author - "Digital Equipment Corporation"
des the title of the instruction, the normal execution time of the instruction, i.e., the time with no indexing and no deferring, the mnemonic code of the instruction, and the operation code number. The notation used requires the following definitions. The contents of a register Q are indicated as C(Q). The address portion of the instruction is indicated by Y. The index register address of an instruction is indicated by x. The effective address of an operand is indicated by Z. Z may be equal to Y or it may be Y as modified by deferring or by indexing.
Indexable Memory Instructions
Arithmetic Instructions
Add (10 usec.) add x Y Operation Code 40
The new C(AC) are the sum of C(Z) and the original C(AC). The C(Z) are unchanged. The addition is performed with 1's complement arithmetic.
If the sum exceeds the capacity of the Accumulator Register, the overflow flip-flop will be set (see Skip Group instructions).
Subtract (10 usec.) sub x Y Operation Code 4
des the title of the instruction, the normal execution time of the instruction, i.e., the time with no indexing and no deferring, the mnemonic code of the instruction, and the operation code number. The notation used requires the following definitions. The contents of a register Q are indicated as C(Q). The address portion of the instruction is indicated by Y. The index register address of an instruction is indicated by x. The effective address of an operand is indicated by Z. Z may be equal to Y or it may be Y as modified by deferring or by indexing.
Indexable Memory Instructions
Arithmetic Instructions
Add (10 usec.) add x Y Operation Code 40
The new C(AC) are the sum of C(Z) and the original C(AC). The C(Z) are unchanged. The addition is performed with 1's complement arithmetic.
If the sum exceeds the capacity of the Accumulator Register, the overflow flip-flop will be set (see Skip Group instructions).
Subtract (10 usec.) sub x Y Operation Code 4