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Thriller is a genre in literature. Thriller completely independent genre. Books of this genre are available now for your attention. We add new Thriller books to our e-library every day every day. Always interesting and instructive to read using our elibrary.
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“Thriller” is a modern term.
This genre is classified by causing a sudden outburst of emotion in the reader.
Thriller elements are present in many works of different genres. Thriller mix of fantasy and detective. Of course, reading thriller novels of high quality in terms of content and form of presentation is a very useful, informative and even, in some cases, instructive activity. However, the reader must understand in advance that sometimes a detailed description of many bloody fights, shootings and martial arts, the suffering of numerous victims, all kinds of confrontations can cause him a kind of rejection from further reading works of this genre of literature.

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Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

Reading thrillers facilitates to the formation of a person's sense of danger and makes him avoid such situations in every possible way in real life. At the same time, the reader can use the example of books to form his own line of behavior in real situations. Thrillers contribute to the development of the sixth sense - intuition. The reader will definitely remember the heroes of thrillers, because they operate in extreme circumstances and must include all means for survival. Filmmakers are always on the lookout for new releases in thriller. Scripts are created every day, that are even more sophisticated and dynamic. Based on these scenarios, new films will be screened, that attract tens of thousands of fans thriller genre. Therefore, each reader will be interested in how it was possible to embody the complexity of the plot on the screen, which is described in the original book. The great success of thrillers on the screen, the basis will still be a book.

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Read books online » Thriller » Ultraviolence by patrick heneghan (novel24 TXT) 📖

Book online «Ultraviolence by patrick heneghan (novel24 TXT) 📖». Author patrick heneghan

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her in overalls.


Tragically, I'll also never know what happened to Nina and Rose, the only people who I cared about, the only people who cared about me. The thought made me tremble, my knees shaking as I navigated the endless hallways. will they ever know what happened to me?


We came up to a white door where Ezequiel slipped in a small silver key into the keyhole. They jingled lightly in his hand, like a wind chime as a storm approaches. And I could tell, with every moments hesitation before he opened the door, was every second closer to the fabled storm. For he was truly the lightning, the hurricane and the tsunami waiting to tear down all I had spent my time building in life. My friends, my lover, all victims of the storm.


Blindingly, the moon beamed in from the curtains as I stood on the balcony one final time, with Ezequiel next to me.

The stars in the sky were as tired as I was, they barely shone through the thin veil of clouds that blanketed the sky overhead. A small glimmer of light blue could still be seen resting above the horizon. The sunset would have been beautiful, like a giant citrine floating in a beautiful, deep blue water. Now all I saw was darkness and the artificial light of the moon.


Suddenly, Ezequiel grabbed my arm tight and forced me to look at him. His breath felt desperate in its speed, fast and panic inducing. My arm stung as he held it as if he was so cold that I could freeze just from his touch.


"Amelia, I need you to do something for me." He said, placing my ring on my finger. The frigid metal was shining like a distant star circled around my ring finger.


I pulled away from him, I couldn't bare to obey him any longer. I was a prisoner in his arms and I couldn't take it one more second. But he still held on tight, like a pair of cuffs chained to him. I was truly his prisoner and he was truly the cell that contained me.


"The police are going to come and I will be found guilty my love." Ezequiel sobbed, a tiny part of me enjoyed his tears. A bigger part of me enjoyed his words.


"Someone else who I loved spilled the secret of us two and then killed herself in a hospital bed. The police and the press are going to question me about her death and our relationship."

He took a deep breath, fixing his eyes on my eyes then looking to my hands.


"And then they're going to find you, I can't let that happen." That's when I put the pieces together, the balcony, the panic. I knew what he was going to ask me to do.


He dragged me closer to the edge of the balcony as I fought against him. But I was malnourished and he was too strong, he could have snapped me in half if he wanted to.


"I need you to do something very important and we are going to do it together. I need you to jump." He took my head in one of his hands as forced me over to the edge of the balcony.


I held my hands tightly onto the railing as I pushed my body against his, trying to force him away from me. However, he kicked my legs from underneath me and I dropped to the floor, with him standing over me.


Struggling, he attempted to pick me up as I squirmed in him arms; I was biting and clawing away at his flesh until his arms were covered in a thin layer of scratches and the blood that accompanied them. In an instant, I felt my entire body get pushed against the railings. I couldn't fight anymore, I couldn't move, I didn't want to. I didn't want to live anymore, I had no reason to.


I had hoped by now Nina would have moved on with no problem, she had no reason to fall in love with someone like me. Someone who would weigh her down, she was so happy and loving, something I could never be. I would hog her emotions for myself, I was the reason she would worry, I was the reason she would eventually cry when she would hear about my death. I just want her to be happy without me.


Furthermore, Rose had cared about about me and I cared for her but she loved so many and was loved by many more, the thought of my death would leave her mind in a week or so. She would get on with her life, her job, maybe find a partner and get married. I hope that she could do that without me, I owe it to her.


I felt myself get picked up from under my arms, I couldn't see, my vision was blurry. It was like being held underwater, I struggled to breathe, I struggled to fight. My vision began fade more as he slammed his hand into my skull. I didn't get to see the person who was going to kill me, I didn't get to look him in face and see his expression.
The expression of a killer.


Maybe that was a blessing.


However, I heard footsteps, I couldn't make out how many people were there but I could here them. Ezequiel could too; he began rushing and grew clumsy as he tried to lift me over the edge. The cool breeze of the night caressed my face and the scent of the salty sea reached my nose as I slowly regained my vision.


I could just about see him, his silhouette barely visible but still there, looming over me. I was a wounded animal, waiting to be put out of its misery. He was a forest fire with only one intention, to destroy.

I could hear a faint knocking followed by the slamming of a door growing closer every second. Leading to me and the devil who had kept my soul as a trophy. I screamed for help, I screamed till my throat could no longer scream.
I thrashed in Ezequiel's grip as he brought his fist to the side of my head, knocking me backwards. My spine arched over the metal frame of the balcony, his body pushing against mine.


Then, a faint click rang through the air until the door across the room swung open. I was pushed back again onto the balcony before I could see who it was, blood ran into my head and I grew dizzy as I tried to fight off Ezequiel once more. But this time He didn't put up a fight, I could see why.


Rose stood there, eyes wide and glossed with tears. Her shoulders trembled as she breathed, and her lips were etched into a frown across her face. I looked down to what she was holding in her hands, a loaded pistol aimed straight at Ezequiel's chest.
He looked straight at her yet still held his cocky stance. I could see Rose shiver under his gaze.


Not her too.
I knew he had done it to others
But not her


I knew that he had hurt her as well, I saw myself in her composure and my disgust for him grew with every second. I knew that she was strong enough to take him down. therefore, with her help, so was I.


"Amelia get down!" She screamed as Ezequiel leapt towards me.


Several gun shots rang through the air. It pierced through our ear drums as we all pressed our palms to our ears and tried to regain hearing. Another shot was fired but I wasn't hurt and by the looks of it neither was Ezequiel.


We wrestled on the floor for a few seconds as Rose reloaded her gun and to aim it one last time at Ezequiel. I felt his hot breath on my face as he lay on top me. His hands pinned me down to the floor as I kicked under him, my legs digging into his stomach with force. He buckled to the side of me in pain, driving his elbow into my ribs whilst doing so. I lay there, motionless on my side, looking at Rose with desperate eyes.


Then, my world changed forever, my heart raced as I made out another shape coming from the hallway, running at the speed of light towards me. Ezequiel picked me up again and threw me against the balcony rails, my breath escaped my body as I crumbled into the cold metal. Yet I still fought because now there was still some chance of survival and there was some chance of a better life once I escape his grasp.


The figure came closer, I could see her now. Her long, loose clothes swung at her sides as she ran towards me; a rush of primary colours, in the dimly lit hallway.She sprinted along the hallway as the sound of her sneakers echoed along. I saw her face in the darkness, anger and determination in her eyes. The goddess in her bright colours and glory, Nina


Hopefully, I called her name out as she made her way through the door. She stood their in disbelief looking at me, then to Ezequiel who towered over my body. They both turn to look at her as she races to Rose's side, staring at me whilst doing so.


"Rose!" She commanded, reaching for the gun in Rose's hands.


Trembling, she took aim at Ezequiel, her stance wide and her hair blowing in the wind. She pulled the trigger down and screamed. Yet no bullets came out. Nina stood there, unmoving looking down at her hands. She dropped the gun to the floor and a loud metallic thud filled the air.


"Amelia, I'm so sorry I can't..." Nina tried, at a loss for words.


She was as hopeless as the rest of us. None of us able to fight anymore. Ezequiel had been able to fight all of us, and in some way he made us fight and turn on each other and ourselves. He was a disgusting being that made us believe that we should be disgusted with ourselves, that was just the way he did things and did it the best.


"I love you, Amelia." She whimpered, her hand covering her mouth.


I smiled at her as I thought of all the times we spent together, holding her hand over a wooden bar top. Sleeping together under a thin blanket, huddling together for warmth. Nina comforting me when I cry. Dancing in my living room, Nina smiling at me, beckoning me to dance with her; with Rose watching and eventually joining in too, holding both of our hands and moving her body with ours. In those short moments an entire life was created, and in this short moment a life was destroyed.


"I love you too."


Ezequiel stood there, silent and still. His body clung to the ground like a statue to its pedestal. He laughed. A menacing, sickening laugh which made all of us solidify in fear. He took one step towards me and lifted me by my throat, I weighed nothing in his hands. My body convulsed as he lifted me above the ground, my hands clawed into those that were wrapped around my neck.


I felt my world fall away into darkness as I floated just above the ground. My vision faded and all I could see was a black veil being held over my eyes by an unseen hand. I was still moving, but I had lost control of my movements. My legs kicked underneath me, I could feel them digging into his shins but to no avail. He was the only one in control now.


Then, something else entirely happened. Something no one expected. Something terrifying that I learned would haunt me forever. When I lay awake at night, that was the reason. When I couldn't function, that was the reason.


Suddenly, air rushes past my face as I get thrown to the ground. My temple  came into contact with the hardwood floor and my back was

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