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Book online «Don't be a Dick by Gabby Follin (ebook smartphone txt) 📖». Author Gabby Follin

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and opened it up. I looked outside and immediately the familiar smell of fresh cut grass entered my nose. It was delightful, I loved that smell. I started to walk out of the front door, but then turned around and yelled, “Dad, I love you! Have a great day!” I heard my father yell something back, but couldn’t make out the words. I’d assume it was the same thing back. Just for good measures, I made sure that the door was locked behind me, and then I decided was now the time to go. I closed the door and started my journey towards my school.

To be honest with you, I am a little eager to get there for two reasons.

Alex Glantias Emily Sunken

We all know who Alex is, he’s the great best friend of mine. Of course I’d be eager to see the dude again! But you don’t know who Emily is.

I’m sure you can guess, she’s a girl. The most beautiful girl ever! I have had a crush on her for a good while now, it’s actually starting to get embarrassing. The fact that I haven’t asked her out yet is ridiculous! That’s what people in class say anyway. Everybody knows besides her, it’s kind of a shame. But I’m a coward so, of course she won’t know unless someone else tells her.

At the moment I am on Street Alexander. Two streets away from the school. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I live really close to my school so it’s not that hard to just walk, thankfully.

As I was about to get on a different street, out of the corner of my eye I saw my future wife, she doesn’t know that yet though.

I turned my head to get a full view of her. She was walking with two of her friends, who live down the street from her. She does what I do, if it’s not raining or snowing, she usually walks. I was admirning her face first, and how her hair was put up this morning. Like most kids on the first day of school, they always look nice, presentable anyway to the rest of the students of school, but she dressed casually, close to being under the level of “I didn’t want to show up today so I just kind of threw this on”. She had her hair up in a messy bun, but to me it looked absolutely perfect. Her hair is a golden brown color, her eyes are bright green and glimmer when you talk to her. Usually when her hair is down, it goes to her waist and is a bit wavy near the ends, which I find to be absolutely gorgeous. Her outfit today contained the clothing of, sweatpants and a school hoodie. This is going to sound a bit creepy, but she wears sweatpants a lot and I can always tell you which ones look good and which ones I like. These ones are my favorite. They’re not too baggy, they’re not really tight either, they fit around her legs nicely and you can easily identify the shape of her leg. They look extremely comfortable, which is why I assume she wore them today.

Right as I was about to think about her more in my head, she turned her head and caught a glimpse of me. At first she didn’t realize it was me, but then looked back to get another look. As she put face to name, she realized who I was and a big smile formed on her face. She looked so beautiful, she is s-



Chapter 3 - Alex


I got to the school quite early, like I always do. I get up before my parents do so I can get prepared in peace and not leave the house with a wound or bruise. I always wait on the stairs in front of the main doors of the high school.  I usually wait a good 10-15 minutes for Mark to show up so we can head to class.

As I was waiting today, I saw him walking down Alexander road, he wasn’t looking in front of him so I traced where his gaze lead off to, across the road on the other side was Emily Sunken, Mark’s  ‘future wife’. He was admiring her I suppose. She is a beauty I must say but she isn’t the nicest to me, she only is when Mark is around, so obviously I wouldn’t like her much as a person.

But anyway, as I kept watching Mark walk and not pay attention to what is in front of him, he was getting quite close to a light pole. He was going to walk right into it if he didn’t snap out of his gazing session!

I quickly  jumped my ass off the stairs and started to jog towards Mark. I’m quite a scrawny kid, my stamina isn’t great, so I didn’t last very long. I only got halfway from where I was to Mark before he smacked his head right into the pole. As a reaction, he fell to the ground and was in the fetal position holding his face, I assume, where it hurt.

I picked up the pace and got my ass to him, but a split second before, Emily got there first.

We stood there over him, one of us on each of his sides looking down on him.

He was hurt, obviously, but we looked at each other like we didn’t know what in the world to do.

After about a minute of  this awkwardness, he decided to look up, first he looked at me and smiled then at Emily and his face lit up like his world was just made. He got up to his feet almost immediately and turned to her.

“Hey Emily.”He said to her with the huge smile and twinkle still caught in his eyes.

She smiled back and gave Mark a kind of flirty nudge you could say, “Hey Markie.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his around her waist. It was quite cute, it was satisfying to see that Mark was having a moment he won’t forget for a long while.

It’s like they’re practically dating, but they’re not. It’s like they both sense the tension between them but choose to just not acknowledge it for some reason. It’s like they’re totally oblivious to the love they have for each other, but not at the same time.

But I looked away for a second and took a glance at the ground to find that Mark’s backpack had slipped off his back when he fell over. I decided to pick it up and held it in my hands while I looked back at him and Emily. They were still talking, catching up I assume.

I kind of wish I had a crush but that’s kind of hard when all the girls in your school find you repulsive and they’re always so mean to you all the time. I’m not sure why they think of me that way, I’d say I’m a pretty kind and respectful person, but I guess not.

Just would be nice to know I’m not all that lonely. Yes there’s Mark, but he can’t give me everything that I’m missing, which is a shame. But oh well, the world doesn’t work that way, and that’s alright. Till it’s not, but for now it is.

Chapter 4 - Mark


I was too ashamed to look up, and maybe I should have been, that was really embarrassing. I’m sure she knows that this only happened because I wasn’t paying attention and admiring her instead. But I decided to take a peek, maybe it couldn’t be THAT bad. I moved one of the fingers that was blocking my vision of the outside world. The first thing I saw was Alex. It made me smile, it’s nice to see a familiar face. Then I decided to look at my surroundings and the next thing I saw immediately after Alex was Emily. Sweet oh sweet Emily. Her face showed concern, but she still looked absolutely flawless. I shot up immediately and started to talk to her.

“Hey Emily.”I said with a bright smile. I thought I’d stay on the safe side and not act flirty.

She gave me a nudge, but I was still studying her face. Her face showed a smile but as she nudged me one of the corners of her mouths went up to signal that she was flirting.

“Hey Markie.”She said, with a smile spread across her face, light dancing in her eyes. “Are you okay?”She added.

I nodded, on the verge of drooling.

She giggled like a little school girl as if she knew I was zoning.

“How was your summer Markie?”She asked me, tapping my shoulder.

I snapped out of it and didn’t hesitate to answer,”It was alright, normal summer.”I said to her, voice broken because of my nervousness.”How was your’s?”

“It was actually really good. My family and I traveled a lot and I got to see a bunch of awesome places.”She said to me.”You didn’t text me either.”

A feeling of guilt started to claw the inside of my mind. That’s right, I never did text her. It wasn’t really intentional, I just didn’t want to seem desperate, but then again I actually am!

“I’m sorry for that.”I said to her,”I’ll text you every night if you want me to from now on.”

She smiled at the thought.

We heard yelling coming from the other side of the road and turned our attention towards it. It was her friends yelling for Emily to “get your ass over here”. She turned back to me and smiled.

“I’ll see you later Markie.”She gave me a quick hug then turned back and started walking towards her friends.

Once she was with her friends, I heard them making kissy noises, I assume, teasing her about the past few events they had witnessed. I saw her face, and she was just smiling and giggling at all the remarks.

My thoughts were interrupted by Alex shoving my bag into my hands.

“I’m prrrrrrretty sure she likes you too.”Alex said to me.

I turned my attention towards him and smiled,”I hope so. I’m in love with her.”

Alex smirked,”Yeah I know Mark, you talk about her everyday, all day.”

I laughed a bit, and put my arm around his shoulder.

“Let’s just go to class.”

We walked up to the stairs next to each other without saying a word. I wanted to ask what has been up lately but he might just say “my father's fist in my face” or some remark to abuse. But today has started off

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