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The universality of that revelation is startling. When the efforts of man, doing the work of the Lord, run into to difficulties-this admonition rises to meet him. Man's effort apart from the will and leadership of the Lord do not possess this attribute. When Zerubbabel met opposition and mountains of oppression from both inside the camp (Israel abandoned building the Temple and began building homes for themselves) and outside the camp (surrounding tribes sought legal and illegal means to stop the work and were successful upon occasion), he must have entertained discouragement. Zechariah's words were edifying to him. 

Several weeks ago, I awoke to God's voice speaking to my spirit and saying, "Come up here and think my kind of thoughts. My thoughts are higher than the ones that occupy your mind." I immediately wanted to respond to this, but found myself culling first one thought, then another, as they seemed to not "fit" into what I surmised to be His thoughts. My anxiety began to rise at the frustration of realizing just how mundane and earthly were my assignations. It was then the "still small voice" declared, "This invitation is not to be a daunting task, but an adventure to higher ground."

Our Lord cleaned the temple and we are to clean our house. What was said to the dove merchants was meant for the entire structure of the compromised Temple. It could have been said to money changers, sheep traders and purveyors of incense. It was shouted to one, but included everyone.

Paul tackled the opponents of Grace throughout this wonderful first book of his writings. Having suffered much from the Jews, he was unwilling to see his converts slide back into a form of Judaism, even though it was being administered and nurtured by Jewish converts. However, in attacking this error, he, in essence, attacked all forthcoming attempts to "add things" to the Grace Gospel flowing out of Christ.

The opening lines of this great condensed work form a principle of the Lord. He will not tolerate His people using man's means. It has been tried in success programs, implementing agendas in government and religion, as well as, personal dependency…it always fails.

Biblical Prophecy holds within it certain elements which cannot be found in its modern counterpart. For instance, in Isaiah's chapters 7-14, there is a growing awareness of accuracy in forecasted history which is uncanny when it is overlaid with historical accounts that were after the fact.

The prophet viewed everything through the eyes of the Lord God, not determining his reality by his surroundings or his circumstances or his times. Jeremiah was not blinded by the opinions of others, the ruling courts of his day or his rejection by the established clergy. He had been to God's Holy Mountain and knew things are "not as they seem." Not trusting his own reason or guiding his own pathway, he sought wisdom from only one source.

Paul again takes up his pen, after writing the Galatians letter, writing to those in Macedonia (having gone under the Spirit's leadership in what is known as the "Macedonian Call"). Macedonia's capitol, Thessalonica, was a thriving free city with a population of over 200,000 and home for a large contingent of Jews. The Jews prided themselves because of their many proselytes (due to the local disgust with pagan culture among its inhabitants).

I know for a fact there are places in Him that are hidden and are full of the treasures of His Wisdom and Knowledge. The reason I can attest to this fact comes from my experience in researching and writing Solomon’s Secret.

This is God's Supreme question directed to the church and body politic around it. Since the beginning of my preparation for this message, I have known the topic title: "How in the world did we wind up here?" What I did not know was how the Lord wanted the topic developed.

The universality of that revelation is startling. When the efforts of man, doing the work of the Lord, run into to difficulties-this admonition rises to meet him. Man's effort apart from the will and leadership of the Lord do not possess this attribute. When Zerubbabel met opposition and mountains of oppression from both inside the camp (Israel abandoned building the Temple and began building homes for themselves) and outside the camp (surrounding tribes sought legal and illegal means to stop the work and were successful upon occasion), he must have entertained discouragement. Zechariah's words were edifying to him. 

Several weeks ago, I awoke to God's voice speaking to my spirit and saying, "Come up here and think my kind of thoughts. My thoughts are higher than the ones that occupy your mind." I immediately wanted to respond to this, but found myself culling first one thought, then another, as they seemed to not "fit" into what I surmised to be His thoughts. My anxiety began to rise at the frustration of realizing just how mundane and earthly were my assignations. It was then the "still small voice" declared, "This invitation is not to be a daunting task, but an adventure to higher ground."

Our Lord cleaned the temple and we are to clean our house. What was said to the dove merchants was meant for the entire structure of the compromised Temple. It could have been said to money changers, sheep traders and purveyors of incense. It was shouted to one, but included everyone.

Paul tackled the opponents of Grace throughout this wonderful first book of his writings. Having suffered much from the Jews, he was unwilling to see his converts slide back into a form of Judaism, even though it was being administered and nurtured by Jewish converts. However, in attacking this error, he, in essence, attacked all forthcoming attempts to "add things" to the Grace Gospel flowing out of Christ.

The opening lines of this great condensed work form a principle of the Lord. He will not tolerate His people using man's means. It has been tried in success programs, implementing agendas in government and religion, as well as, personal dependency…it always fails.

Biblical Prophecy holds within it certain elements which cannot be found in its modern counterpart. For instance, in Isaiah's chapters 7-14, there is a growing awareness of accuracy in forecasted history which is uncanny when it is overlaid with historical accounts that were after the fact.

The prophet viewed everything through the eyes of the Lord God, not determining his reality by his surroundings or his circumstances or his times. Jeremiah was not blinded by the opinions of others, the ruling courts of his day or his rejection by the established clergy. He had been to God's Holy Mountain and knew things are "not as they seem." Not trusting his own reason or guiding his own pathway, he sought wisdom from only one source.

Paul again takes up his pen, after writing the Galatians letter, writing to those in Macedonia (having gone under the Spirit's leadership in what is known as the "Macedonian Call"). Macedonia's capitol, Thessalonica, was a thriving free city with a population of over 200,000 and home for a large contingent of Jews. The Jews prided themselves because of their many proselytes (due to the local disgust with pagan culture among its inhabitants).

I know for a fact there are places in Him that are hidden and are full of the treasures of His Wisdom and Knowledge. The reason I can attest to this fact comes from my experience in researching and writing Solomon’s Secret.

This is God's Supreme question directed to the church and body politic around it. Since the beginning of my preparation for this message, I have known the topic title: "How in the world did we wind up here?" What I did not know was how the Lord wanted the topic developed.