Author's e-books - secrets. Page - 8

In our online library you can read for free books by the author secrets. All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

*Some sexual content

It started with a letter, written in stupid poetry. Stupid poetry that read me like an open book. It was signed 'Your Friend', like I would know who it was from. And worse, I didn't even recognize the handwriting.

Being Heather Gibbs' best friend was like being an awkward, pimple-faced thirteen year old girl all over again. She was overly... well, everything. Overly-gorgeous, and funny, and perfect.

And then there was me, with my straw-colored hair and tiny, tiny frame. She looked like a Victoria Secret model; I looked like a children's clothing model.

And yet, Your Friend had chosen to write to me. And I was determined to figure out who they were.

"Welc.....ome Masters" my heart feels like it would explode at any moment now, a smile plastered on my face hiding my growing fear. Guide them to their table, act normal, and out menus, act normal, I keep telling myself.

"What would my masters like for this afternoon?" I asked, analyzing if I had been discovered or even recognized.

"I want..." "This sounds good, I'll try" "I..." "Maybe...." this was all I heard from each one of the handsome guys around the table, why is he ordering last... and why is he looking at me....

"A hazelnut mocha, and a serving of your...." he trailed off staring at me intensely

OH GOD, OH GOD, I've been discovered...

"...your, Chocolate Mint Cheesecake" he finished, still staring at me.

"Would that be all master?" why is he staring so intently, has he noticed its me, this is slowly unnerving me.

"I would love to know your name" he said shyly.

A lot of ohhhs and ahhhs broke out from the table.

"My name?" I exhaled, not even noticing that I had been holding my breath, "my name is Mila. Your orders will be ready in a moment" I smiled and walked off to leave, grabbing my hand quickly and gently the customer said " name is Logan."

Another rounds of ohhhs and ahhhs, accompanied by awwhs.

"Your order will be ready shortly master Logan" smiling again and this time not being stopped walked gracefully but briskly out and into the kitchen delivering their orders.

Riley "Mila" is a tomboy. Boyish character, a hate to lose attitude, and charisma and appeal that is invisible to her. What will happen as this story of her hidden identity and her real life clash all thanks to her one rival in life, love and secrets.


"Sassy and rough around the edges." A description of a feisty little girl who has every right to be. She hides behind her own protective barrier because that is the only way she knows how to survive.

It's not her fault it? Her teacher doesn't think so and is determined to get past her flaws. He wants to help her but will he figure her out in time or will it be too late do anything? And if he does, can he handle more than one secret?

(Don't forget to add to your favorites :) Thanks.)

Anna Young has been eagerly imagining the day she would meet her mate, and they would live happily ever after.

Then she walks into English one day, and meets the new teacher, Mr.Watson. And she instntly knows, he is her mate.

"i shook his hand, and millions of emotions flashed through me. Pain, love, relief, love. LOVE?! i felt an urge to kiss him and show everyone he was mine. a possesive urge.then i knew. He was my mate.God help us both"

**this is a fan fiction of all those stories where the girl falls for the teacher

Kyle Jackson is a 18 year old guy who just want to be alone for the summer to think after a bad break up. So he uses his parents cabin to stay in for the summer. When he go on a hike through the woods, he find a injured girl. Something about her make him want to help her. When she wake up, she tell him something that he didn't expect to hear. She is a werewolf.

Melissa need Kyle's's help to get back to her wolf pack, but she need him to keep it a secret. When Kyle agrees, they didn't know that they would fall in love.

"It's hard to trust someone, when everyone you ever opened up your heart to, has let you down and pushed you away"

The day before Autumn's 16th birthday was when her world world was changed forever. It was the day her parents were killed by an enemy pack as they were trying to protect Autumn and her older brother Blake. But what made it ever worse was that it also was the same day that Autumn got kidnapped and the last time she thought she would see Blake. Those 4 months she was gone were the worst months of her life.

Now it's 2 months before her 18th birthday and ever since her kidnapping almost a year and a half ago she has never been the same. Without her older brother Blake and their Aunt Kelly, Autumn would never have been able to get through everything that's happend to her. Since then Autumn doesn't like it when other people touch or get close to her in any way. She flinches at anything, she has trust issues and she doen't like being around any guy or group of guys alone. The only ones she trust are Blake and her Aunt Kelly. Plus she has nightmares that haunt her and a heart that can never be fixed, but that's until she meets Hunter.

Ever since the begining of summer, all Hunter has heard about from everyone was that two new kids had moved into town and would be going to the high school. For the three months that everyone had off for summer, Hunter has only met Blake, the brother, but not his younger sister. When he met Blake he knew right off the back that Blake was a Shifter or werewolf as some may call us, just like he was. After they met, Hunter knew that he would get along well with Blake and his sister, but thing was that he still hadn't met her yet and couldn't figure out why Blake would become all defensive when he would ask about his younger sister.

So what happens when Hunter runs into Autumn one the first week of school. Will Autumn allow Hunter to get close to her? Will she be able to tell him her secret? Can Hunter help Autumn turn back into the fun, outgoing, loveable, happy girl that she once was or will her fear of everything hold her back? But can having the support of her brother Blake and her love for Hunter help her survive or will it destory her?

This is the 2nd book, which isnt yet complete so i will keep updating when i can :)

Alyssa has found out about Jame's secret,

She loves him, but will she want to stay with him, and will she have a choice???

Cheyanne Collins is best friends with the most popular guy in school, Darren O'Connor. She sees the side of him that no one else sees; the sweet, loving, fun, protective guy because most of the school thinks of him as a player.

Cheyanne can't wait till Darren comes back home from visiting his dad for the past two and a half months of summer. With only two weeks left of summer vacation Cheyanne is excited to spend them with Darren, but she has a secret that she has been keeping from him.

What Cheyanne doesn't know is that Darren also has a secret of his own. Darren wants to tell Cheyanne how he feels but he is afraid of risking their friendship. Will they be able to tell each other their deep dark secret or will their friendship get in the way?

As Cheyanne and Darren are trying to keep things in their lives simple, Cheyanne learns things about her two other best friends; Tess and Leo. But what she learns about Tess isn't so different from her own past. With the things she learns, Cheyanne tries to use both their past excperiences to help them both move on, but will it be that simple or will it just hurt them?

There have been truckloads of eBooks and articles written on the topic.

But in the grand scheme of things, it is a profitable program that still gets overlooked by many who are just coming online to start a business, as well as those who have been around a while.

First, let’s take a look at exactly what AdSense is and what it is all аbout:

“AdSense is a program for webmasters which was implemented by the famous Google some years ago.”

seventeen year old Cara Wilson didn't know what love was until she experience it with the new boy Jay Reed and caught her heart away. Cara has a terrible secret that could ruin her relationship.

*Some sexual content

It started with a letter, written in stupid poetry. Stupid poetry that read me like an open book. It was signed 'Your Friend', like I would know who it was from. And worse, I didn't even recognize the handwriting.

Being Heather Gibbs' best friend was like being an awkward, pimple-faced thirteen year old girl all over again. She was overly... well, everything. Overly-gorgeous, and funny, and perfect.

And then there was me, with my straw-colored hair and tiny, tiny frame. She looked like a Victoria Secret model; I looked like a children's clothing model.

And yet, Your Friend had chosen to write to me. And I was determined to figure out who they were.

"Welc.....ome Masters" my heart feels like it would explode at any moment now, a smile plastered on my face hiding my growing fear. Guide them to their table, act normal, and out menus, act normal, I keep telling myself.

"What would my masters like for this afternoon?" I asked, analyzing if I had been discovered or even recognized.

"I want..." "This sounds good, I'll try" "I..." "Maybe...." this was all I heard from each one of the handsome guys around the table, why is he ordering last... and why is he looking at me....

"A hazelnut mocha, and a serving of your...." he trailed off staring at me intensely

OH GOD, OH GOD, I've been discovered...

"...your, Chocolate Mint Cheesecake" he finished, still staring at me.

"Would that be all master?" why is he staring so intently, has he noticed its me, this is slowly unnerving me.

"I would love to know your name" he said shyly.

A lot of ohhhs and ahhhs broke out from the table.

"My name?" I exhaled, not even noticing that I had been holding my breath, "my name is Mila. Your orders will be ready in a moment" I smiled and walked off to leave, grabbing my hand quickly and gently the customer said " name is Logan."

Another rounds of ohhhs and ahhhs, accompanied by awwhs.

"Your order will be ready shortly master Logan" smiling again and this time not being stopped walked gracefully but briskly out and into the kitchen delivering their orders.

Riley "Mila" is a tomboy. Boyish character, a hate to lose attitude, and charisma and appeal that is invisible to her. What will happen as this story of her hidden identity and her real life clash all thanks to her one rival in life, love and secrets.


"Sassy and rough around the edges." A description of a feisty little girl who has every right to be. She hides behind her own protective barrier because that is the only way she knows how to survive.

It's not her fault it? Her teacher doesn't think so and is determined to get past her flaws. He wants to help her but will he figure her out in time or will it be too late do anything? And if he does, can he handle more than one secret?

(Don't forget to add to your favorites :) Thanks.)

Anna Young has been eagerly imagining the day she would meet her mate, and they would live happily ever after.

Then she walks into English one day, and meets the new teacher, Mr.Watson. And she instntly knows, he is her mate.

"i shook his hand, and millions of emotions flashed through me. Pain, love, relief, love. LOVE?! i felt an urge to kiss him and show everyone he was mine. a possesive urge.then i knew. He was my mate.God help us both"

**this is a fan fiction of all those stories where the girl falls for the teacher

Kyle Jackson is a 18 year old guy who just want to be alone for the summer to think after a bad break up. So he uses his parents cabin to stay in for the summer. When he go on a hike through the woods, he find a injured girl. Something about her make him want to help her. When she wake up, she tell him something that he didn't expect to hear. She is a werewolf.

Melissa need Kyle's's help to get back to her wolf pack, but she need him to keep it a secret. When Kyle agrees, they didn't know that they would fall in love.

"It's hard to trust someone, when everyone you ever opened up your heart to, has let you down and pushed you away"

The day before Autumn's 16th birthday was when her world world was changed forever. It was the day her parents were killed by an enemy pack as they were trying to protect Autumn and her older brother Blake. But what made it ever worse was that it also was the same day that Autumn got kidnapped and the last time she thought she would see Blake. Those 4 months she was gone were the worst months of her life.

Now it's 2 months before her 18th birthday and ever since her kidnapping almost a year and a half ago she has never been the same. Without her older brother Blake and their Aunt Kelly, Autumn would never have been able to get through everything that's happend to her. Since then Autumn doesn't like it when other people touch or get close to her in any way. She flinches at anything, she has trust issues and she doen't like being around any guy or group of guys alone. The only ones she trust are Blake and her Aunt Kelly. Plus she has nightmares that haunt her and a heart that can never be fixed, but that's until she meets Hunter.

Ever since the begining of summer, all Hunter has heard about from everyone was that two new kids had moved into town and would be going to the high school. For the three months that everyone had off for summer, Hunter has only met Blake, the brother, but not his younger sister. When he met Blake he knew right off the back that Blake was a Shifter or werewolf as some may call us, just like he was. After they met, Hunter knew that he would get along well with Blake and his sister, but thing was that he still hadn't met her yet and couldn't figure out why Blake would become all defensive when he would ask about his younger sister.

So what happens when Hunter runs into Autumn one the first week of school. Will Autumn allow Hunter to get close to her? Will she be able to tell him her secret? Can Hunter help Autumn turn back into the fun, outgoing, loveable, happy girl that she once was or will her fear of everything hold her back? But can having the support of her brother Blake and her love for Hunter help her survive or will it destory her?

This is the 2nd book, which isnt yet complete so i will keep updating when i can :)

Alyssa has found out about Jame's secret,

She loves him, but will she want to stay with him, and will she have a choice???

Cheyanne Collins is best friends with the most popular guy in school, Darren O'Connor. She sees the side of him that no one else sees; the sweet, loving, fun, protective guy because most of the school thinks of him as a player.

Cheyanne can't wait till Darren comes back home from visiting his dad for the past two and a half months of summer. With only two weeks left of summer vacation Cheyanne is excited to spend them with Darren, but she has a secret that she has been keeping from him.

What Cheyanne doesn't know is that Darren also has a secret of his own. Darren wants to tell Cheyanne how he feels but he is afraid of risking their friendship. Will they be able to tell each other their deep dark secret or will their friendship get in the way?

As Cheyanne and Darren are trying to keep things in their lives simple, Cheyanne learns things about her two other best friends; Tess and Leo. But what she learns about Tess isn't so different from her own past. With the things she learns, Cheyanne tries to use both their past excperiences to help them both move on, but will it be that simple or will it just hurt them?

There have been truckloads of eBooks and articles written on the topic.

But in the grand scheme of things, it is a profitable program that still gets overlooked by many who are just coming online to start a business, as well as those who have been around a while.

First, let’s take a look at exactly what AdSense is and what it is all аbout:

“AdSense is a program for webmasters which was implemented by the famous Google some years ago.”

seventeen year old Cara Wilson didn't know what love was until she experience it with the new boy Jay Reed and caught her heart away. Cara has a terrible secret that could ruin her relationship.