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“Thriller” is a modern term.
This genre is classified by causing a sudden outburst of emotion in the reader.
Thriller elements are present in many works of different genres. Thriller mix of fantasy and detective. Of course, reading thriller novels of high quality in terms of content and form of presentation is a very useful, informative and even, in some cases, instructive activity. However, the reader must understand in advance that sometimes a detailed description of many bloody fights, shootings and martial arts, the suffering of numerous victims, all kinds of confrontations can cause him a kind of rejection from further reading works of this genre of literature.

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Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

Reading thrillers facilitates to the formation of a person's sense of danger and makes him avoid such situations in every possible way in real life. At the same time, the reader can use the example of books to form his own line of behavior in real situations. Thrillers contribute to the development of the sixth sense - intuition. The reader will definitely remember the heroes of thrillers, because they operate in extreme circumstances and must include all means for survival. Filmmakers are always on the lookout for new releases in thriller. Scripts are created every day, that are even more sophisticated and dynamic. Based on these scenarios, new films will be screened, that attract tens of thousands of fans thriller genre. Therefore, each reader will be interested in how it was possible to embody the complexity of the plot on the screen, which is described in the original book. The great success of thrillers on the screen, the basis will still be a book.

You may also be interested in books of the MYSTERY & CRIME or HORROR genre

Read books online » Thriller » LORD OF THE CROWNS by Guillaume Mwamba (classic english novels txt) 📖

Book online «LORD OF THE CROWNS by Guillaume Mwamba (classic english novels txt) 📖». Author Guillaume Mwamba

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Liam to come here. Refuge School is not safe for him. All of you that I send Nicodemus a letter, telling him to take Liam to buy his raincoat but I think coming here now is very risky.” Pathway gasped.  

“Right away! And Imani-Imani is incredibly happy to finally see the child who lived!” She squealed. 

Pathway smiled very warmly at Imani, she snapped her fingers and disappeared out of everyone’s sight. 

Summer engulfed that chilly forsaken November morning, murdering any leaves in its path. Especially trees, are its favorite targets, causing it to be naked by dried leaves collapsing to the rainy streets and roads of Oliver estate. Continually, it is explaining that winter is just around the corner. A magnificently peaceful breathtaking sprinkling of the splattering sound of the rain, thunder rumbling roar gently during that cold nighttime, a greeting dawn light shining through my attic gigantic bedroom window. Overheard laughter downstairs in the kitchen, the delicious aroma of breakfast smells that early in the morning. I could hear Olive humming peacefully with her mother.  

Olivia Potter, twenty-eight, gorgeous-looking African British American woman. Curly hair, bright brown eyes, wearing a hooded red coat, winter sweater, jeans, and winter boots, as laughter, filled the living room. Olive Potter, twenty, is a good-looking mixed African British American boy. Curly puffy short hair, bright green eyes, wearing a hooded blue-sky coat, winter sweater, jeans, and winter boots. Man, this morning might be great for me this time and who would blame me for sleeping all day.  

Till the door of my room in that early morning around eight. I, Liam Mvuela, twenty-five, a most luminous experienced regimen, the cutest African young boy. I have black curly hair and brown eyes. I wear a long-sleeved white sweater, army grey jacket, mostly blue jeans, and Adidas shoes. "Please come in!" I spoke. Nicodemus Potter, eighty, a most luminous experienced regimen, the cutest American. He has black curly hair and brunette eyes. I wear a long-sleeved red Christmas sweater, khaki army trench coat, mostly black jeans, and boots. Old Nicodemus opened the door of my huge bedroom and came into my room.  

"Liam. Would you mind waking up, please? Because I want to take you somewhere or buy you something?" Old Nicodemus answered.  

"Something? And still where, Nicodemus?" I asked.  

"Er-um, have you forgotten? Well, my old best friend Elisheva told me that I should take you to buy a raincoat. Because it is going to rain at your school in Refuge, "Nicodemus responded.  

"Raincoat! Man forgot about that! Still, we need to return fast so that we might celebrate Oliver's birthday. "I panicked.  

"Right. And We are heading to Little Faith-town, "I said.  

Moments I get down out of my bed, rush to the restroom, brush my teeth, and come out ready. 







Afterward, I put on my white trench coat, and I marched downstairs where I met Nicodemus.  

"Nicodemus. I am coming down-!" I paused.  

Unless I came out of my huge chamber ready, where I met everyone. Nicole and Olivia were sitting at the table munching on breakfast. Nicodemus and I were about to walk towards the exit when Olive came rushing down after I had said morning to Nicole with Olivia. Nicole Potter, thirty-nine, is a cute British American man. Haircut, beard, bright brown-haired person eyes, wears a hoodie khaki trench coat, dark blueberry Christmas sweater, brown jeans, and lower heels shoes.  

Olive’ and Savanna’s parents answered but Savanna grimaced at me furiously.  

“Liam. Stay away from trouble,” Savanna roared.  

Savanna Potter, twenty-four, is a good-looking mixed African British American boy. Curly hair, brown eyes, wears a hooded coat, green Christmas sweater, jeans, and winter shoes.  

“ talking about trouble. Aren't you supposed to stay out of trouble at school instead of being suspended? I mocked.  

Savannah was furious with me, but I just ignored him. Olive came rushing downstairs, and she was ready.  

"Grandpere? May I please come with you." Olive pleaded. "Wait-what? You are coming? And why?" I asked.  

"Er-um, I want to see how extraordinary Little Faith-town is. And I heard my friends at school talking about it, so I want to see it for myself. "Olive answered. 

“Excellent. If you are going, then I am coming with you guys," Savanna said.  

"Excuse me. Um, the whole family is coming?" I blinked. "We are," they all spoke.  

"And besides, we are going to buy something for you know what?" Nicole chuckled.  

"Right. Less talking and let us get out of this house." I giggled.  

Whereas the whole Potter family and I went out the entrance and met an old woman in her seventies. 

"Liam Mvuela. And what are you doing out of here? Get back inside the house. Still, where are you going?" She blinked.  

Till Nicodemus, Nicole, and Olive came to surround us three.  

"And who are you? Besides, how do you know where Liam lives?" Nicodemus reported.  

“Old Elisheva sent me here to you and to come to tell Liam Mvuela. Er-to not come. No-no comes to Refuge because it is unbelievably bad. So-so extremely dangerous for him," she said.  

“Huh, we are just heading to Little Faith-town because we are going to buy his raincoat and something else," Nicole answered.  

"If you want, you could come with us to make sure of Liam's safety. And what do you say? Mind telling us what the danger is in Refuge?" I asked.  

"Decades ago, Luke Mor. W. Wood disastrous destroyed half-noble gathering of-!" She stopped.  

Till she began squealing in pain, as she held her head. 

"My head hurts. No-no-no cannot tell you. Cannot tell you Liam Mvuela. I promise I cannot tell you. I cannot tell you everything Huh-uh," she refused.  

Unless the old woman was smacking her head extremely hard with her hands. Where I felt sorry for her even more. 

“Welcome. And you do not need to tell me everything. Would you just cut that out by smacking your hand so hard, please? Besides, I am glad to meet you, my friend,” I answered.  

“Liam Mvuela. Friends? I hear you right?” asked the woman.  

“Right. I am your friend. Nice to meet you. Come on, now we cannot keep the marketplace waiting.” I spoke.  

“Liam Mvuela. Imani-Imani is awesomely happy to be equal as Liam Mvuela.” Imani sobbed.  

“Welcome, Imani!” I chuckled.  

Everyone burst out laughing, Imani disappeared out of our sight but watched my every move and expected me to go to Refuge because it is very risky. Marching for a few hours till we find ourselves within Little Faith-town. Describing Little Faith-town, it was the most luminous breathtaking extraordinary place just West of Oliver. All kinds of mega houses, stores, and marketplaces are structured in pure gold. With all kinds of businesspeople that were big and small.  

“Here we are, Liam. Little Faith-town,” Nicole interrupted.  

“And what do you think, Liam?” Savannah scoffed. “Excellent thank you very much-!” I paused.  

“Enough! I am not doing this for you. And would you just walk please!” Savannah roared.  

“Right...right. You do not need to be rude about it,” I signed.  

“Correct...correct. Not rude about it? Not rude about it! I agree with you, Liam-.” Savanna gasped.  

Olivia pulled him to be together with her and her father, old Nicodemus, just burst into laughter hard with olive.  

“Savanna. Boy, you should behave yourself, young man. And still, you come with us.” Olivia interfered.  

“Mother. Do I have to? And what about Liam?” Savanna whined.  

“No excuses Savanna. And have you forgotten what we came here for? Despite that why have we come here to Little Faith-town?” Nicole said.

“Huh. come and why does it have to be me again? Savannah asked. I had no idea brother. And would you just leave Liam for a minute? Olive paused.  

“Exactly. Leave Liam alone. And Liam kiddo." Olivia stopped.  

“Attentive mother. I am listening!” I replied.  

“Would you mind taking Olive? Maybe at the park because we don’t want to spoil the surprise. And besides, I got everything. I mean your hooded raincoat coat. See you later,” Nicodemus answered.  

“I am happy to help you, old friend,” I responded.  

Olive was overly excited, pulling me by my hand, and we were out of her parents’-her brother’s, and grandfather’s sight. We were marching within the crowds of people and making sure Olive sees every detail of Little Faith-Town. Moments later, we discovered ourselves on our way to the park.  

“Olive?” I called. “All ear Liam. And what’s seems to be the cause?” Olive asked.  

“See everything in Little Faith-Town? How is it?” I asked.  

“Marvelous, Liam.” Olive giggled.  

Unless all sudden, the once blue-sky luminous morning turned to darkness, and wind came from nowhere so strongly at the point I could not breathe. Uncomfortable emotions strike my spine, while I gasp in discomfort. Olive came to hold my hand tightly because the wind was very strong.

Till a strongest telekinetic flung both of us hard on the wall of the half-light tunnel and pinned us there.

"Jesus! Liam, I am stuck! And what on earth is going on?" Olive gasped. 

"No! No! This cannot be! And who in the world is seeking for my life or wants me to die?" I signed. 

Looking up, I saw six darkest hooded cloak garments, as all came scooping down against me. Their faces were indescribable, because it was in total darkness, and I could only see their glowing red eyes. 

"Liam! Liam! I am frightened. I am sure. And what in the world are these beings?" Olive asked. 

While they unleashed their bows, arrows and were about to open fire at me but were discontinued by a passing woman. 

"Excuse me? What do you think you're trying to do with these-?" She screeched.

After these peculiar beings shot their arrows at her and she turned to stone that crumbled to powder. 











Unless one of them came to grab me by my neck, but his hands got in flames, it wailed in pain and burned to ashes. 

Till then rest of them screeched in agonies but did not give up.  

"Pardon me. Whoever you are. Release me this insistently or else?" I shouted.  

"Liam? Would you mind telling me what these things are? And why do they want you to be dead?" Olive gasped. 

"No, idea. And now I wondered why my old friend Imani told me not to leave the house. Um-er because of these things. That's why!" I responded. 

All the hooded being screeched at me, but I wasn't frightened of it although Olive was scared.  

Fear not olive. And whosoever you just you know that He that is in the secret place, shall not

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