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In our online library you can read for free books by the author praeleanthor. All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

Our characters learn the true origins of Glie and the fate of the mysterious Soul Cube made by the ancients of Mars.

The battle heats up for Glie. She has two new friends, in her dream, a strange milk jug object called the Soul Cube, and in the present, a raven who flies into Glie with a printout of her first battle report from hundreds of years before.

A victim of Tatakai is reborn as a haibane in Glie, as things heat up. Jack Campbell gets used to life as a raven.

Follow Tatakai as she lives her new life as a haibane, resurrected into an walled city called Glie. Her cocoon dream is very unusual: she died in the battle of Armageddon.

Our characters learn the true origins of Glie and the fate of the mysterious Soul Cube made by the ancients of Mars.

The battle heats up for Glie. She has two new friends, in her dream, a strange milk jug object called the Soul Cube, and in the present, a raven who flies into Glie with a printout of her first battle report from hundreds of years before.

A victim of Tatakai is reborn as a haibane in Glie, as things heat up. Jack Campbell gets used to life as a raven.

Follow Tatakai as she lives her new life as a haibane, resurrected into an walled city called Glie. Her cocoon dream is very unusual: she died in the battle of Armageddon.

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