Read books online » Western » The Lone Star Ranger by Zane Grey (red white and royal blue hardcover .txt) 📖

Book online «The Lone Star Ranger by Zane Grey (red white and royal blue hardcover .txt) 📖». Author Zane Grey

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mechanically. As he was confronted by the fact it nonplussed him somewhat, and he became thoughtful, with lowered head.

“Where’ll you wait, Duane?” insisted MacNelly, with keen eyes speculating.

“I’ll wait in front, just inside the door,” replied Duane, with an effort.

“Why?” demanded the Captain.

“Well,” began Duane, slowly, “Poggin will get down first and start in. But the others won’t be far behind. They’ll not get swift till inside. The thing is—they MUSTN’T get clear inside, because the instant they do they’ll pull guns. That means death to somebody. If we can we want to stop them just at the door.”

“But will you hide?” asked MacNelly.

“Hide!” The idea had not occurred to Duane.

“There’s a wide-open doorway, a sort of round hall, a vestibule, with steps leading up to the bank. There’s a door in the vestibule, too. It leads somewhere. We can put men in there. You can be there.”

Duane was silent.

“See here, Duane,” began MacNelly, nervously. “You shan’t take any undue risk here. You’ll hide with the rest of us?”

“No!“The word was wrenched from Duane.

MacNelly stared, and then a strange, comprehending light seemed to flit over his face.

“Duane, I can give you no orders to-day,” he said, distinctly. “I’m only offering advice. Need you take any more risks? You’ve done a grand job for the service—already. You’ve paid me a thousand times for that pardon. You’ve redeemed yourself.—The Governor, the adjutant-general—the whole state will rise up and honor you. The game’s almost up. We’ll kill these outlaws, or enough of them to break for ever their power. I say, as a ranger, need you take more risk than your captain?”

Still Duane remained silent. He was locked between two forces. And one, a tide that was bursting at its bounds, seemed about to overwhelm him. Finally that side of him, the retreating self, the weaker, found a voice.

“Captain, you want this job to be sure?” he asked.


“I’ve told you the way. I alone know the kind of men to be met. Just WHAT I’ll do or WHERE I’ll be I can’t say yet. In meetings like this the moment decides. But I’ll be there!”

MacNelly spread wide his hands, looked helplessly at his curious and sympathetic rangers, and shook his head.

“Now you’ve done your work—laid the trap—is this strange move of yours going to be fair to Miss Longstreth?” asked MacNelly, in significant low voice.

Like a great tree chopped at the roots Duane vibrated to that. He looked up as if he had seen a ghost.

Mercilessly the ranger captain went on: “You can win her, Duane! Oh, you can’t fool me. I was wise in a minute. Fight with us from cover—then go back to her. You will have served the Texas Rangers as no other man has. I’ll accept your resignation. You’ll be free, honored, happy. That girl loves you! I saw it in her eyes. She’s—”

But Duane cut him short with a fierce gesture. He lunged up to his feet, and the rangers fell back. Dark, silent, grim as he had been, still there was a transformation singularly more sinister, stranger.

“Enough. I’m done,” he said, somberly. “I’ve planned. Do we agree—or shall I meet Poggin and his gang alone?”

MacNelly cursed and again threw up his hands, this time in baffled chagrin. There was deep regret in his dark eyes as they rested upon Duane.

Duane was left alone.

Never had his mind been so quick, so clear, so wonderful in its understanding of what had heretofore been intricate and elusive impulses of his strange nature. His determination was to meet Poggin; meet him before any one else had a chance—Poggin first—and then the others! He was as unalterable in that decision as if on the instant of its acceptance he had become stone.

Why? Then came realization. He was not a ranger now. He cared nothing for the state. He had no thought of freeing the community of a dangerous outlaw, of ridding the country of an obstacle to its progress and prosperity. He wanted to kill Poggin. It was significant now that he forgot the other outlaws. He was the gunman, the gun-thrower, the gunfighter, passionate and terrible. His father’s blood, that dark and fierce strain, his mother’s spirit, that strong and unquenchable spirit of the surviving pioneer—these had been in him; and the killings, one after another, the wild and haunted years, had made him, absolutely in spite of his will, the gunman. He realized it now, bitterly, hopelessly. The thing he had intelligence enough to hate he had become. At last he shuddered under the driving, ruthless inhuman blood-lust of the gunman. Long ago he had seemed to seal in a tomb that horror of his kind—the need, in order to forget the haunting, sleepless presence of his last victim, to go out and kill another. But it was still there in his mind, and now it stalked out, worse, more powerful, magnified by its rest, augmented by the violent passions peculiar and inevitable to that strange, wild product of the Texas frontier—the gunfighter. And those passions were so violent, so raw, so base, so much lower than what ought to have existed in a thinking man. Actual pride of his record! Actual vanity in his speed with a gun. Actual jealousy of any rival!

Duane could not believe it. But there he was, without a choice. What he had feared for years had become a monstrous reality. Respect for himself, blindness, a certain honor that he had clung to while in outlawry—all, like scales, seemed to fall away from him. He stood stripped bare, his soul naked—the soul of Cain. Always since the first brand had been forced and burned upon him he had been ruined. But now with conscience flayed to the quick, yet utterly powerless over this tiger instinct, he was lost. He said it. He admitted it. And at the utter abasement the soul he despised suddenly leaped and quivered with the thought of Ray Longstreth.

Then came agony. As he could not govern all the chances of this fatal meeting—as all his swift and deadly genius must be occupied with Poggin, perhaps in vain—as hard-shooting men whom he could not watch would be close behind, this almost certainly must be the end of Buck Duane. That did not matter. But he loved the girl. He wanted her. All her sweetness, her fire, and pleading returned to torture him.

At that moment the door opened, and Ray Longstreth entered.

“Duane,” she said, softly. “Captain MacNelly sent me to you.”

“But you shouldn’t have come,” replied Duane.

“As soon as he told me I would have come whether he wished it or not. You left me—all of us—stunned. I had no time to thank you. Oh, I do-with all my soul. It was noble of you. Father is overcome. He didn’t expect so much. And he’ll be true. But, Duane, I was told to hurry, and here I’m selfishly using time.”

“Go, then—and leave me. You mustn’t unnerve me now, when there’s a desperate game to finish.”

“Need it be desperate?” she whispered, coming close to him.

“Yes; it can’t be else.”

MacNelly had sent her to weaken him; of that Duane was sure. And he felt that she had wanted to come. Her eyes were dark, strained, beautiful, and they shed a light upon Duane he had never seen before.

“You’re going to take some mad risk,” she said. “Let me persuade you not to. You said—you cared for me—and I—oh, Duane—don’t you—know—?”

The low voice, deep, sweet as an old chord, faltered and broke and failed.

Duane sustained a sudden shock and an instant of paralyzed confusion of thought.

She moved, she swept out her hands, and the wonder of her eyes dimmed in a flood of tears.

“My God! You can’t care for me?” he cried, hoarsely.

Then she met him, hands outstretched.

“But I do-I do!”

Swift as light Duane caught her and held her to his breast. He stood holding her tight, with the feel of her warm, throbbing breast and the clasp of her arms as flesh and blood realities to fight a terrible fear. He felt her, and for the moment the might of it was stronger than all the demons that possessed him. And he held her as if she had been his soul, his strength on earth, his hope of Heaven, against his lips.

The strife of doubt all passed. He found his sight again. And there rushed over him a tide of emotion unutterably sweet and full, strong like an intoxicating wine, deep as his nature, something glorious and terrible as the blaze of the sun to one long in darkness. He had become an outcast, a wanderer, a gunman, a victim of circumstances; he had lost and suffered worse than death in that loss; he had gone down the endless bloody trail, a killer of men, a fugitive whose mind slowly and inevitably closed to all except the instinct to survive and a black despair; and now, with this woman in his arms, her swelling breast against his, in this moment almost of resurrection, he bent under the storm of passion and joy possible only to him who had endured so much.

“Do you care—a little?” he whispered, unsteadily.

He bent over her, looking deep into the dark wet eyes.

She uttered a low laugh that was half sob, and her arms slipped up to his neck.

“A littler Oh, Duane—Duane—a great deal!”

Their lips met in their first kiss. The sweetness, the fire of her mouth seemed so new, so strange, so irresistible to Duane. His sore and hungry heart throbbed with thick and heavy beats. He felt the outcast’s need of love. And he gave up to the enthralling moment. She met him half-way, returned kiss for kiss, clasp for clasp, her face scarlet, her eyes closed, till, her passion and strength spent, she fell back upon his shoulder.

Duane suddenly thought she was going to faint. He divined then that she had understood him, would have denied him nothing, not even her life, in that moment. But she was overcome, and he suffered a pang of regret at his unrestraint.

Presently she recovered, and she drew only the closer, and leaned upon him with her face upturned. He felt her hands on his, and they were soft, clinging, strong, like steel under velvet. He felt the rise and fall, the warmth of her breast. A tremor ran over him. He tried to draw back, and if he succeeded a little her form swayed with him, pressing closer. She held her face up, and he was compelled to look. It was wonderful now: white, yet glowing, with the red lips parted, and dark eyes alluring. But that was not all. There was passion, unquenchable spirit, woman’s resolve deep and mighty.

“I love you, Duane!” she said. “For my sake don’t go out to meet this outlaw face to face. It’s something wild in you. Conquer it if you love me.”

Duane became suddenly weak, and when he did take her into his arms again he scarcely had strength to lift her to a seat beside him. She seemed more than a dead weight. Her calmness had fled. She was throbbing, palpitating, quivering, with hot wet cheeks and arms that clung to him like vines. She lifted her mouth to his, whispering, “Kiss me!” She meant to change him, hold him.

Duane bent down, and her arms went round his neck and drew him close. With his lips on hers he seemed to float away. That kiss closed his eyes, and he could not lift his head. He sat motionless holding her, blind and helpless, wrapped in a sweet dark glory. She kissed him—one long endless kiss—or else a thousand times. Her lips, her wet cheeks, her hair, the softness,

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