Author's e-books - science fiction. Page - 7

In our online library you can read for free books by the author science fiction. All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.


Dr. David Carter knows this. However, he's a geologist, so 'soon' means anywhere from tomorrow to a thousand years from now.


Drs. Jordan Abellard and Jillian Brookwood are standing at the edge of SuperAIDS. Or are they? They won't be able to figure it out if they can't get some authorization signed - and soon. But they're peons and no one is paying attention. That means no one will notice a little forgery either, right?


Right now Dr. Becky Sorenson has some seriously mutated frogs in her lab. In L.A. Bees are making abnormal columns on the side of the freeways. In Georgia, birds are migrating out of season. It all makes a sick kind of sense when the doctors consider that the last magnetic shift is strangely coincidental to the dinosaur die-out. And the only similarity among the problems today is that each is occurring in a 'hotspot' - a pocket of reversed polarity that tells them all


Homicide Detective Robert( Bobby) Mills is clairvoyant. He solves the cities most hideous murder cases with the help of his ghostly victims.
The ghost woke Bobby in the middle of the night asking for his help.
When they pulled the body from an empty well, Mills was shock to see the frozen face of his old high school girl friend Molly Ringer. It was rumored that she ran away years ago to become a star.
When all the evidence began to point to a member of the Brotherhood. Detective Mills and his partner must confront their brother's in blue in order to solve Molly's murder. Not only that, Bobby has to deal with a neurotic ghost.

The Empire of Twelve is locked in a civil war.

Xaosian armies invade the planet Raan, destroying much of the capital as the military, led by General Trexor, try in vain to defend the city of Tapal. Soon after, the Xaosians make a power-play against the Empire which will see the Twelve thrown into chaos.

The planet Narcsia is dying. Storms and quakes claim the planet, threatening to wipe out all life on it. The only hope for the residents is Evacuation Day, but Xaosian forces are closing in on the doomed world.

But none of this matters in the grand scheme of things; something deadly has emerged from the Empire's dark and deadly past, and it wants revenge against those who damned its kind. But when history is written by the victors, who knows who this being's target will be?

The Empire was founded on dark secrets... and all are about to be brought to light.

What if a group of friends happen to open Pandora's box and are forced to close it down before things have gone too nasty? What if things going too nasty means the defamation, or rather, the annihilation of the most powerful country in the planet?

Check out my preface for more.

I have written this for the sole purpose of comments; negative ones more welcome. Please leave your valuable comments.

All that's left of the world is one secluded, walled city. Soon, it was seperated into two sectors - Nobles, and Peasants. The Nobles have all the technology and luxury, while the Peasants fend for themselves. When a Peasant Rebellion broke out, the Nobles took Peasants off the streets, made them stronger, faster, and controlled by the Nobles to fight off the Rebellion. When Bryce's brother gets taken away, he has to get him back.

Solutions: The Dilemma of Hopelessness is the third story in a series of seven that explores one's relationship with self, others, and ultimately with our Lord God. The events in the story occur within the same time period as A Man's Dilemma.  Meet Timothy, more or less a test subject at the Solutions Center. Other than his ability to sense the eyes of those watching him he has proven to be a failure for those that wish to use him for their specific purposes. But one day Charles comes seeking Timothy. He too has a plan. Besides the flu pandemic that is threatening humanity's existence, an imminent threat from space to do the same is approaching. But a call to help from a specific point in the solar system is heard, and it is Timothy who is selected as the emissary to meet those that sent the message. What will become of Timothy after the ten year journey?

In a clinic, with an unknown disease, a group of kids try to make the best of life. Meanwhile, the outside world is changing.

From the minds of Adam Lewis LaValley and Micah Raymond Maloney, First Taste Multimedia is a new upcoming company establishment centered on inspiring creativity and imagination through storytelling.

The Blue African tells the tale of Porter Tellez. His spaceship lands in South Africa during the Soweto Riots of 1975. He brings hope to the oppressed and harsh lessons to his enemies. Saved by the beautiful Loreto, he finds love and friendship. Come fly with the Blue-man!

What happens when you wake up in the middle of nowhere without your pants? You fear that a chipmunk will come calling.

After a crazy night on the town, our hero finds himself lost on an alien planet. Alone in the strange world, what will he discover? Who will he meet?

Journey along and find out what happens next!

Published in serial form.


Dr. David Carter knows this. However, he's a geologist, so 'soon' means anywhere from tomorrow to a thousand years from now.


Drs. Jordan Abellard and Jillian Brookwood are standing at the edge of SuperAIDS. Or are they? They won't be able to figure it out if they can't get some authorization signed - and soon. But they're peons and no one is paying attention. That means no one will notice a little forgery either, right?


Right now Dr. Becky Sorenson has some seriously mutated frogs in her lab. In L.A. Bees are making abnormal columns on the side of the freeways. In Georgia, birds are migrating out of season. It all makes a sick kind of sense when the doctors consider that the last magnetic shift is strangely coincidental to the dinosaur die-out. And the only similarity among the problems today is that each is occurring in a 'hotspot' - a pocket of reversed polarity that tells them all


Homicide Detective Robert( Bobby) Mills is clairvoyant. He solves the cities most hideous murder cases with the help of his ghostly victims.
The ghost woke Bobby in the middle of the night asking for his help.
When they pulled the body from an empty well, Mills was shock to see the frozen face of his old high school girl friend Molly Ringer. It was rumored that she ran away years ago to become a star.
When all the evidence began to point to a member of the Brotherhood. Detective Mills and his partner must confront their brother's in blue in order to solve Molly's murder. Not only that, Bobby has to deal with a neurotic ghost.

The Empire of Twelve is locked in a civil war.

Xaosian armies invade the planet Raan, destroying much of the capital as the military, led by General Trexor, try in vain to defend the city of Tapal. Soon after, the Xaosians make a power-play against the Empire which will see the Twelve thrown into chaos.

The planet Narcsia is dying. Storms and quakes claim the planet, threatening to wipe out all life on it. The only hope for the residents is Evacuation Day, but Xaosian forces are closing in on the doomed world.

But none of this matters in the grand scheme of things; something deadly has emerged from the Empire's dark and deadly past, and it wants revenge against those who damned its kind. But when history is written by the victors, who knows who this being's target will be?

The Empire was founded on dark secrets... and all are about to be brought to light.

What if a group of friends happen to open Pandora's box and are forced to close it down before things have gone too nasty? What if things going too nasty means the defamation, or rather, the annihilation of the most powerful country in the planet?

Check out my preface for more.

I have written this for the sole purpose of comments; negative ones more welcome. Please leave your valuable comments.

All that's left of the world is one secluded, walled city. Soon, it was seperated into two sectors - Nobles, and Peasants. The Nobles have all the technology and luxury, while the Peasants fend for themselves. When a Peasant Rebellion broke out, the Nobles took Peasants off the streets, made them stronger, faster, and controlled by the Nobles to fight off the Rebellion. When Bryce's brother gets taken away, he has to get him back.

Solutions: The Dilemma of Hopelessness is the third story in a series of seven that explores one's relationship with self, others, and ultimately with our Lord God. The events in the story occur within the same time period as A Man's Dilemma.  Meet Timothy, more or less a test subject at the Solutions Center. Other than his ability to sense the eyes of those watching him he has proven to be a failure for those that wish to use him for their specific purposes. But one day Charles comes seeking Timothy. He too has a plan. Besides the flu pandemic that is threatening humanity's existence, an imminent threat from space to do the same is approaching. But a call to help from a specific point in the solar system is heard, and it is Timothy who is selected as the emissary to meet those that sent the message. What will become of Timothy after the ten year journey?

In a clinic, with an unknown disease, a group of kids try to make the best of life. Meanwhile, the outside world is changing.

From the minds of Adam Lewis LaValley and Micah Raymond Maloney, First Taste Multimedia is a new upcoming company establishment centered on inspiring creativity and imagination through storytelling.

The Blue African tells the tale of Porter Tellez. His spaceship lands in South Africa during the Soweto Riots of 1975. He brings hope to the oppressed and harsh lessons to his enemies. Saved by the beautiful Loreto, he finds love and friendship. Come fly with the Blue-man!

What happens when you wake up in the middle of nowhere without your pants? You fear that a chipmunk will come calling.

After a crazy night on the town, our hero finds himself lost on an alien planet. Alone in the strange world, what will he discover? Who will he meet?

Journey along and find out what happens next!

Published in serial form.