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Read books online » Thriller » The Omega Sanction by Andrew Scorah (urban books to read TXT) 📖

Book online «The Omega Sanction by Andrew Scorah (urban books to read TXT) 📖». Author Andrew Scorah

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he stuck his head around the wall.

The Germans were still standing around as if they waited for something.

“I don’t get it,” Jennifer said, “I thought this place would be crawling with defenders, yet we’ve hardly seen anyone.”

“The Russians at the time said the Berliners put up a ferocious defence, but there is a school of thought that says they made up the numbers they faced,” Bane said.

“Or the defenders around the Reich Chancellery have fled when they saw Hitler leave with Koenig,” Professor Guyler added.

“It would help if we knew the exact date,” Trotsky said.

The sound of an approaching aircraft came to them through the smoky air. Bane saw the soldiers all turn to look in the same direction.

“We may not be out of the race yet,” Bane said.

As he looked on, he saw another Junkers break through the smog, angling for a landing.

“I have a plan, but we’re going to need some uniforms.”



















Chapter 26

The large iron gates swung open in front of

The large iron gates swung open in front of Goldwaters vehicle. He drove his Audi through onto a long sweeping gravel drive. Earlier he had been contacted by Majestic’s operations officer, and asked to attend a meeting at Dr Garton Hunsaker’s Virginian mansion. The English Palladian-style home sat in the middle of a sprawling 4,500 acres estate sat on the banks of the James river near Richmond, and had been in the Hunsaker family since the days of the Civil War.


He felt a tightening in his stomach as he approached the three storey red bricked building. Goldwater had been to the home on only three other occasions, all social. This was the first time he had been ordered to an official meeting here. As he pulled up in front of the pillared entrance he noted the numerous armed guards strolling around the grounds.


Taking off his mirrored driving glasses, he climbed out of the car. The front door opened, and a man in a black suit waited to greet him.


He was ushered into the airy hallway dominated by green painted elaborate 18th-century wood panelling and handsomely carved ornamentals. Pictures of hunting scenes decorated the walls. To his left a wooden staircase wound up to the upper levels.


“Please wait here while I go announce your arrival,” the man said before disappearing through a door at the far end of the hallway. Goldwater knew this led to the dining room.


His heart was beating hard in his chest, and a cold sweat had broken out on his brow. Although he had followed Majestic’s orders, and unleashed the dogs on Omega and Charlotte Charlotte, he had also leaked the sequence of events into the pipeline that would end on the desk of the President. He had no choice but to go along with them, if he hadn’t he was finished. But he also had strong morals and could not reconcile the orders with his belief in himself and country.


Now he was thinking that Majestic knew, and that was why he had been summoned.


Goldwater took a handkerchief from his trouser pocket and mopped his brow. The black suited man appeared at the doorway.


“This way, Director Goldwater.”


He was led into the blue painted panelled dining room. Two large arched windows at the far end let in the Virginian sunlight. All the members of Majestic were seated around the long polished oak dining table which dominated the room.


“Ah, good of you to come, Director, have a seat,” Hunsaker said, as he indicated the empty chair at the opposite end of the table from him.


Goldwater sat in the offered chair, and asked, “What’s this all about?”


“The base has been completely destroyed, which is a shame, but as we see it, it is the end of the matter, the threat is over,” Hunsaker said, “Now is the time for damage limitation, the President is demanding a full report on the whole affair, so we need to be sure we are all singing the same song, do you understand me, Director?”


“Yes sir, I do.”


“Good, you’ll stay here over the next couple of days while we work on the report. How is the ongoing operation against Miss Charlotte and the rest of Omega’s infrastructure going?”


“Miss Charlotte and the Colonel seem to have gone off the grid, but we have managed to shut down many of their subsidiary offices.”


Hunsaker nodded, took a sip from the glass of water before him.


“That’s not good, make Miss Charlotte and the colonel a priority, and as you know accidents happen, they both need to disappear. We don’t want any contradictions to the report we are going to write.”


As Hunsaker was speaking, he noticed six black dots through the window behind the man. As they drew nearer he could tell they were helicopters.


There was a knock at the door. The black suited man entered the room.


“What is it, Grayson?” Hunsaker said, obviously irritated at the disturbance.


Goldwater could now hear the sound of the choppers. Through the window he could see two landing on the lawn at the front of the house. While Hunsaker remained immobile, the others around the table were looking towards the window.


“All the security detail are leaving, sir.”


Finally, Hunsaker swivelled in his seat to look out the window. There were murmurs of brief conversation from the members of Majestic before Hunsaker silenced them with a wave of his hand.


“Don’t worry my friends, whatever this is about, we are covered by Presidential decree, we say nothing.”


The sound of boots on wooden flooring could be heard through the doorway. Six armed men in black uniforms with no insignia burst into the room.


Hunsaker stood up, the legs of his chair scraping on the floor as he pushed it backwards.


“What is the meaning of all this, you have no jurisdiction here!”


“Do we look like we give a shit,” one of the man said before weapons were raised, and they opened fire.


They touched down at Berlin Schönefeld Airport at seven o’clock in the morning. After their visit with Kammler, Rogan thought it wise to get Charlotte out of the country. Not any easy prospect with federal agents after them. After they paid a visit to a an all night supermarket for hair dye, and a pair of scissors he was able to transform her into a different person. Next they went to one of his safety deposit boxes where he stashed a dozen or so passports. All he had to do was add her new image to the passport and they were good to go.


An hour after they landed, Rogan and Charlotte were in a hire car heading south on Flughafen. They had over three hours driving ahead of them, and not much else to do but talk, or watch the sights fly by.


“I still can’t see the point in coming all this way, seems like a wild goose chase to me,” Charlotte said as she popped a sweet in her mouth from the bag on her lap. She offered one to Rogan who shook his head.


“As I said earlier, the main point is to get you out of the country. The second point is Kammler gave me a possible entry point to where this ultimate weapon is housed.”


She sat up straighter upon hearing this.


“What do you mean?”


“After you went outside, and I was about to leave he called me back.” He paused while concentrating on taking exit 46-Erfurt-West toward Erfurt-Molsdorf and Eischleben. Traffic was fairly heavy for that time of day, mostly lorries and trucks.


After turning right onto the L3004, and settling into a comfortable speed, Rogan went on to explain.


The whole project was transferred from the mine to the Jonas Valley Industrial Complex. The facility was much bigger and they would have access to a larger workforce and more power. The valley is situated in the Ilm-Kreis district in Germany between Crawinkel and Arnstadt and near to the town of Ohrdruf, Thousands of prisoners from the Buchenwald concentration camp under the command of Kammler were forced to dig 25 tunnels and huge work shops into the surrounding mountain and the whole operation was performed under the strictest secrecy. Ohrdruf, its forced labour camp and the nearby Jonas Valley were captured by American troops on April 4, 1945, by the 4th Armoured Division, and the 89th Infantry Division. The camp was the first Nazi concentration camp liberated by the U.S. Army.


At the end of the war, the Soviet army, which took over the site from the Americans, immediately classified it as a restricted zone and then used it as a military training ground. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the site was taken over by the German armed forces who continue to use the area to this day. Jonastal itself remains within a military training area and entry was strictly prohibited but that’s eased off.


Searches carried out by the Russians and Americans at the end of the war did not uncover any signs of this device. In the end, the tunnels were all sealed, except for one which has since been turned into a museum.


“How are we going to get into the area if it’s under military control?”


“People still manage to get in, and as I said the military have loosened their control over the area. We’ll know more when we arrive and have a scout round.”


“You said, Kammler said there may be a way in?”


“Yeah, in the former Ohrdruf Truppenübungsplatz, or milatery training ground there is a bunker. The entrance above is disguised as a chalet. Below this is a two floor deep shelter, given the code “AMT 10”. The purpose of the installations was to house the High Command after it was bombed out of Berlin. He believes it may still be accessible. A tunnel leads from this bunker to the Jonas valley comp;ex and the room where the weapon is housed.”


“After all these years do you think it’s still there?”


“Well, we’ll soon find out.”

















After outlining the plan, Bane set off at a

After outlining the plan, Bane set off at a crouch. Weaving his way amongst the piles of rubble, and shell holes. He knew Trotsky would be making his way to the other side of the road. The smoke and noise from the Russian guns would hide their movements.


Jennifer and the professor would make their way to within six feet of the soldiers before hurling flashbangs into their midst. In the confusion, Bane and Trotsky would take them out.


As he moved around a pile of rubble he saw the Junkers touch down, wheeling past the men to be swallowed up by the smoke along the road.


Bane was closing in on the position he had chosen. There was a sudden lull in the constant barrage. At the same time, Bane caught his foot on a piece of tangled wire. This dislodged a pile of bricks. In the silence the noise was louder than a gun shot.


The men spun as one, raising their weapons. Bane was silhouetted against the ruined backdrop. He dived towards a shell hole as the rattle of automatic gunfire sent bullets winging through the spot he had vacated.


He scrabbled out of the hole. Coming up in a crouch, he returned fire. Two men went down under his more powerful weapon.


A blinding double flash, and loud whump tore through them. The flashbangs. The sound of Trotsky’s weapon came to him. Bane added his weapons voice.


In seconds it was over. They had to move fast now. They dragged a couple of bodies into the ruins alongside the road before quickly changing into the German uniforms. Bane had picked an SS Oberst uniform. It made him feel sick, not because of the blood, but because of what the uniform represented. By their faces, especially Trotsky, they felt the same. Jennifer and the professor had also armed themselves with the dead soldiers machine guns.


By the time they assembled at

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