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author - "Anonymous"

In our online library you can read for free books of the author author - "Anonymous". All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

Some of these things are most of the things that i'm talking about in this book is real stuff that is going on and or happening or happened i'm trying my best to get it all writen down and open up about it.

It's about a kingdom full of romance, hatred, betrayal, jealousy and murders. Following the new king and queen of a country it flows into following the entire royal family in their odd quest to find love and hold on to it, no matter the cost.

It's about a girl who goes through depression and hurt...... Someone who' very close to her heart pushes her to the limit which causes her to go through some life changing decsions

My poems simply tell my story. My life's story is full of highs and lows, as with anyone of course.
I hope those of you who read the poems can relate, and most of all, I hope you enjoy them,

The author.

Some of these things are most of the things that i'm talking about in this book is real stuff that is going on and or happening or happened i'm trying my best to get it all writen down and open up about it.

It's about a kingdom full of romance, hatred, betrayal, jealousy and murders. Following the new king and queen of a country it flows into following the entire royal family in their odd quest to find love and hold on to it, no matter the cost.

It's about a girl who goes through depression and hurt...... Someone who' very close to her heart pushes her to the limit which causes her to go through some life changing decsions

My poems simply tell my story. My life's story is full of highs and lows, as with anyone of course.
I hope those of you who read the poems can relate, and most of all, I hope you enjoy them,

The author.