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Thriller is a genre in literature. Thriller completely independent genre. Books of this genre are available now for your attention. We add new Thriller books to our e-library every day every day. Always interesting and instructive to read using our elibrary.
Only occasionally does a rather skillfully tailored product come off this “conveyor line” that really has any merit in order to stand out from the basically homogeneous literary mass. Our electronic library is full of thriller highlights.
“Thriller” is a modern term.
This genre is classified by causing a sudden outburst of emotion in the reader.
Thriller elements are present in many works of different genres. Thriller mix of fantasy and detective. Of course, reading thriller novels of high quality in terms of content and form of presentation is a very useful, informative and even, in some cases, instructive activity. However, the reader must understand in advance that sometimes a detailed description of many bloody fights, shootings and martial arts, the suffering of numerous victims, all kinds of confrontations can cause him a kind of rejection from further reading works of this genre of literature.

Genre Thriller online and without registration

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

Reading thrillers facilitates to the formation of a person's sense of danger and makes him avoid such situations in every possible way in real life. At the same time, the reader can use the example of books to form his own line of behavior in real situations. Thrillers contribute to the development of the sixth sense - intuition. The reader will definitely remember the heroes of thrillers, because they operate in extreme circumstances and must include all means for survival. Filmmakers are always on the lookout for new releases in thriller. Scripts are created every day, that are even more sophisticated and dynamic. Based on these scenarios, new films will be screened, that attract tens of thousands of fans thriller genre. Therefore, each reader will be interested in how it was possible to embody the complexity of the plot on the screen, which is described in the original book. The great success of thrillers on the screen, the basis will still be a book.

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Read books online » Thriller » A Good Find by Gary L Beer (golden son ebook TXT) 📖

Book online «A Good Find by Gary L Beer (golden son ebook TXT) 📖». Author Gary L Beer

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far up the street, the suit jacket and jeans look to be the same as he was wearing the day before and Simon's eyes harden at the memory of his mistreatment yesterday. Remembering his escape and barricading the door puts a cold smile on his face. Feeling safe he allows his anger to rise and he dreams of revenge. Going into the kitchen he makes coffee and a slice of toast, spooning the marmalade thickly he takes a bite and picking up his coffee he goes back to his vigil at the window.
Dreaming of palm trees and golden sandy beaches Simon munches contentedly on his toast as he dreams of a happy life. The white delivery van distracts his thoughts as it pulls up outside the (assumed) catalogue ladies house. As the driver jumps out, Simon runs out of the flat tripping on the carpet in his excitement as he nearly knocks himself out on the door frame. Using the electric screwdriver he opens the door and descends the stairs unsteadily as he holds onto the banister rail firmly and reaches the hall with his head still spinning.
Putting the electric screwdriver down onto the floor he kicks away the tool box and pulls the shelving away from the door, leaning it against the far wall. Bending down he picks up the electric screwdriver and starts to unscrew the lowest screw that holds the door shut. The knock on his head and the panic affects his vision and he sees everything in a blur. Feeling, more than seeing, he takes out the screw and throwing it on the floor he unscrews the one near the lock.
Unbolting the door he stands back a little and tries to look through the small pane of frosted glass of the door. He can make out the shape of someone walking past when the van pulls up out front. Unlocking the door Simon takes a chance and opens it wide as the young driver walks towards him. The bright fluorescent blue of his T-shirt makes him look unreal and Simon bends down and picks up the heavy cardboard box of money; “There you go mate, any paperwork for me?” he asks trying to smile.
The driver detects his nervousness and passes him his clipboard; “If you can sign the top one please and keep the copy.”
Simon takes the clipboard as he passes him the box and pulling out the pen that is jammed under the big clip that holds the paperwork, he quickly signs his name. Tearing off the copy from underneath Simon hands him the clipboard; “Nice one Dude, you have a great day.”
“And you mate.” the driver smiles as he takes the weight of the heavy box, turns and struggles back towards his van. Anxiously Simon looks along the street and smiles in relief when he sees no one he recognises. Looking up at the window of the flat where the watchers are he cannot see any movement and he gets the feeling it is going to be a good day. The slamming of the vans back door makes Simon look sharply towards the van in alarm; “See ya.” shouts the driver as he disappears around the side of the van and jumps in. Slamming the door shut he starts the engine and drives slowly along the street. Simon steps back hurriedly and shuts the door and bolts it. Picking up his electric screwdriver he searches around for the screws he had thrown down in such a hurry. Finding the biggest one he screws it into the door and on into the frame as tight as he can. Satisfied that the one screw and the bolts will be secure enough he makes his way back upstairs and into his flat.

Steve rolls a cigarette from Dippa's tin and hands it back to him: “Got a light?”
Dippa passes him his lighter as he takes his tobacco tin from Steve's outstretched hand, Steve lights the cigarette with a smile and blows out a big cloud of smoke with a contented sigh.
“Someone better keep an eye on the street, Dippa you take a turn for a little while, I wanna talk to Barry.” Steve orders as he takes another drag of his cigarette.
Dippa gets up reluctantly from the couch and picking up his tobacco tin and mug of coffee walks over to the window and peers out at the street below.
“Anything happening?” Steve asks.
Dippa makes a point of looking up and down the street, the only movement is a white delivery van driving along the street and the old woman with her scruffy dog; “No all quiet.” Dippa sharply replies annoyed at being ordered around.
“Keep an eye out for the others, should be Sheila and Natalie you see first, let 'em in when you do.”
Dippa makes no reply and stares moodily out of the window as he watches the dog pee against a car wheel as the old woman lets it carry on, making no effort for it to stop.
Steve looks Barry in the eyes, feeling confident with his friends on the way he pushes his luck by demanding; “Tell me about this Dave fella, why did you bring him?”
Barry is annoyed by Steve's attitude towards him and stares back at him coldly. He had felt Steve’s hostility towards him underneath the smiles and wondered if Steve was being honest with him with this crazy story. For that is what it appeared to be and he fears that his money is already lost. Steve's attitude towards him had changed, the delay in telling him that things had gone wrong and his attitude on the phone last night had made Barry suspicious and that was his real reason for bringing Dave. He was the one with the connections and still the main contributor in their smuggling operation and he considered himself the boss and he was becoming mad enough to consider it time to remind Steve who is exactly in charge here; “He's here to help me if I feel I need it.” Barry says in a firm voice.
Though Barry hasn't said the words Steve knows that Dave is here, for him.
The coldness and strength in Barry's voice makes Steve twist in his chair in agitation, he feels scared, very scared. Being scared is not a feeling he is used to and he puzzles over it. Reminding himself that the room will soon be filled with his friends and Barry will be badly outnumbered does not quench the fear that fills his belly; “You know me Barry I'm a bit nervous of strangers, but if you say he's all right?” he says seeming to finish half way through the sentence.
Barry stares him in the eyes seeming to be able to read his mind, dismissing him by breaking the gaze and reaching for his coffee mug Barry takes a drink and looks at Dippa.
Dippa had stopped looking out of the window aware of the undertones to the conversation he had followed it earnestly. Barry's cold eyes when they meet his has the same effect as upon Steve; he feels scared, very scared! Breaking the stare instantly Dippa looks out of the window and sees Sheila and Natalie walking arm in arm along the street; “There's Nat and Sheila, I'll go let 'em in.” he says in relief, giving him the excuse to get away from those cold eyes. He steps away from the window quickly and almost runs across the room and down the stairs.

Simon watches the arrival of Sheila and Natalie as he chews on his piece of toast. Seeing them walk along the path and straight through the door without having to knock shows they are expected and he wonders how many more are on their way. Feeling a lot more confident now the money is out of the way he phones Stef; “How we doing Dude?” he asks, when the phone is answered on the first ring.
“All good thanks Dude, we got an extra partner now as Nic told Heather everything and anyway we're gonna need her help in the next few days to get out of this.”
“Talking about getting out, you got any thoughts on getting me out of here?”
“Yeah, I got a great idea, has the money been collected yet?”
“Yeah the van called about twenty minutes ago with no problems, I don't think they even saw it, well no one came running out.”
“I'm gonna get you out the same way.”
“What wrapped up in a cardboard box and dumped in the back of a van?” asks Simon in a horrified voice.
“No,no,” laughs Stef “though sounds a good idea.”
“How then Dude?” demands Simon not appreciating the joke.
“I'm gonna drive up to the front of your flat and your going to get in and then we drive away up the street.” Stef tells him filled with confidence.
“Just like that?” asks Simon incredulously.
“Yes, just like that, I'll be in Heather's car you remember what her car looks like?”
“Silver Hatchback, in it?”
“That's right except it won’t be all silver, I'm gonna paint the number plates with mud so they can't be recognised, in fact that's what I'm doing now but it looks a bit obvious so I'm gonna cover the rest of the car, so it looks like I've driven in a muddy field.”
“What you just gonna pull up and toot your horn?” asks Simon not convinced.
“We can do better than that with our mobile phones, I can phone you when I'm round the corner and we can keep the line open and you tell me when it's clear.”
Simon thinks through what Stef is suggesting and pictures it happening in his mind; “Sounds good Dude, but there is a lot of people across the road watching me. They see you drive up the street they gonna be on you like a tonne of bricks.”
“That's the idea of using Heather's car and I'll be wearing a disguise.” laughs Stef.
“A disguise, what a long beard and plastic nose?” asks Simon a little sarcastically. He likes the idea, but his stomach is knotting with that familiar feeling of fear, bringing doubt.
“You'll love it” laughs Stef; “main thing you gotta do is remember Heather's car, coz you won't recognise me.”
“I'm intrigued,” laughs Simon nervously; “problem being is those people across the road, they are watching me but not that close at the moment but more are arriving, what is exactly your plan?”
“What I said, I'll park up round the corner and phone you, that flat is a little way along the street, you'll be in the car before they know it and we'll be gone.”
“Providing they don't stake the street out it might work.” says Simon reluctantly.
Stef laughs; “Trust me Dude, it'll work. I'm gonna need another hour before I can get to you, grab your vital stuff and put it in a bag as you won't be going back for quite a while, best you think about moving Dude.” advises Stef.
“I've already thought of that, no way can I stay here, they know where I live!”
“Get yourself sorted and I'll ring you just before I get to town.”
“Ok Dude, I'll be ready.” Simon confirms a little nervously and disconnects the
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