author - "Alasdair Mackenzie"

It just doesn't get any better at all. Not in my life no, but to others, it just keeps getting better and better as my life becomes worse and worse. What have I done to deserve all of this? What have I done to deserve the worse in my life?
I once was like any other person, wanting to live in a fairy tale rather than reality. I'm gay and still am, even with a wife, yes wife as in "she", I still am gay. I married her a few years after the death of my lover, Athan. My lover, Athan committed suicide by jumping off a freeway bridge late at night. I was devastated when the news of his death came at my door-step.
My parents then became glad and accepted me back with open arms, not because of his death, but because I had proposed to Marriah, my now selfish wife. Once my wife knew what job I had and how much I made, she turned into a greedy, selfish bitch. I do not believe in divorce but she pushes me to the edge and I would highly consider it.
My parents again, didn't care for homosexuals even though my father's boss's youngest adopted brother was. He's even younger than me. Twenty-six. I am thirty-four, thirty-five in a few weeks time and yet he is my boss. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Athan was my everything, my soul-mate, my other half. Though I act like I had let him go, I haven't, he's still here, forever in my heart, his soul and my soul still one and though I act like I'm having a wonderful love life with my wife, I hate her. Athan, I need him, I want him back but I knew well, that was impossible.
This is my life, my memories, and in my life. It. Gets. Worse.

Wanna know how to date a killer? Brett will tell you he has been dating a killer for as long as he remembers, since freshman year that is. Hansel is the one killer, one guy, that will not go down without a fight, never leave Brett's side, and will kill those in his way, whoever tries to harm his Brett, and most of all, for the lust of blood

It just doesn't get any better at all. Not in my life no, but to others, it just keeps getting better and better as my life becomes worse and worse. What have I done to deserve all of this? What have I done to deserve the worse in my life?
I once was like any other person, wanting to live in a fairy tale rather than reality. I'm gay and still am, even with a wife, yes wife as in "she", I still am gay. I married her a few years after the death of my lover, Athan. My lover, Athan committed suicide by jumping off a freeway bridge late at night. I was devastated when the news of his death came at my door-step.
My parents then became glad and accepted me back with open arms, not because of his death, but because I had proposed to Marriah, my now selfish wife. Once my wife knew what job I had and how much I made, she turned into a greedy, selfish bitch. I do not believe in divorce but she pushes me to the edge and I would highly consider it.
My parents again, didn't care for homosexuals even though my father's boss's youngest adopted brother was. He's even younger than me. Twenty-six. I am thirty-four, thirty-five in a few weeks time and yet he is my boss. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Athan was my everything, my soul-mate, my other half. Though I act like I had let him go, I haven't, he's still here, forever in my heart, his soul and my soul still one and though I act like I'm having a wonderful love life with my wife, I hate her. Athan, I need him, I want him back but I knew well, that was impossible.
This is my life, my memories, and in my life. It. Gets. Worse.

Wanna know how to date a killer? Brett will tell you he has been dating a killer for as long as he remembers, since freshman year that is. Hansel is the one killer, one guy, that will not go down without a fight, never leave Brett's side, and will kill those in his way, whoever tries to harm his Brett, and most of all, for the lust of blood