author - "Gaston Leroux"

a skeleton frame. His eyes are so deep that you can hardly see the fixed pupils. You just see two big black holes, as in a dead man's skull. His skin, which is stretched across his bones like a drumhead, is not white, but a nasty yellow. His nose is so little worth talking about that you can't see it side-face; and THE ABSENCE of that nose is a horrible thing TO LOOK AT. All the hair he has is three or four long dark locks on his forehead and behind his ears."
This chief scene-shifter was a serious, sober, steady man, very slow at imagining things. His words were received with interest and amazement; and soon there were other people to say that they too had met a man in dress-clothes with a death's head on his shoulders. Sensible men who had wind of the story began by saying that Joseph Buquet had been the victim of a joke played by one of his assistants. And then, one after the other, there came a series of incidents so curious and so inexplicable that the very shrewdest people began to feel uneasy.

Gayety And Dynamite
"Barinia, The Young Stranger Has Arrived."
"Where Is He?"
"Oh, He Is Waiting At The Lodge."
"I Told You To Show Him To Natacha's Sitting-Room. Didn't You
Understand Me, Ermolai?"
"Pardon, Barinia, But The Young Stranger, When I Asked To Search
Him, As You Directed, Flatly Refused To Let Me."
"Did You Explain To Him That Everybody Is Searched Before Being
Allowed To Enter, That It Is The Order, And That Even My Mother
Herself Has Submitted To It?"
"I Told Him All That, Barinia; And I Told Him About Madame Your

a skeleton frame. His eyes are so deep that you can hardly see the fixed pupils. You just see two big black holes, as in a dead man's skull. His skin, which is stretched across his bones like a drumhead, is not white, but a nasty yellow. His nose is so little worth talking about that you can't see it side-face; and THE ABSENCE of that nose is a horrible thing TO LOOK AT. All the hair he has is three or four long dark locks on his forehead and behind his ears."
This chief scene-shifter was a serious, sober, steady man, very slow at imagining things. His words were received with interest and amazement; and soon there were other people to say that they too had met a man in dress-clothes with a death's head on his shoulders. Sensible men who had wind of the story began by saying that Joseph Buquet had been the victim of a joke played by one of his assistants. And then, one after the other, there came a series of incidents so curious and so inexplicable that the very shrewdest people began to feel uneasy.

Gayety And Dynamite
"Barinia, The Young Stranger Has Arrived."
"Where Is He?"
"Oh, He Is Waiting At The Lodge."
"I Told You To Show Him To Natacha's Sitting-Room. Didn't You
Understand Me, Ermolai?"
"Pardon, Barinia, But The Young Stranger, When I Asked To Search
Him, As You Directed, Flatly Refused To Let Me."
"Did You Explain To Him That Everybody Is Searched Before Being
Allowed To Enter, That It Is The Order, And That Even My Mother
Herself Has Submitted To It?"
"I Told Him All That, Barinia; And I Told Him About Madame Your