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author - "Anbu Mani"

In our online library you can read for free books of the author author - "Anbu Mani". All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

Happiest Sad Man who is called a joker,All we need is to expect a happy relaxzation from the stressful life. The persons who involves in the process of making others happy is known as jokers, Every one has some unexpected turns in our life including jokers. A life of a comedian may also have sorrows,joy,strees and complexity. Nothing will be permanent in this world except changes. This book is about jokers who can create happiness in others life.

Happiest Sad Man who is called a joker,All we need is to expect a happy relaxzation from the stressful life. The persons who involves in the process of making others happy is known as jokers, Every one has some unexpected turns in our life including jokers. A life of a comedian may also have sorrows,joy,strees and complexity. Nothing will be permanent in this world except changes. This book is about jokers who can create happiness in others life.