author - "Anna Milburn"

Flame Snow. 16. 2 Japenese knives. 1 gun. Hair colour brown. Eye colour brown. Goes to Secondary School. Knows all the martial arts. A deadly warrior.
When she was a child she had information implanted into her brain. It gave her powers people could only dream of. When 2 goverment officals come round and tell her of this she doesn't believe it. But when she starts to remember her powers bloom and she becomes the deadliest warrior on earth. What will she decide to do?

The twins of Darkness. Midnight and Jade. Jade was beaten up and left at the side of an ally way and her own twin found her. They decided to move and learn how to defend themselves. They joined the most powerful werewolf gang in the whole of america and they joined. And is there old school in for a shock when they come back.
Sorry for spelling not my best subject :)

Flame Snow. 16. 2 Japenese knives. 1 gun. Hair colour brown. Eye colour brown. Goes to Secondary School. Knows all the martial arts. A deadly warrior.
When she was a child she had information implanted into her brain. It gave her powers people could only dream of. When 2 goverment officals come round and tell her of this she doesn't believe it. But when she starts to remember her powers bloom and she becomes the deadliest warrior on earth. What will she decide to do?

The twins of Darkness. Midnight and Jade. Jade was beaten up and left at the side of an ally way and her own twin found her. They decided to move and learn how to defend themselves. They joined the most powerful werewolf gang in the whole of america and they joined. And is there old school in for a shock when they come back.
Sorry for spelling not my best subject :)