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“Thriller” is a modern term.
This genre is classified by causing a sudden outburst of emotion in the reader.
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Reading thrillers facilitates to the formation of a person's sense of danger and makes him avoid such situations in every possible way in real life. At the same time, the reader can use the example of books to form his own line of behavior in real situations. Thrillers contribute to the development of the sixth sense - intuition. The reader will definitely remember the heroes of thrillers, because they operate in extreme circumstances and must include all means for survival. Filmmakers are always on the lookout for new releases in thriller. Scripts are created every day, that are even more sophisticated and dynamic. Based on these scenarios, new films will be screened, that attract tens of thousands of fans thriller genre. Therefore, each reader will be interested in how it was possible to embody the complexity of the plot on the screen, which is described in the original book. The great success of thrillers on the screen, the basis will still be a book.

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Read books online » Thriller » The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux (most read books of all time .txt) 📖

Book online «The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux (most read books of all time .txt) 📖». Author Gaston Leroux

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those which had so much astounded them the month before.

“How simple!” said Richard.

“How simple!” repeated Moncharmin. And he continued with his eyes fixed upon Mme. Giry, as though trying to hypnotize her.

“So it was the ghost who gave you this envelope and told you to substitute it for the one which we gave you? And it was the ghost who told you to put the other into M. Richard’s pocket?”

“Yes, it was the ghost.”

“Then would you mind giving us a specimen of your little talents? Here is the envelope. Act as though we knew nothing.”

“As you please, gentlemen.”

Mme. Giry took the envelope with the twenty notes inside it and made for the door. She was on the point of going out when the two managers rushed at her:

“Oh, no! Oh, no! We’re not going to be `done’ a second time! Once bitten, twice shy!”

“I beg your pardon, gentlemen,” said the old woman, in self-excuse, “you told me to act as though you knew nothing….Well, if you knew nothing, I should go away with your envelope!”

“And then how would you slip it into my pocket?” argued Richard, whom Moncharmin fixed with his left eye, while keeping his right on Mme. Giry: a proceeding likely to strain his sight, but Moncharmin was prepared to go to any length to discover the truth.

“I am to slip it into your pocket when you least expect it, sir. You know that I always take a little turn behind the scenes, in the course of the evening, and I often go with my daughter to the ballet-foyer, which I am entitled to do, as her mother; I bring her her shoes, when the ballet is about to begin…in fact, I come and go as I please….The subscribers come and go too. ... So do you, sir….There are lots of people about… I go behind you and slip the envelope into the tail-pocket of your dress-coat….There’s no witchcraft about that!”

“No witchcraft!” growled Richard, rolling his eyes like Jupiter Tonans. “No witchcraft! Why, I’ve just caught you in a lie, you old witch!”

Mme. Giry bristled, with her three teeth sticking out of her mouth.

“And why, may I ask?”

“Because I spent that evening watching Box Five and the sham envelope which you put there. I did not go to the ballet-foyer for a second.”

“No, sir, and I did not give you the envelope that evening, but at the next performance…on the evening when the under-secretary of state for fine arts…”

At these words, M. Richard suddenly interrupted Mme. Giry:

“Yes, that’s true, I remember now! The under-secretary went behind the scenes. He asked for me. I went down to the ballet-foyer for a moment. I was on the foyer steps….The under-secretary and his chief clerk were in the foyer itself. I suddenly turned around…you had passed behind me, Mme. Giry… You seemed to push against me….Oh, I can see you still, I can see you still!”

“Yes, that’s it, sir, that’s it. I had just finished my little business. That pocket of yours, sir, is very handy!”

And Mme. Giry once more suited the action to the word, She passed behind M. Richard and, so nimbly that Moncharmin himself was impressed by it, slipped the envelope into the pocket of one of the tails of M. Richard’s dress-coat.

“Of course!” exclaimed Richard, looking a little pale. “It’s very clever of O. G. The problem which he had to solve was this: how to do away with any dangerous intermediary between the man who gives the twenty-thousand francs and the man who receives it. And by far the best thing he could hit upon was to come and take the money from my pocket without my noticing it, as I myself did not know that it was there. It’s wonderful!”

“Oh, wonderful, no doubt!” Moncharmin agreed. “Only, you forget, Richard, that I provided ten-thousand francs of the twenty and that nobody put anything in my pocket!”

Chapter XVII The Safety-Pin Again

Moncharmin’s last phrase so dearly expressed the suspicion in which he now held his partner that it was bound to cause a stormy explanation, at the end of which it was agreed that Richard should yield to all Moncharmin’s wishes, with the object of helping him to discover the miscreant who was victimizing them.

This brings us to the interval after the Garden Act, with the strange conduct observed by M. Remy and those curious lapses from the dignity that might be expected of the managers. It was arranged between Richard and Moncharmin, first, that Richard should repeat the exact movements which he had made on the night of the disappearance of the first twenty-thousand francs; and, second, that Moncharmin should not for an instant lose sight of Richard’s coat-tail pocket, into which Mme. Giry was to slip the twenty-thousand francs.

M. Richard went and placed himself at the identical spot where he had stood when he bowed to the under-secretary for fine arts. M. Moncharmin took up his position a few steps behind him.

Mme. Giry passed, rubbed up against M. Richard, got rid of her twenty-thousand francs in the manager’s coat-tail pocket and disappeared….Or rather she was conjured away. In accordance with the instructions received from Moncharmin a few minutes earlier, Mercier took the good lady to the acting-manager’s office and turned the key on her, thus making it impossible for her to communicate with her ghost.

Meanwhile, M. Richard was bending and bowing and scraping and walking backward, just as if he had that high and mighty minister, the under-secretary for fine arts, before him. Only, though these marks of politeness would have created no astonishment if the under-secretary of state had really been in front of M. Richard, they caused an easily comprehensible amazement to the spectators of this very natural but quite inexplicable scene when M. Richard had no body in front of him.

M. Richard bowed…to nobody; bent his back…before nobody; and walked backward…before nobody….And, a few steps behind him, M. Moncharmin did the same thing that he was doing in addition to pushing away M. Remy and begging M. de La Borderie, the ambassador, and the manager of the Credit Central “not to touch M. le Directeur.”

Moncharmin, who had his own ideas, did not want Richard to come to him presently, when the twenty-thousand francs were gone, and say:

“Perhaps it was the ambassador…or the manager of the Credit Central…or Remy.”

The more so as, at the time of the first scene, as Richard himself admitted, Richard had met nobody in that part of the theater after Mme. Giry had brushed up against him. ...

Having begun by walking backward in order to bow, Richard continued to do so from prudence, until he reached the passage leading to the offices of the management. In this way, he was constantly watched by Moncharmin from behind and himself kept an eye on any one approaching from the front. Once more, this novel method of walking behind the scenes, adopted by the managers of our National Academy of Music, attracted attention; but the managers themselves thought of nothing but their twenty-thousand francs.

On reaching the half-dark passage, Richard said to Moncharmin, in a low voice:

“I am sure that nobody has touched me….You had now better keep at some distance from me and watch me till I come to door of the office: it is better not to arouse suspicion and we can see anything that happens.”

But Moncharmin replied. “No, Richard, no! You walk ahead and I’ll walk immediately behind you! I won’t leave you by a step!”

“But, in that case,” exclaimed Richard, “they will never steal our twenty-thousand francs!”

“I should hope not, indeed!” declared Moncharmin.

“Then what we are doing is absurd!”

“We are doing exactly what we did last time….Last time, I joined you as you were leaving the stage and followed close behind you down this passage.”

“That’s true!” sighed Richard, shaking his head and passively obeying Moncharmin.

Two minutes later, the joint managers locked themselves into their office. Moncharmin himself put the key in his pocket:

“We remained locked up like this, last time,” he said, “until you left the Opera to go home.”

“That’s so. No one came and disturbed us, I suppose?”

“No one.”

“Then,” said Richard, who was trying to collect his memory, “then I must certainly have been robbed on my way home from the Opera.”

“No,” said Moncharmin in a drier tone than ever, “no, that’s impossible. For I dropped you in my cab. The twenty-thousand francs disappeared at your place: there’s not a shadow of a doubt about that.”

“It’s incredible!” protested Richard. “I am sure of my servants… and if one of them had done it, he would have disappeared since.”

Moncharmin shrugged his shoulders, as though to say that he did not wish to enter into details, and Richard began to think that Moncharmin was treating him in a very insupportable fashion.

“Moncharmin, I’ve had enough of this!”

“Richard, I’ve had too much of it!”

“Do you dare to suspect me?”

“Yes, of a silly joke.”

“One doesn’t joke with twenty-thousand francs.”

“That’s what I think,” declared Moncharmin, unfolding a newspaper and ostentatiously studying its contents.

“What are you doing?” asked Richard. “Are you going to read the paper next?”

“Yes, Richard, until I take you home.”

“Like last time?”

“Yes, like last time.”

Richard snatched the paper from Moncharmin’s hands. Moncharmin stood up, more irritated than ever, and found himself faced by an exasperated Richard, who, crossing his arms on his chest, said:

“Look here, I’m thinking of this, I’M THINKING OF WHAT I MIGHT THINK if, like last time, after my spending the evening alone with you, you brought me home and if, at the moment of parting, I perceived that twenty-thousand francs had disappeared from my coat-pocket…like last time.”

“And what might you think?” asked Moncharmin, crimson with rage.

“I might think that, as you hadn’t left me by a foot’s breadth and as, by your own wish, you were the only one to approach me, like last time, I might think that, if that twenty-thousand francs was no longer in my pocket, it stood a very good chance of being in yours!”

Moncharmin leaped up at the suggestion.

“Oh!” he shouted. “A safety-pin!”

“What do you want a safety-pin for?”

“To fasten you up with!...A safety-pin!...A safety-pin!”

“You want to fasten me with a safety-pin?”

“Yes, to fasten you to the twenty-thousand francs! Then, whether it’s here, or on the drive from here to your place, or at your place, you will feel the hand that pulls at your pocket and you will see if it’s mine! Oh, so you’re suspecting me now, are you? A safety-pin!”

And that was the moment when Moncharmin opened the door on the passage and shouted:

“A safety-pin!...somebody give me a safety-pin!”

And we also know how, at the same moment, Remy, who had no safety-pin, was received by Moncharmin, while a boy procured the pin so eagerly longed for. And what happened was this: Moncharmin first locked the door again. Then he knelt down behind Richard’s back.

“I hope,” he said, “that the notes are still there?”

“So do I,” said Richard.

“The real ones?” asked Moncharmin, resolved not to be “had” this time.

“Look for yourself,” said Richard. “I refuse to touch them.”

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