it was dark, only his ROV lit the gloom when it dived into the deep. The powerful bulbs illuminated his world ahead of him. He manoeuvred the craft with ease.
But you had to be careful. The umbilicals that fed life into the ROV and returned signals and pictures to his mind had to be kept free from snagging on wrecks and bits of pipeline structure.
Was he like the goddess with his ROV? Did he bring light into the world
of darkness? The goddess was already in a world of light and colour
He headed below; time to turn in, it would be a long shift tomorrow."

Solutions: The Dilemma of Patience is the last in the series of seven stories which explore one's relationship with self, others, and ultimately our Lord God. The story picks up not long after the Dilemma of Faith left off. In this last story of the series, Michael and his two friends are up to no good. Taking a number of necessary items for the host of believers held up in a secret location, they run into the most feared woman in the fiefdom of Los Angeles--Councilman Torres' personal enforcer. Having fallen into the trap with no way out, something remarkable happens. For what Michael and his friends believe will be instant death becomes a choice for life.

This is a short story about a girl (written in first-person point of view). She lives in a futuristic nation with her family where everything is a beach. The government replaced all houses and roads (to the joy of some and devastation of others) with beaches. She hangs out with her e-bot and older brother.

"the sound of women’s laughter drifted across the still water of the harbour, lights glinted on the oily blue surface.
She was an Indian ship, The Mumbai Princess. He could see turbaned members of the crew moving among the guests serving drinks. It was Divali, the Indian festival of light, flickering lanterns and night lights.
In the stern of the ship was a golden statue, one of the Hindu goddesses- garlands of bright flowers hung round her neck. She shimmered, reflecting the light surrounding her.
Ahan looked down at the sea. Underwater it was dark, only his ROV lit the gloom when it dived into the deep. The powerful bulbs illuminated his world ahead of him. He manoeuvred the craft with ease.
But you had to be careful. The umbilicals that fed life into the ROV and returned signals and pictures to his mind had to be kept free from snagging on wrecks and bits of pipeline structure.
Was he like the goddess with his ROV? Did he bring light into the world
of darkness? The goddess was already in a world of light and colour
He headed below; time to turn in, it would be a long shift tomorrow."