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In our online library you can read for free books by the author tempation. All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

Radella, a girl,with the ability to sense and use the energy around her, looses the only two people she thought were her family, she is given a life she had lived but can no longer remember. a life with the only people like her. each learning and receiving powers from several dimensions. she realizes all too soon that some one is following them threatening to kill. the four friends venture out to find the lives they had before, remembering lost love and reuniting a family...

Radella, a girl,with the ability to sense and use the energy around her, looses the only two people she thought were her family, she is given a life she had lived but can no longer remember. a life with the only people like her. each learning and receiving powers from several dimensions. she realizes all too soon that some one is following them threatening to kill. the four friends venture out to find the lives they had before, remembering lost love and reuniting a family...

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