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In our online library you can read for free books by the author transition. All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

Critical analysis of the foundations and tenets of capitalism and of the dismal science - economics.

British dreams is a review of blog posts published during the author's travels. Regularly between 2004 and 2010, Nottingham and Leicestershire, Paris and Strasburg. In French or English those posts written during the author's family travels, especially her niece is present in the inspiration moment that feeds the pen, during of after the journeys. Those poetical posts or genuine improvised poems are like bridges between the two cultures, also a kind of telepathyl, with the special point of view of Suzon, of course, on current societies, technologies and transports.

Modern labour theories and practice. Covers issues like employment, unemployment, migration, brain drain, entrepreneurship, workaholism, and trade unions.

Checklist for reforms in the healthcare sector: purchasing, provision, delivery, commissioning, and stewardship. Detailed case studies from Germany and Eastern Europe.

A tutorial for export transactions - from financing to shipping, INCOTERMS and contracts.

Essays dedicated to the new media, doing business on the web, digital content, its creation and distribution, e-publishing, e-books, digital reference, DRM technology, and other related issues.

The securities industry, its markets, instruments (equity, debt, derivatives), trading strategies, underlying economic models, and future.

Essays about corruption, money laundering, crime, and international finance.

Cyclopedia of issues in economics analyzed through the prism of the economies of countries in transition, emerging markets, and developing countries.

Issues in owning and managing a small business in developing and poor countries.

Critical analysis of the foundations and tenets of capitalism and of the dismal science - economics.

British dreams is a review of blog posts published during the author's travels. Regularly between 2004 and 2010, Nottingham and Leicestershire, Paris and Strasburg. In French or English those posts written during the author's family travels, especially her niece is present in the inspiration moment that feeds the pen, during of after the journeys. Those poetical posts or genuine improvised poems are like bridges between the two cultures, also a kind of telepathyl, with the special point of view of Suzon, of course, on current societies, technologies and transports.

Modern labour theories and practice. Covers issues like employment, unemployment, migration, brain drain, entrepreneurship, workaholism, and trade unions.

Checklist for reforms in the healthcare sector: purchasing, provision, delivery, commissioning, and stewardship. Detailed case studies from Germany and Eastern Europe.

A tutorial for export transactions - from financing to shipping, INCOTERMS and contracts.

Essays dedicated to the new media, doing business on the web, digital content, its creation and distribution, e-publishing, e-books, digital reference, DRM technology, and other related issues.

The securities industry, its markets, instruments (equity, debt, derivatives), trading strategies, underlying economic models, and future.

Essays about corruption, money laundering, crime, and international finance.

Cyclopedia of issues in economics analyzed through the prism of the economies of countries in transition, emerging markets, and developing countries.

Issues in owning and managing a small business in developing and poor countries.