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“Thriller” is a modern term.
This genre is classified by causing a sudden outburst of emotion in the reader.
Thriller elements are present in many works of different genres. Thriller mix of fantasy and detective. Of course, reading thriller novels of high quality in terms of content and form of presentation is a very useful, informative and even, in some cases, instructive activity. However, the reader must understand in advance that sometimes a detailed description of many bloody fights, shootings and martial arts, the suffering of numerous victims, all kinds of confrontations can cause him a kind of rejection from further reading works of this genre of literature.

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

Reading thrillers facilitates to the formation of a person's sense of danger and makes him avoid such situations in every possible way in real life. At the same time, the reader can use the example of books to form his own line of behavior in real situations. Thrillers contribute to the development of the sixth sense - intuition. The reader will definitely remember the heroes of thrillers, because they operate in extreme circumstances and must include all means for survival. Filmmakers are always on the lookout for new releases in thriller. Scripts are created every day, that are even more sophisticated and dynamic. Based on these scenarios, new films will be screened, that attract tens of thousands of fans thriller genre. Therefore, each reader will be interested in how it was possible to embody the complexity of the plot on the screen, which is described in the original book. The great success of thrillers on the screen, the basis will still be a book.

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Read books online » Thriller » Darkus Knight by Ashon Thadon (e reader books txt) 📖

Book online «Darkus Knight by Ashon Thadon (e reader books txt) 📖». Author Ashon Thadon

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can understand that.

The door jumped a bit from claws scratching against the frame and then what seemed like a body running into it.

“Enough talk! We’re coming for the abomination!”

The door jolted again against Lucas’ weight almost pushing him off.

Lucas looked at his wife and the boy she was still holding.

“Run!” he ordered as another even harder hit come from the opposite side of the door.

His wife looked at him with a tear streaming down her face. She looked at the innocent little boy that both of them were willing to fight for and most sincerely die for. The boy looked up at her then at Lucas.

“I love you,” Lucas mouthed, then shouted. “RUN!!!!!”

There was an even harder thud against the opposite side of the door that caused Lucas’ body to push away from the door. Lucas backed away from the door with his firearms pointing at the door ready to shoot the first thing that decided to come through.

He heard footsteps behind him and he knew his family was trying to go to safety. Lucas took one last breath and let a tear drop from his eye as well.

“Come in, you beast!” Lucas yelled, hands steady on the triggers.

The door then busts off the hinges. Lucas closed his eyes and started shooting.

He opened them a second later to hear the growling had stopped but no lycanthrope had entered the door. He could see into the next room now and yes the wolf pack was still there but they were frozen in place. They just sat perfectly still even the Alpha was staring peacefully. He heard some shuffling and then a cough. A figure stepped from behind the pack.

The figure was a man dressed in a designer suit. He walked with grace and poised like the creatures around him were his mere pet poodles. He had a caramel complexion that looked almost like he was shining. But the thing that really set him apart was his eyes. He had the most yellowish eyes that sparkle like they were hypnotizing. Lucas, too, just stared in place as the figure walked to him.

“Sorry about my…um…pets,” the distinguished figure said to Lucas.

“Don’t come any closer,” Lucas said. “I will shoot but I doubt these bullets will matter to you. You are Dark of Night?”

The man laughed at the notion.

“I am the Darkest of Night,” he said. “But you can me Darkus.”

“But if you…”Lucas started to say.

“How can I control them?” Darkus made a quick head glance behind him at the stall wolf pack that just sit and stood patiently. “Look I said I am the Darkest of Night. I’m close to the Father. Very close. In fact you can say we are practically the same. All you offsprings are just duplicates of what WE are.”

Lucas kept his guns pointed but he knew the ammunition inside them would in fact do no harm. But Lucas also knew this Darkus character was far more dangerous than the creatures he used to fighting even from his own kind.

“Let the boy be,” Lucas said.

“You and I both know we can’t do that,” Darkus stated matter of factly. “You bred with the Unkind.” He turned his ‘pets’. “NO offense.”

The Alpha along with his breed just stared at both Lucas and Darkus, not even a growl was heard.

Darkus turned back to Lucas and started to walk closer inside the room.

“Not another step,” Lucas said.

Darkus smiled showing perfectly fanged teeth.

“I’m trying to help you,” Darkus expressed. “The elders have already disowned you as soon as they heard. Why you think these guys are here? They want your head and your wife’s…” Darkus spit like the word had a bad taste in his mouth. “…heart.”

Darkus took another step.

“And as much as I agree with them,” Darkus said. “You have done something no other dark of night or lycan never did.”

Now it was Lucas’ time to smile.

“Please,” Lucas said. “They’re been more than enough half breeds running around, even from the so called elders so spare me.”

“Not like yours,” Darkus said. “Not a freak. He’s a perfect hybrid. The darks’ gene pool is too strong and mixed with a weaker breed always leaves an imbalance. But not your seed. He has the scent of the foul but the cunning of our nature. I can sense it. It’s an aura very powerful, in fact, it’s frightful. The skin walkers don’t want to understand its’ essence, they only know to kill what they don’t understand and to ravish what they do. I’m not like that. I can help you. I don’t want to harm the boy.”

Lucas lowered his guns but not because he believed Darkus but because he now knew Darkus was his biggest threat not the wolf pack. And since he knew his weaponry wouldn’t work on Darkus, he knew he would have to fight with his last breath.

Darkus seeing that Lucas lowered his weapons took another step forward. Then Darkus looked around the room then at Lucas.

“They won’t get far,” Darkus said. “They will kill her and they will find him.”

Darkus spread his arms out.

“You’re not ready for me,” Darkus said. “I see your thoughts. You have every intention of fighting to the last breath, no matter what the outcome?”

Lucas nodded confirming Darkus’ notion.

“You are no match for me,” Darkus spat. “I would let my pups destroy you but they have more pressing matters. Like finding your dog mate bitch.”

The Alpha let out a growl. Darkus just smiled and turned his head.

“I said move, mutt,” Darkus snapped his fingers. “Don’t harm the young specimen. You can do whatever you want to your whore dog but I keep the offspring. Now go!”

The Alpha just stood still for a minute then turned away and walked out along with his fellow breed.

Darkus waited until the last lycanthrope left and put his attention back on Lucas.

Darkus took off his suit and placed it nicely on the floor.

“Don’t worry I will be a good father to your half breed,” Darkus said adjusting his tie.

“You will never lay a hand on my offspring,” Lucas said tossing his guns on the floor.

“Last word from a dying…I’m not even going to give you the satisfaction of calling anything but dying,” Darkus taunted.

“We’ll see,” Lucas replied smiling showing off his fanged teeth.

Darkus clapped his hands.

“What should I tell my son his former father wanted to tell him?” Darkus smiled.

“I’m the reason why you don’t have any eyes,” Lucas responded as he leapt at Darkus.

Darkus, with lightning speed, grabbed Lucas and mid-air and tossed him to the wall. Lucas hit the pavement hard as paint chips fell on him. Lucas coughed and preceded to get up when Darkus grabbed him by the neck and rammed his body into the wall. Lucas tried to get loose of Darkus’ grip. Darkus just yawned and tossed him across the room.

“This is boring to me,” Darkus said. “If you going to fight, fight. If not, just say ‘Darkus, kill me already’”.

Lucas managed to get to his feet. Darkus walked up to Lucas. Darkus started doing neck exercises as he approached.

“You ready to stop playing?” Darkus inquired.

Lucas tried to throw a punch but Darkus just palmed Lucas’ fist. Darkus used his free hand to throw a swing himself and it contacted on Lucas’ mouth knocking out a fanged tooth. Darkus the kicked Lucas in the stomach causing Lucas to fly across to the other side.

“You got some more fight?” Darkus asked rolling up the sleeve cuff of his crispy white shirt. “I still got my beautiful eyes.”

Lucas spit blood as he struggled to get to his feet. Before Lucas could get all the way up, Darkus ran up on him and uppercutted Lucas in the chin. Lucas went up in the air and landed on his back with a hard thud.

“All that heart,” Darkus said. “I can’t wait to see it in my hand. Tell me when you ready, ok?”

Lucas couldn’t move for a second. Blood spat from his mouth as well as another tooth. Darkus grabbed Lucas by his legs and lifted Lucas up by his ankles in the air and then throw Lucas hard back down on the floor. The loud boom made an annoying echo and the floor underneath Lucas almost gave way due to the impact.

Darkus picked up Lucas by his neck again and looked at him.

“You will never understand,” Darkus stated. “My name is Darkus and I get anything I want. No one can stop me. Not you, not those senile elders, not those bitch ass mutts. I run this. Me! My only flaw for being perfect is that I can’t bare my own child but that’s about to change. Together we will be an unstoppable force to reckon with. While I have only the power of one, which is enough to deal with the likes of you or those mutts, he has the power of two, which will be very useful when I go for the throne. He will by protégé and my soldier. Now I will grant you one last dying wish, what do you really want to tell my new son?”

“Go to hell,” Lucas said almost in a whisper.

“Very well I will tell him where to find you,” Darkus smiled as he squeezed his fingers into Lucas’ neck.

Lucas started choking and flailing his arms and legs.

“Are you ready?” Darkus repeated.

Lucas felt enormous pain as oxygen was being sapped from his body. He couldn’t breathe and blood was filling up in his eyes.

“Ki…ki…kill me,” Lucas whispered.

Darkus smiled again showing hungry fanged teeth.

“Now let’s see that heart of yours,” Darkus said as he ran his fist through Lucas’ chest.

As Lucas dropped lifelessly to the floor, Darkus looked at the object in his hand. The item beat heavily in his hands for a minute then it stopped.

“I see you did have heart,” Darkus laughed. “Just not enough.”

Darkus dropped the bloody object to the floor beside Lucas and then spat on Lucas’ body.

“Waste of time,” Darkus said looking at his watch as he rolled his sleeves back up.

Darkus adjusted his tie right on his collar and then picked up his suit jacket off the floor. He wiped the little dust off the suit then put it on. Darkus walked out whistling, planning what his new future would be.










chapter 2

Vincent looked at his once dear friend lying on the floor with his chest ripped opened. He glanced at the bloody bulk lying beside him.

“Who did this?” Vincent asked with pure anger.

“You know who did this monstrosity,” said Ralf coming behind him. “You should know his handiwork by now.”

“How can we kill him?” Vincent inquired breathing heavenly.

“I don’t know,” Ralf shook his head. “Even the Lycans are afraid of him and they are our best hope. Soon he will be powerful enough to go against the elders.”

Vincent turned a side eye towards Ralf. Ralf was considered the keeper of records. He had been with the clan almost since the beginning, whenever that was. But even though he wasn’t as powerful as an Elder, he was knowledgeable. He was given the role of ‘records keeper’ which he took very seriously. He had many stories to tell about those who dared challenged the Elders and all had failed. However, Ralf had a certain feeling that this new fanged member might be the exception.


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