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Thriller is a genre in literature. Thriller completely independent genre. Books of this genre are available now for your attention. We add new Thriller books to our e-library every day every day. Always interesting and instructive to read using our elibrary.
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“Thriller” is a modern term.
This genre is classified by causing a sudden outburst of emotion in the reader.
Thriller elements are present in many works of different genres. Thriller mix of fantasy and detective. Of course, reading thriller novels of high quality in terms of content and form of presentation is a very useful, informative and even, in some cases, instructive activity. However, the reader must understand in advance that sometimes a detailed description of many bloody fights, shootings and martial arts, the suffering of numerous victims, all kinds of confrontations can cause him a kind of rejection from further reading works of this genre of literature.

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Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

Reading thrillers facilitates to the formation of a person's sense of danger and makes him avoid such situations in every possible way in real life. At the same time, the reader can use the example of books to form his own line of behavior in real situations. Thrillers contribute to the development of the sixth sense - intuition. The reader will definitely remember the heroes of thrillers, because they operate in extreme circumstances and must include all means for survival. Filmmakers are always on the lookout for new releases in thriller. Scripts are created every day, that are even more sophisticated and dynamic. Based on these scenarios, new films will be screened, that attract tens of thousands of fans thriller genre. Therefore, each reader will be interested in how it was possible to embody the complexity of the plot on the screen, which is described in the original book. The great success of thrillers on the screen, the basis will still be a book.

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Read books online » Thriller » The Midnight Bandit by Melissa Willingham (best book club books of all time txt) 📖

Book online «The Midnight Bandit by Melissa Willingham (best book club books of all time txt) 📖». Author Melissa Willingham

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the goal in her mind, when she started putting together an awareness booklet. She planned to distribute copies of it at the rape crisis center, where she did volunteer work sometimes.

Fortunately, she'd never suffered through such a nightmare before herself. She shuddered and switched on the heater, in an attempt to fight off the chill that suddenly invaded her.


A couple of days later, Janet left the school at a reasonable hour. She abandoned the occasional habit of staying late to do her paperwork. She intended to drop by and visit a friend of hers, Millicent McNeil. The teacher recently resigned from her position. This decision immediately followed the attack perpetrated against her best friend, Alice.

Millicent offered no explanation for why she abruptly turned in her resignation. The speculation seemed to be she'd grown tired of her job. For some reason, something didn't feel quite right about that theory to Janet.

She knew Millicent wasn't a quitter. The idea that she'd simply stop teaching out of the blue made no sense. The thirty-nine-year-old woman loved her job and enjoyed the children she taught. She wouldn't have ended her employment with the school like that. After all, she'd been a schoolteacher for over ten years.

Janet felt determined to find out what was behind the choice her friend made. It appeared too closely intertwined with the timing of Alice's rape to be a mere coincidence.  Not to mention the fact that the formerly devoted teacher moved out of her house and was staying temporarily in a motel room. Only a select few friends and her family knew where she was. 

Something was certainly up and Janet meant to find out the truth tonight. The woman appeared to be afraid of something or someone. Whatever or whoever it may be, Millicent could confide in her. They'd been friends for several years and shared many personal things with one another. This situation would be no exception.

Since Millicent and Alice were best friends, maybe Janet could find out where Alice had gone. She was certain the woman held valuable information to help other women avoid a similar fate. If only she could be persuaded to divulge what she knew, the assailant might finally be caught.

When Janet pulled into the parking lot of the motel, she reviewed all she'd gleaned from her online research about the four types of sexual offenders. She sat there for a moment, reading a page she printed off. She began with the least brutal of the bunch, working her way mentally towards the deadliest one.

The predator stalking her town was one of two offenders classified as a Power Rapist, listed under the Power Reassurance category. Known as the Gentleman Rapist, his goal is not to harm or kill the victim. He seeks to prove himself as a man through sexual assault. Usually a blue-collar worker, passive and non-athletic, with low self-esteem.

Has trouble developing relationships with women. Lives or works near victim, preselects her by peeking and stalking her. Breaks into home in early morning hours and awakens target. Uses minimal force, may bring weapon but not use it. Fantasizes victim is his wife or lover and engages in foreplay, before actual assault.    

The second Power Rapist was listed under the Power Assertive category. Known as the Date Rapist, he is the athletic, macho type. Usually employs drugs or aggression tactics to get his way. He doesn't normally have specific target in mind, but looks for an opportunity to get female alone.

Plan of action involves taking a victim out on a date, and then forcing himself on her if she refuses his advances. Sometimes drugs victim into helpless submission. Feels a sense of sexual entitlement. Sometimes exploits female by videotaping assault. Goal is not to kill, but will call names, brandish weapon and slap or punch if necessary. May pose as a policeman or repairman.

The third perpetrator was one of two attackers classified as an Anger Rapist. Placed in the Anger Retaliatory category, he feels animosity towards women. His goal is to punish and degrade them.  Typically abuses alcohol or drugs and is filled with misplaced anger.

Vents rage upon female victims by spontaneously brutalizing her into submission. Doesn't select specific target, but seeks opportunity to commit rape. Grabs from behind and drags into the bushes. Doesn't plan to kill, but beating inflicted by this individual could be fatal.

The second Anger Rapist was placed under the Anger Excitation category.  Considered a sadist and the most dangerous of the four rapists. He derives pleasure from torturing and inflicting pain upon the victim. Usually intends to kill target, in order to prevent identification or to gratify a psychosexual need.

Typically charming and intelligent when luring victim into his trap. Female may or may not be a stranger. A white collar professional and criminally sophisticated. Premeditates crime, rehearsing it methodically in mind before committing it. Will tie, gag, blindfold and torture over period of days. Records crimes in diary, takes photographs or videotapes them.

Janet knew all the facts about these individuals. She also remembered the tips she received from the websites. They suggested not being out alone in the dark, if possible. It was best to avoid strangers, no matter how friendly or harmless they might seem to be.

Keep car doors locked and car windows rolled up when driving alone. If at home, check to make sure all windows and doors are securely locked. Leave a porch light on during the night.

If meeting someone new, meet them at a safe, neutral place, such as a restaurant. Make sure you choose a place where other people will be, while you are on your date.

If you end up alone with him and something doesn't feel right, act like you are sick or need to use the restroom. Call a friend in front of him to casually mention who you're with and where you are. Do anything necessary to get to a populated area, so he won't have you off to himself.

One idea Janet found of particular interest was how to respond in the event of being placed in a trunk. The article said to kick out one of the taillights and wave a hand or foot through the opening. Perhaps someone would see it and call for help.

The experts instructed a woman to try to get away from the rapist, if she could. But, if unable to break free of him, she should try to talk her way out of it. If that didn't work and he became increasingly violent, she should submit to his demands.

This would hopefully minimize the level of harm inflicted. She might survive the horrible incident, if she complied with the assailant's wishes. Ultimately, the obvious goal for a victim was to make it out alive.

Janet had to admit the last three rapists scared the daylights out of her. She'd hate to meet up with any of them. How could they brutalize and violate a woman, with no regard to her feelings.

She'd heard some women indulged in so-called rape fantasies. Those usually involved being taken forcefully, from what Janet understood. Well, she couldn't imagine how anyone enjoyed daydreaming about something so vicious. She certainly didn't want to be treated roughly by some animal with an erection.


Millicent paced around her hotel room as Janet sat sipping coffee at a small table. The former teacher wrung her hands together and glanced around nervously. "Are you sure no one followed you here?" she asked, for the third time.

Janet stared at her friend curiously. She'd only been there fifteen minutes and already she could tell that something was disturbing her. "I'm positive. Nobody was behind me," she stated emphatically, not for the first time.

Millicent continued walking back and forth on the worn green carpet. The room consisted of a table, a bed and a nightstand. There was a television, which was quietly playing and a bathroom off to the side.  As the newscaster began to discuss the recent victim of the Midnight Bandit, their friend Alice, Millicent jumped. She appeared startled, stopping to gaze at the screen as if in a trance.

Janet rose from where she was sitting to stand beside the other woman. She placed an arm around her shoulders. "What's wrong, Millicent? You seem worried about something."

"Nothing is wrong. I'm fine," she insisted. The tremble in her voice belied what she was saying. Quite obviously, she needed to relax.

"Why don't you come over here and sit down for a while? Take a load off," Janet suggested. She steered her friend over to a chair across the table from hers. Reluctantly, the frazzled woman took a seat.

Janet poured a cup of coffee and placed it before her. Then she reclaimed her own seat. She contemplated how to approach the situation for a moment, deciding to take the plunge. "Please, tell me what is going on. I'm very concerned about you. You quit your teaching job out of the blue. No one knows why. You left your home to stay at this rundown motel. Now, you're running around like a weasel in a chicken house. Something has you scared, doesn't it? What is it?"

Millicent peered around the room, refusing to meet her friend's eyes. She ran her hands over her face and rubbed her eyes sleepily. Then she raked her fingers shakily through her thick mane of blonde hair. "I don't want to talk about it, Janet. I simply can't."

"Well, why not? You know you can trust me with anything. I won't say a word to anyone. Whatever it is, you can share it with me."

"I do trust you. It's just too painful to stir all of those memories up again, after all this time. It was so long ago. Yet it's still almost like it was yesterday." She took a couple of sips of her coffee and sat it back down.

Janet reached out to grasp her hands. She held them gently, imploring Millicent to meet her eyes. "What are you referring to? What happened a long time ago?" she wondered.

The slightly older woman briefly locked gazes with her, before focusing on some point above Janet's head. "I know I'm behaving irrationally to others. But, I'm so frightened. I can hardly eat or sleep. I live in fear every day that he's coming for me," she confessed. "That's why I won't stay at my house. I'm hiding out, just like Alice."

"Has she told you where she's staying? Have you heard from her since her assault?"

"Yes, she's called my cell phone a few times. But, she won't say where she's at. She's too afraid he will find her and attack her again. He told her he'd be back, when he finished with her that night."

"My goodness, she should've told the police what he said! I didn't realize he threatened to return again. No wonder she willingly disappeared. I feel so bad for her. If you hear from her anymore, please ask her to call me. I really want to speak with her. Will you do that, Millicent?"

She nodded affirmatively. "Yes, I'll tell her, if she calls me. But, I'm not sure if I'll hear from her anymore."

"Thank you. Now, back to you. Why do you think someone's after you? Who are you talking about?"

"The Midnight Bandit," she whispered, as if terrified to say it out loud. "Don't you see? I had to hide because he was stalking me. I was to become his next victim, after Alice."

Janet sat up straight in her chair. An uneasy feeling came over her. "Why do you think that?" she questioned, wary of the answer.

"He left a couple of notes on my front door at the house, telling me I was next. He included a single red rose with each note. It was signed, 'Secret Admirer'. That was all the proof I needed. I hauled my tail out of there so fast, after the second one. I drove in circles in case I was followed. Then I drove way out here to throw him off track. I can only pray it worked. I haven't heard from him since."

"What makes

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