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author - "Harrington Strong"

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seem to be busy," Houston said.

"Not so busy," the gambler replied. "Have a chair and try your luck. My name's Gadley, commonly known as 'Silky' because once I owned a silk shirt. That wasn't in Vista. That was in a town where men risked a dollar now and then."

"Deal a little two-handed stud," Houston said "I'm bringing forth some money. My name's Houston, just got in from Texas. Got a little business to 'tend to here."

They began playing stud in a listless manner. Houston glanced at the Three S men frequently as they stood at the bar in whispered conversation, and "Silky" Gadley watched Houston. The gambler was a tall, thin, middle-aged man fastidiously dressed, and had the icy manner peculiar to his kind.

"Somebody shot at me before I'd been in town fifteen minutes," Houston said, so the others in the room could hear. "I can't guess at the meanin' of it. I'm a stranger here, and never had a ruckus with any of the citizens, far as I know."

"Mebbe it was a mistake," Gadley s

ly before me here and now!" the sergeant gasped.

And again the door was opened suddenly, and a man entered the inn on a gust of the storm.

Chapter 3

Senor Zorro Pays a Visit

THE NATIVE HURRIED forward to fasten the door against the force of the wind, and then retreated to his corner again. The newcomer had his back toward those in the long room. They could see that his sombrero was pulled far down on his head, as if to prevent die wind from whisking it away, and that his body was enveloped in a long cloak that was wringing wet.

With his back still toward them, he opened the cloak and shook the raindrops from it and then folded it across his breast again as the fat landlord hurried forward, rubbing his hands together in expectation, for he deemed that here was some caballero off the highway who would pay good coin for food and bed and care for his horse.

When the landlord was within a few feet of him and the do

seem to be busy," Houston said.

"Not so busy," the gambler replied. "Have a chair and try your luck. My name's Gadley, commonly known as 'Silky' because once I owned a silk shirt. That wasn't in Vista. That was in a town where men risked a dollar now and then."

"Deal a little two-handed stud," Houston said "I'm bringing forth some money. My name's Houston, just got in from Texas. Got a little business to 'tend to here."

They began playing stud in a listless manner. Houston glanced at the Three S men frequently as they stood at the bar in whispered conversation, and "Silky" Gadley watched Houston. The gambler was a tall, thin, middle-aged man fastidiously dressed, and had the icy manner peculiar to his kind.

"Somebody shot at me before I'd been in town fifteen minutes," Houston said, so the others in the room could hear. "I can't guess at the meanin' of it. I'm a stranger here, and never had a ruckus with any of the citizens, far as I know."

"Mebbe it was a mistake," Gadley s

ly before me here and now!" the sergeant gasped.

And again the door was opened suddenly, and a man entered the inn on a gust of the storm.

Chapter 3

Senor Zorro Pays a Visit

THE NATIVE HURRIED forward to fasten the door against the force of the wind, and then retreated to his corner again. The newcomer had his back toward those in the long room. They could see that his sombrero was pulled far down on his head, as if to prevent die wind from whisking it away, and that his body was enveloped in a long cloak that was wringing wet.

With his back still toward them, he opened the cloak and shook the raindrops from it and then folded it across his breast again as the fat landlord hurried forward, rubbing his hands together in expectation, for he deemed that here was some caballero off the highway who would pay good coin for food and bed and care for his horse.

When the landlord was within a few feet of him and the do