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author - "James Madmonk"

In our online library you can read for free books of the author author - "James Madmonk". All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

I like to thank my family for the making of this book and my friends without there believeing in me this would of not happened thanks to Cory for saying I have a gift without him  I would have not wrote this

This a short story about war and one mans leadership who lead his men to victory over and enemy of war.without their love for their Country are freedom would not be

I like to thank my family for the making of this book and my friends without there believeing in me this would of not happened thanks to Cory for saying I have a gift without him  I would have not wrote this

This a short story about war and one mans leadership who lead his men to victory over and enemy of war.without their love for their Country are freedom would not be