Read books online » Bee Ran

author - "Bee Ran"

In our online library you can read for free books of the author author - "Bee Ran". All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

A unique young boy goes through a tragedy to unlock a power. He has many obstacles to overcome and becomes a legend who saved everyone. There seems to be a link between him and a mythical creature that could probably save himself and his brother.

The story between two old friends and a rivalry caused by greed, money and a pursuit to share a power. It is an action-packed story that has many twists and turns along the way.

(In Progress)
The Story of a young boy who has a talent to fight. He goes to school but also becomes a henchmen. He falls in love with a girl who shares similar hobbies and habits with him. He has his own reasons for doing everything he does but nothing gets unraveled until the end.
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A unique young boy goes through a tragedy to unlock a power. He has many obstacles to overcome and becomes a legend who saved everyone. There seems to be a link between him and a mythical creature that could probably save himself and his brother.

The story between two old friends and a rivalry caused by greed, money and a pursuit to share a power. It is an action-packed story that has many twists and turns along the way.

(In Progress)
The Story of a young boy who has a talent to fight. He goes to school but also becomes a henchmen. He falls in love with a girl who shares similar hobbies and habits with him. He has his own reasons for doing everything he does but nothing gets unraveled until the end.
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