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author - "Janine Schmitz"

In our online library you can read for free books of the author author - "Janine Schmitz". All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

Only his footprints in the sand were my clue. They led along the sea, as if he had trampled a path for me, I just needed to follow. He had told me to come here, but still I had nowhere to discover. Him! My brother!

A wonderful life, it's my life. I know that she will loved me forever and I will be there for her forever. But then... It comes all different as someone could believe...

Only his footprints in the sand were my clue. They led along the sea, as if he had trampled a path for me, I just needed to follow. He had told me to come here, but still I had nowhere to discover. Him! My brother!

A wonderful life, it's my life. I know that she will loved me forever and I will be there for her forever. But then... It comes all different as someone could believe...