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Read books online » Thriller » PASSAGE by Guillaume Mwamba (little red riding hood read aloud .TXT) 📖

Book online «PASSAGE by Guillaume Mwamba (little red riding hood read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Guillaume Mwamba

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man. I suspected that he is hiding something.” Number replied.

    “I know that, Number. And I need you to investigate on you know who and find out?” Mr. Lance boomed.

    “Yes, of course, and right away!” Number replied and disappeared out of his sight.

    Soon Jesse Fortresse was in his luxurious shop’s office when Exauce came in without him realizing it.

    Jesse looked up and met face to face with his grandson. “Oh, howdy, son, what’s the matter?” Jesse asked.

    “Well, Lumiere and I finally found a place where we are going to sell the products and expand your business,” Exauce said.

    “Really? And where did you find the place?” Jesse asked.

    “Closer to Mr. Lance’s two tallest buildings,” Exauce explained.

    “Very well-very well, I will think about it.” Jesse beamed in gestured.

    “O-Okay, thank you grandpapa. I think you’re to like the place!” Exauce excited.

    “Huh-uh.” He agreed. Hours later Exauce was in the Bellefonte’ mansion that morning, and on TV the news was on.

“Well good morning-fellow citizen of Israel. It seems like we have a new businessman in town, looking for employees who would work for his company.

    And ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Miss. Kirtman Miriam.

    So Miss. Kirtman what you have for us?” The reporter asked.

    “Well, all I have to say I have to say is that we have many places and opportunities for anyone who is looking for a job!” Miss. Kirtman answered.

    “Ah, thank God, finally and I have to go immediately! So good-bye, Rahab!” Exauce said and he pushed himself out the door.

    Later on, Exauce finds himself in the humongous company’s hallway there were of people in.

    He was looking all over the place, but on the highest balcony Mr. Lance was watching is every move.

    Until he uses his telekinesis, breaking the rope of the chandelier, to caused it to fall on a little girl.

    Although Exauce was distracted by such magnificent, he was alert where he sees the heavy chandelier coming down, he quickly moves her out the way.

    Everyone clapped for Exauce, has Mr. Lance walked away with a smile on his face.

    A few hours later, Exauce Fortresse was been interviewed by Mr. Lance Bubonic’s secretary office.

    “Umm, you are very intelligent and your university’s degree is the highest level.

    However, there is no anymore place for you to work, Mr. Fortresse.

So sorry all the company spots have been taken!” Miss. Kirtman said.

    “What? Tell me this isn’t the truth? And I thought you said in the news that you have many places in this company?” Exauce asked.

    “Yes, I did say that but I couldn’t believe that I could have a lot of people looking for a job!” Miss. Kirtman said.

    “Ugh, this is not fair Kirtman or shall I preferred Miriam?

    Moreover, you and I used to go to the same university, so why would you do such a thing to your best friend?

    By the way see you later, seniorita!” Exauce snarled, stood up angrily, walked out the door, and was out of sight. “Uh, man this isn’t right.

    I wish there were more space for you to work on this place, but you even remembering me breaking your heart!” Miss. Kirtman murmured to herself.

    Exauce walked in his grandpapa’s office that afternoon, overdosed by depressed and disappointed.

    “Exauce, what’s wrong with you? You’re walking like a zombie!” Lumiere asked.

    “No work! I can’t find any work anywhere.” Exauce grumbled.

    “Yikes! You truly looked like a zombie, cousin!” Lumière shuddered.

 â€śHuh? No work anywhere? And anyhow I give you cousin money for the business but he lost it all in gambling.

    I believe having such a business partner, will be a distraction for my business.

    Lumière is such a doofus and useless in the business!” Jesse growled.

“Yeah-yeah, grandpapa just calms down and I actually agree with you. Lumière here is such a doofus!” Exauce snapped.

    “Aw, come on! This is not fair grandpapa-Exauce,” Lumière whined.

    “Silence you!” Exauce shouted at him. Elsewhere in Exauce neighborhood during night time, Number burst the door wide open.

    Rahab went to have a sleepover to her father’s pharmacy into this unknown place, but it's still in Israel.

    Melody Bellefonte was preparing dinner for herself when she was interrupted by the door banging on the wall.

    Astonishing, calling to know if her daughter decided to come back.

    Has she walked around, Melody felt a rope on her neck which was strangling her to death.

    Although she struggled to free herself, it was useless, Melody collapse to ground breathless.

    Number left the scene, shrieking in laughter. Early in the morning, Rahab turns on the TV and the news was on.

    “Good morning, everyone we have such a piece of terrible news. Mrs. Bellefonte was found strangled to death and her daughter went missing!” The reporter announced.

    “Oh my, mama! I can’t believe this-I can’t believe my mother is dead!

    I have to go and make sure if this is truly the truth!” Rahab sobbed and was about to walk out, but her father stops her.

“Just hold your horses, young lady!” Obed halted her. “But papa?

    Mama-mama is dead and I need to go make sure if truly she is dead!” Rahab wailed.

 â€śYeah, that’s the truth Rahab. Your mother is truly dead, I am so sorry about that.

    And it seems like the Immortals are in actions, killing any remaining Oracles they could find.

 I hope my old friend Jesse knows this before this get out of hand.

 Besides Rahab, you can’t go out there, because the Immortals are hunting us down!” Obed replied while Rahab cried her tears out.

    While Mr. Lance was sitting down in his huge company’s office, Miss. Kirtman came in and sit before him disappointed.

    “Miss. Kirtman, what’s eating you up?” Mr. Lance asked.

    “Umm, a friend of mine came the other day looking for a job, but I turn him down because there wasn’t any space.” Miss Kirtman explained.

    “Ah, I see and what’s your friend’s name?” Mr. Lance asked.

    “Ah-um, Mr. Fortresse!” Miriam replied. “Mr. Fortresse?” Bubonic asked.

    “Of course,” she said. “Hum, let see. Oh, yes I would love to meet him and tell him to meet me tomorrow morning, isn’t that right for you?” Mr. Lance asked.

    “Sure right way and thank you very much, Mr. Lance!” Miriam excited.

 â€śYou’re welcome!” Bubonic said. Elsewhere, Lumiere and Exauce were waiting for their grandfather.

So they might sell powerful bullet prove lighter armor to Mrs. Clarkson.

 The bullet proves lighter armor, it's a spiritual armor cloth which can be seen by physical and spiritual eyes.

    Exauce and Lumière thought that it was just a simple T-shirt, but they were wrong although they were Christians.

    Both of them were sitting in there in a humongous living room in their grandfather’s luxurious shop.

    “So Mr. Fortresse-Mr. Exodus what you think about selling the bullet prove armor with thousands upon thousands of millions.

    Think about being a billionaire?” Mrs. Clarkson asked. “We are really-but-but!” Exauce stammered.

    When their grandfather came in interrupting him after whacking him on the back of his crown.

    “But nope, you silly child! I am not selling this because it's very important to us!” Jesse replied.

    “But Mr. Fortresse? You can’t be serious? Besides it just a bullet prove armor!” Mrs. Clarkson mumbled.

    “Pardon me, Mrs. Clarkson but I am not selling this.

    This shirt armor is not for selling!” Jesse snapped.

    Yet as he lifts up his head to look outside, a mysterious man was walking up to them pointing the revolver at them.

    “Everybody, get down-Exauce, no-o!” Jesse shouted. The man opens fire, as old man Jesse ran to rescue his grandson.

The bullets of the mysterious man’s revolver pierced through Jesse’s chest.

    The policeman opens fire at the shooter which pierced through his forehead with his bullet.

    The policeman was hit too on the forehead that both of him and the criminal fall to the ground breathless.

    After everything was settled, Exauce hears his grandfather groaning in pains.

    “Huh-uh, grandpapa-are you okay?” Exauce asked. “No, my son! I have been hit.” Jesse grunted.

    “What? Oh no, come on. I need to take you to the hospital!” Exauce panicked.

 â€śYes, you must do that and to tell you the truth. You’re the last Terminator whom the Immortal left.

    Your parents were killed by the Immortal named Bubonic that’s fateful morning,” Jesse said.

    “What? This Terminator word again?” Exauce shouted anxiously while worrying about his wounded grandfather.

    A moment later Exauce was rushing old Jesse to the hospital, in his car as faster as he could.

 â€śGrandpapa, just hanged in there!” Exauce responded. “Exauce-Exauce, you must know the truth, son!

 You’re the last Terminator from the lineage of Ezekiel.

    Furthermore, your uncles, aunts, cousins, and your parents were killed on that treacherous fateful day.

    Therefore, you have to take your responsibilities as a Terminator.” Jesse groaned.

    “Just hang in there don’t talk because I am taking you to the hospital!” Exauce said.

“Exauce-Exauce, just take me on the nearby pharmacy. Over there is the best doctor ever, please hurry because I don’t have time?” Jesse grunted in pains.

    “Al-alright grandfather, I am taking you there and just be patient!” Exauce panicked.

    Soon Exauce and his wounded grandpapa found themselves into the pharmacy with him shouting for help.

    “Help-help! Somebody help- my grandfather is wounded!” Exauce shouted.

    Doctor Bellefonte rushed to help him, as he took his old friend away.

    “You have come to the best pharmacy and we will do our best. Moreover, follow me!” Obed said.

    Exauce Fortresse followed them, but as they arrived in this unknown hallway.

    Doctor Bellefonte told Exauce to wait there for a moment.

    “I am taking your grandfather in to be treated, but you must remain here!

    And Rahab keep an eye on him, and don’t let him follow us!” Obed ordered her.

    “Yes, papa I will,” Rahab replied. Exauce didn’t even recognize her, because she was in her Oracle clothes.

 â€śHey, miss! What is your father doing? Why he told me to wait here, while my grandpapa is dying there alone?” Exauce asked.

    “Well, I don’t know but Exauce need to calm down!” Rahab replied.

 â€śBurgh, don’t tell me to call down!” Exauce snapped at her and was about to follow them, but the entire place turned to darkness.

   Expect the room where Rahab was wearing her Oracle clothes remained brightly.

    “I got see my grandfather one last time!” Exauce continued panicking.

    Until Rahab could not hold any longer of the annoyance of Exauce’s freaking and panic of his grandfather.

    Rahab came behind him, hold him on his neck tightly but very lightly, and knock him after whacking him with the palm of her hand.

    Exauce felt unconscious on the ground, leaving Rahab with a peaceful moment.

    Somewhere within the darkness, Lumiere was captured by Number and has been tortured for any pieces of information.

    Yet Lumière couldn’t tell them a thing unless Number couldn’t hold his silence any longer.

 â€śOhm, no answer I see? Well, then prepared to die, because you are not any use to me!” Number snarled.

    Taking out his Blade, and pierced through Lumière’s chest.

    “Ga-a-a-a-ah!” Lumière squealed in agony and breathe his last.

    Back to the pharmacy, Exauce awakens while Rahab was waiting patiently for him.

 â€śAh, finally! You are awake and you’re one tough guy. By the way, you want to see you grandfather?” Rahab asked.

    “Well, yes!” Exauce answered. “Alright then follow me,” Rahab nodded as she leads the way.

    Arriving before the defenseless, but still in motion where Exauce called unto him. “Grandpapa-grandpapa, are you feeling?” Exauce asked.

 â€śExauce-Exauce, you must take your responsibilities as a Terminator.

 If you don’t, many people like us will die!” Jesse moaned.

    “Yes, grandpapa I will. But if I may ask why are you talking like this?” Exauce asked in tears.

 â€śExauce you must take your responsibilities as a Terminator and farewell!” Old Jesse breathed his last.

    “Grandpapa-grandpapa, no-o-o-o-o! It can’t be you too, no-no-no-no-o-o!” Exauce screamed.

 His eyes turned into a color of flames, shaking the entire pharmacy with crackers

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