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“Thriller” is a modern term.
This genre is classified by causing a sudden outburst of emotion in the reader.
Thriller elements are present in many works of different genres. Thriller mix of fantasy and detective. Of course, reading thriller novels of high quality in terms of content and form of presentation is a very useful, informative and even, in some cases, instructive activity. However, the reader must understand in advance that sometimes a detailed description of many bloody fights, shootings and martial arts, the suffering of numerous victims, all kinds of confrontations can cause him a kind of rejection from further reading works of this genre of literature.

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Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

Reading thrillers facilitates to the formation of a person's sense of danger and makes him avoid such situations in every possible way in real life. At the same time, the reader can use the example of books to form his own line of behavior in real situations. Thrillers contribute to the development of the sixth sense - intuition. The reader will definitely remember the heroes of thrillers, because they operate in extreme circumstances and must include all means for survival. Filmmakers are always on the lookout for new releases in thriller. Scripts are created every day, that are even more sophisticated and dynamic. Based on these scenarios, new films will be screened, that attract tens of thousands of fans thriller genre. Therefore, each reader will be interested in how it was possible to embody the complexity of the plot on the screen, which is described in the original book. The great success of thrillers on the screen, the basis will still be a book.

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Read books online » Thriller » Suzy by Gary L Beer (the best motivational books .txt) 📖

Book online «Suzy by Gary L Beer (the best motivational books .txt) 📖». Author Gary L Beer

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a day’s work.”
“I have known him for years and have never seen him like that, I helped him to get rid of Doug and the way he treated him was as if he was getting rid of the rubbish. Darren was the same; it was more like just dumping a car than a dead body.”
“What is he after then?” asks Sharon staring into Suzy's eyes.
“I do not know, but after seeing him with his foot on Darren's neck I do not think I want to get too involved. Doug was a vicious bastard but he just wanted to dominate, Lewis scares me but I may be wrong; if Darren had got up he would have killed him.
Maybe Lewis did it because he could take no more and feared the next beating from Darren would be his last.”
Sharon stares at Suzy thinking over her words as she could be right; Lewis had made no attempt to contact Suzy. If he had any emotional feelings for her he would have at least telephoned to see how she was. Maybe he was paranoid and too frightened to phone. The police could trace his number even if Suzy did not answer it and Sharon thought that maybe she had misjudged him. Lewis had shown a high degree of intelligence, especially his dread of leaving DNA traces; he would know the police would call on Suzy and best he does keep away.

Talking to Sharon had helped Suzy unbottle her thoughts and she felt calmer inside. Much of what she had said was her own paranoia and speaking it out loud had made much of it appear ridiculous. Sharon stayed for another hour talking of her life in her flat with her two cats, her job at the ball bearing factory and how awful it was.
Suzy reminded Sharon that she was lucky to have a job; with Doug gone she would have to find a job as no money was coming in and the electric bill had already arrived, with the gas bill. They talk of job prospects in the area, which are poor and Suzy realises that even with her university degree she will find it difficult to find work.
After a promise of visiting Suzy again tomorrow about midday, Sharon stands up and puts her coat on, the dark of evening is approaching and along with it the cold; “The car will not really warm up until I get home, I do not want to freeze.” explains Sharon and giving Suzy a kiss on the cheek walks down the path to the gate.
Suzy follows quickly and holds the gate open for Sharon who walks over to her car and unlocks it. Suzy looks nervously up and down the road and giving Sharon a worried look and a brave smile wave’s farewell as she shuts the gate and hurries back indoors.

Suzy walks quickly along the hall to answer the ringing of the doorbell. It is only eleven o'clock in the morning and she is pleased that Sharon has decided to call early. Opening the front door the smile on her face disappears instantly when she sees PC Willmott and WPC Davenport and a nurse standing there; “You are back soon, what is the problem?” asks a now worried Suzy.
“May we come in?” demands WPC Davenport.
Suzy reluctantly opens the door; “If you must, you know where the lounge is.” she says waving her arm in the direction of the lounge.
The two police lead the way as the nurse follows behind; Suzy shuts her front door and walks down the hall to the lounge. The police and the nurse stand in the middle of the room and Suzy invites them to sit down.
“We have been going over your statement since our last visit and there are a few things we need to clear up.” WPC Davenport tells Suzy sternly.
Suzy is unbalanced by the sudden visit; and even more unbalanced and frightened of the police woman's words; “Statement? I was not aware that I had given any statement.”
“Our talk yesterday is considered as a statement of the facts; you kept referring to being constantly abused by your partner Mr Culley and volunteered to show bruising he had caused. You were upset enough yesterday, so I thought it best to leave your examination to today. This is Nurse Vanderpool, who will carry out the examination.” WPC Davenport explains as if Suzy has no choice in the matter.
“I will go and sit in your kitchen or stand outside.” PC Willmott tells Suzy and not asking permission turns and walks out of the door.
“This will not take long.” assures the nurse; “Could you remove the clothing that is necessary to show us these bruises please?” the question appears to Suzy to be a demand.
Not arguing Suzy removes her pullover and her blouse putting them on the couch and stands self consciously in front of the WPC and the nurse.
“Can you show me where he hurt you?” asks the nurse politely. She can see several bruises on Suzy's upper arms as she takes off her blouse where Doug had held her hard. The nurse’s attitude changes towards her and Suzy can see the sympathy in her eyes as she turns slowly, showing the bruising on the back of her forearms. Marks made by the overhanging trees from when they put Doug's body down the Well give the appearance of deep finger scratches. Suzy turns around to face them feeling no need to do any acting; she stands still in front of them with her face serious.
WPC Davenport and nurse Vanderpool looked shocked and angry as Suzy puts her blouse back on. As she starts to do the buttons up WPC Davenport stops her; “Before you put your blouse back on we need to take photographs of your bruising for the record.”
“Record of what? You will be wasting your time; as if you are trying to build some sort of assault case against him you can forget it.” Suzy almost shouts.
“But you have said in your statement that he hurt you and we have seen the marks and bruising; these facts cannot be ignored.” WPC Davenport tells Suzy in an angry voice.
“Facts?” Suzy replies scornfully; “they were spoken under duress and I will deny saying them.”
“You can be prosecuted for giving false information and wasting police time.” warns an angrier police woman Davenport.
“As far as I was concerned yesterday was just a friendly conversation; not a statement. I want you all to leave now, I will not be pressing charges against Doug, no matter how much you push me.”
“We have no intention of pushing you Suzy, by what you have told me and PC Willmott, this man has abused you for years; do you not you think he should pay for his crimes? In the eyes of the law he can be put in prison for many years.” WPC Davenport says in a calmer voice, seeing her case slipping away before her.
She held a particular hatred for wife beaters as she had been an abused and beaten wife herself for many years before she plucked up the courage to fight back. The court’s had been sympathetic towards her and sentenced her now ex-husband to nine months in jail. By taking over the payments she became the owner of their house and it seemed a natural progression to join the police force.
Suzy appears frightened and stares hard into the police woman's eyes; “And what happens when he gets out? Are you going to guard me day and night when he does get out what; in more like five months time?”
“He would have learnt his lesson and there will be a restraining order against him.” WPC Davenport assures.
“What planet is it that you live on? Certainly not this one.” Suzy shouts, her anger and fear rising.
The lounge door opens and PC Willmott puts his head just inside the door; “Everything all right?” he asks appearing genuinely concerned.
“No it is not, I want you out; now!” Suzy demands in a firm voice.
“We only want to help you Suzy.” says WPC Davenport.
“I do not want your help, please leave.” Suzy asks politely walking across the room she opens the door wide and stares at them expectantly.
Nurse Vanderpool looks confused and WPC Davenport looks angry as they walk out of the door. PC Willmott looks unsure what to do and after a long stare at Suzy he walks along the hall and out of the front door. WPC Davenport and Nurse Vanderpool stand by the gate talking quietly. As PC Willmott approaches them they stop talking and make their way to the police car.

Chapter Eight

Suzy shuts the door, scared, frightened and elated at her outburst and in throwing the police out of her home. Walking into the kitchen she puts water on to boil for coffee. Her hands are shaking and she realises the pain in her stomach is due to the need to urinate. Hurrying into the bathroom she relieves herself with a contented sigh, as she stands she hears the ringing of the doorbell. Pulling her jeans up quickly she zips and buttons herself and without washing her hands walks quickly to the front door; “Who is it?” she shouts.
“It is Sharon; open the door, will you? I have been hanging around for ages waiting for your visitors to leave.”
Suzy smiles in relief and opens the front door; “Come in I need to wash my hands.” she invites as she turns and walks back into the bathroom.
Sharon shuts the door behind her and hearing the kettle boiling in the kitchen walks in and switches it off at the plug. Getting fresh mugs from the cupboard she starts to make the coffee as Suzy walks into the kitchen.
Sharon turns at the sound of her footsteps and asks in a worried voice; “You Ok?”
“Am now, those bastards have gone.”
“They were here quite a while; I thought you answered all their questions yesterday?”
“They wanted me to make charges against Doug for abuse and whatever; they even brought a nurse to examine me. I let them examine me and then I came to my senses and told them to leave. If I make no charges or even show that I want to have anything to do with Doug they might leave me alone.”
“You hope, I have been thinking over what you told me, in fact I have been thinking about nothing else; as long as Doug's body does not get found you will be in the clear. They do not seem to connect you with Darren's death. Telling them you have never liked him and he had never visited here went in your favour I think. Who worries me is Lewis, he put his whole life in jeopardy helping you and you have not seen or heard from him since. You think he is all right?” asks Sharon showing real concern.
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