author - "Kimberly Berryhill"

Cassie has only loved one. Fully and completely. When it seems to be gone for good she goes on with her life at Nestle Seed, but will always be torn. She doesnt see anyone but Him in her dreams, fears, and hopes. She didn't think anyone could break this cycle until the new guy Derek arrives. Is she able to love again or will danger of a second chance tear her away from it. Only the future can tell.

Cassie has only loved one. Fully and completely. When it seems to be gone for good she goes on with her life at Nestle Seed, but will always be torn. She doesnt see anyone but Him in her dreams, fears, and hopes. She didn't think anyone could break this cycle until the new guy Derek arrives. Is she able to love again or will danger of a second chance tear her away from it. Only the future can tell.